Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Trump, Unhinged!

       "We will succeed and that success will belong to everyone of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again, but for now I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all."

          This past Sunday when the Queen addressed the nation, I felt a sense of peace . I felt a sense of peace that I have not felt in a very longtime. As I listened to the Queen. I felt honest compassion, honest concern, and honest humility in her tone. The Queen's words of wisdom were reassuring. I felt everything would be okay. I felt everything would be okay as I found the Queen's tone both caring and comforting. 

      Caring and comforting are not how I would describe my own nation's President at present.  Not once since this pandemic crisis began. have I felt a sense of "peace", under the leadership of President Trump. I have not once felt reassured that things would be okay. I have not once felt comforted by the president's words. To be quite honest, I have been both horrified and astonished at the president's actions during his daily briefings. The president's daily briefings have not consisted of the president delivering words of comfort, and words of wisdom. No, the daily briefings have not been comforting at all. In fact, the daily briefings have been anything, but comforting. In fact, the daily briefings have become quite unsettling, so much so that at times I haven't even watched. 

    I haven't watched, as I have little confidence in the president. I have little confidence as I feel there is a lack of real leadership. A lack of leadership, and a lack of concern for Americans. Not once have I felt reassured or comforted by the president at a one of the president's daily briefings. Perhaps it's due to a president that talks for hours on end. He talks much about nothing. It's never worth listening, as the president appears to lie so frequently that even he can't keep up with his own lies. In fact, in one daily briefing, the president actually denied a statement made only moments prior to the question asked.  The president never seems to share words of comfort, nor does he share words of wisdom. The president instead chooses to insult, interrupt, and degrade both governors and reporters just doing their jobs.  The president also chooses to boast of how great he's doing. If the president isn't boasting of his own greatness and being number one on Facebook,  he's boasting of the greatness of both he and his administration. And then, if the president isn't patting himself on the back, he is telling reporters that they should both congratulating him and thanking him.

     Thank the president? For what? As millions of Americans are at home under stay at home orders, feeling sacred, restless, stressed and unsettled, they need leadership. They need leadership, and they need comforting. They need a leader with the poise, class, and compassion of the Queen. Americans don't have that. Not once in the four minutes that the Queen spoke did I hear the Queen tell her countrymen to thank her. Not once in that four minute message did I hear the Queen boast of how great she was doing nor did she boast of being number one on Facebook. The Queen, I'm quite sure has no desire to be number one on Facebook nor Twitter. She's better than that. Far better than that.  She instead stated that her countrymen would succeed and that success would belong to each and every one of them. Not once did she once insult, attack nor degrade another human being. No. The Queen has the qualities of a great leader, a great leader with class, empathy, and dignity that this president will never have, and for that I'm saddened. I'm saddened as America needed a leader with the class, empathy, and dignity of the Queen in these troubled times. America instead, has a president that appears to be becoming more and more unhinged each day.






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