Monday, October 14, 2024

Yes, He's Dangerous!

        People for years have been fleeing countries run by Dictators and ruled by communism. They have fled communism to come to America for freedom. Freedom in America has meant freedom of speech for its citizens, it has meant citizens have the freedom to petition their grievances with the government. Freedom has also meant United States citizens have the freedom to worship any religion, as well as its citizens have had the freedom to love whomever one chooses. Those freedoms could all be taken away if Kamala fails to win the 2024 election. Hence, why over 300 prominent Republicans and former Trump administration and White House staffers are voting for Vice President Kamala Harris.

     Vice President Kamala Harris must win the 2024 election. If she fails, it will be the end of America, and our freedom. Those who fled communist countries remember well how those who spoke against their government were imprisoned and or executed. If elected, Trump has vowed to imprison and or execute any and all  of his political opponents. Former Senator Mitt Romney and many others in Washington are making plans to leave the United States if Trump wins the presidency. Not only are the lives of Trump's  political opponents at risk, but journalists as well. Numerous journalists in communist and authoritarian governmental nations have been imprisoned for speaking out against their government. Trump will do the same if elected. A Trump win will be the end of "real news", it will instead be "Trump's lies".  J.D. Vance has already admitted the Haitians eating cats and dogs was a lie, but if it got them press they would continue to lie. That said, one can rightfully assume anything and everything said by Trump and Vance is lies and more lies. A Trump win would mean the end of freedom of speech and it's already happening in Florida under Governor DeSantis. The Florida Department of health has threatened to criminally charge those stations airing ads on abortion rights regarding Amendment 4 on the Florida ballot this November. The Florida Health Department is going against the first amendment, freedom of speech.

     Cubans, Iranians, Russians, the Chinese and many others  have fled political prosecution to come to the United States for freedom. That freedom could very well be taken away if Trump steals or wins the election. Those close to Trump for months have been warning voters that Trump is dangerous and a threat to our democracy. Those close to Trump say he means what he says. When Trump supporters say that Trump says things for shock value and effect. No. Listen to what Trump says. Trump has said he wants to put Generals who served under him in front of a firing squad. Trump has threatened to have military tribunals. Trump has threatened to take revenge on all of have spoken out against him, hence why Michael Cohen, Mitt Romney, former Trump staffers and many others are making plans to leave the country if Trump wins. They know. They know Trump is dangerous. They know Trump worships and has worshipped all leaders who rule or have ruled with an iron fist. Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Kim Yo-Jong, Viktor Orban, and Nikolas Maduro are whom Trump has idolized and will emulate if elected.  Those close to Trump have warned you America. They have warned you America, that a second Trump term will be dangerous. Listen to those close to Trump who are voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, and vote for Harris , our democracy depends on it. We as Americans have a choice, and Trump has told you that he will do away with the constitution and those close to him have told you Trump will use project 2025. Project 2025 is dangerous, Trump is dangerous. Are you willing to take a chance on a madman that has told you straight from his own mouth that he will be dangerous and he will do everything against our democracy? I'm not, and that is why I will be voting to protect our freedoms and our democracy with my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.  




Anonymous said...

Truly terrifying! Vote BLUE!!!💙

Anonymous said...

Well said GOP Girl! "Anyone who claims to be a leader must speak like a leader. That means speaking with integrity and truth," -Kamala Harris. Please vote for this strong, smart, experienced, positive & truthful candidate who will take actions and implement solutions. Let's make America sane again. "We're not going back!" -The Harris Campaign.