Sunday, June 26, 2022

You've Come Along Way Baby, Or Not?

       Friday, June 24th 2022 will go down as the worst day in American history for women. The constitutional right of women to an abortion was taken away. The Supreme Court gave the power to the states to ban abortion. At present, half of the states will pass or have already passed laws banning abortion. Many other states have placed strict regulations on abortion. Many of these states have zero tolerance and give no exception for an abortion. Abortions are not allowed even in the cases of rape, incest, and ill health of the unborn fetus and or in the case of a mother's well being. The states banning abortion have zero tolerance for abortion paving the way for a future of multiple suicides, and death of women attempting to abort the unborn fetuses themselves . The United States Supreme Court has officially taken women back to the 1900s.

     Prior to Roe vs. Wade thousands of women died due to unwanted pregnancies. Today, in countries around the world where abortion is not permitted, approximately 8 to 11 precent of the maternal deaths are caused by illegal or self inflicted abortions. Many women attempting a self inflicted abortion die of septic shock. The United States has now turned back the hands of time for women which will inevitably lead to a tragic future for both women and unwanted children. 

   Unwanted children. Did Republicans think about them? Children born to drug addicted women who can't care for themselves let alone a child, who's going to care for them? Who's going to pay for the mental problems children born to drug addicted women? Republicans  have focused on mental illness being the leading cause for mass shootings, well get ready for even more mental illness. What about the unwanted children that will have a life of being unloved and who will have no upbringing due to not being wanted? What about the unwanted children that will die due to not being treated medically due to a mother who can not afford healthcare for her child? No, Republicans didn't think of the cost of unwanted children, because they didn't think period when they pushed the Supreme Court to overturn Roe Vs. Wade. They didn't think, because it won't be them who will pay for the medical costs, and increase in welfare due to unwanted children. It will be the middle class who will pay even higher taxes to pay for the increase in needed funds for welfare of these unwanted children. 

    No, Republicans did not think at all when they urged the Supreme Court to over turn Roe Vs. Wade. They didn't think about unwanted children. They didn't think about children born to drug addicts, they didn't care if a pregnancy was out of incest, or rape, and they also didn't care about unhealthy fetuses putting mothers at risk or pregnancies of seriously ill women who can die if forced to carry a baby to full term.. Republicans didn't think, because they didn't care. All Republicans cared about was their "pro-life" agenda, never once thinking about the consequences, and there will be severe consequences. 

   Republicans didn't think, and I will admit I myself at one time didn't think. I, a longtime Republican and now anti-Trumper was once against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and poor health of a fetus. As my great grand mother once said , "if you can take the time to do it, you can take the time to have it". Well, I now realize it's not that black and white. Abortion is the best solution for women who do not have the means to take care of a child. Abortion is the best solution for women who are drug addicts living on the streets. Abortion is the best solution when the fetus is deemed terminally ill and destined for a short life of suffering . In the wild, many mothers will either kill or abandon their unhealthy young. Abortion is sometimes the most humane solution for an unhealthy child. Abortion is the best solution for a woman that will die if she carries her child full term due to underlying issues. Abortion is the best solution in many cases. While I do not agree with abortion being used in place of birth control, I do feel it should be the choice of the woman and it is a choice that that woman will have to live with for the rest of her life. 

   "You've come along way baby", was a famous slogan for Virginia Slims cigarettes back in 1968 celebrating the women' s lib movement. Well, apparently women have not come along way after all. Having the choice of having or not having a child taken away is taking away the voice of women. Women's voices no longer matter thanks to Republicans and their extremist religious views. Extremist religious views that truth be told many Republicans don't adhere to themselves. What the Supreme Court and Republicans have done is they have shown that the rights of women are always up for debate showing us that women have not come along way we have gone in reverse. You've come along way baby? Think again!


Friday, June 10, 2022

A Solution, Perhaps?

     To enroll in the military one is given a TAPAS test. "TAPAS", stands for Tailored Adaptive  Personality Assessment System. The TAPAS test is a 120 question non-cognitive exam which is used to predict performance, behavior, and attitudes of potential soldiers. A similar test is given to those enrolling in the police academy as well. Why is such a test given? Obviously, so that someone who is mentally unstable doesn't end up with a weapon that can kill. Clearly the military and police departments don't want someone mentally ill having a gun. Why then does the United States allow guns to be sold without such a test? Shouldn't the same TAPAS test or a similar test be given to each and every potential gun owner? 

  The Republicans have been blaming all mass shootings on mental illness, well do something! I've about had it with Republicans in Washington blaming mental illness and how this country needs to help the mentally ill. It's as if the Republicans have just invented the light bulb. Republicans sure didn't talk about mental illness when Donald Trump was in the White House, and they controlled both the House and the Senate. No, Republicans did nothing regarding mental illness, because they didn't care. They didn't care, and they still don't, but gee, it sure sounds good now as an argument for mass shootings being the main cause. Because, Republicans sure as heck don't want to blame mass shootings on the lack thereof red flag laws, and they don't want to place the blame on selling guns to those under 21, and they don't want to place the blame on the lack of extensive background checks, and it's not semi-automatic and automatic weapons . No, Republicans are choosing to place blame on mental illness as the leading cause for mass shootings today. 

   I agree. I agree with Republicans to a point. I do agree that a good portion of those committing mass shootings are most definitely mentally ill, but they could just be pure evil. Those who are filled with anger and hatred are not always mentally ill. That being said, where's the plan? Where and what is the plan to keep those who are mentally ill, and or unstable from purchasing a firearm? Presently, there are talks about raising the age to 21 for the purchase of an AR-15 or AK-47. Raising the age limit to purchase an AR-15 or AK-47 to 21 is not a solution to the problem of keeping guns out of the possession of the mentally ill. The Republicans continue to use "mental illness", as their talking point for gun control, yet they fail to come up with a plan as to prevent those who are mentally ill from purchasing ANY gun, let alone an AK-47 or AR-15.  

  Currently, under federal law, anyone who has been involuntarily committed to a mental institution or who is determined by a lawful authority as a danger to others as a result of mental illness is banned from owning a firearm. That's terrific, but it's a law which is obsolete. It is obsolete in that few people today are involuntarily committed. The federal law is also not followed by several states as the definition for mental illness varies from state to state . Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, and New Hampshire rely on the federal umbrella law and they at present don't have a specific law banning those with mental illness from owning a firearm. That being said, it's no wonder this country has numerous mass shootings. 

  Does mental illness play a part in mass shootings ? Most definitely, but what are Republicans doing about it? What is their plan? Furthermore, how do we keep firearms out of the hands of those who have never been diagnosed with a mental illness? What about those who never seek help for fear of being diagnosed with a mental illness? What about the abusive boyfriend or husband who has a collection of guns but has never been reported for his abuse? What about the suicidal student who has never asked for help for fear of having to leave school? What about the woman on anti depressants who gets her meds from an OBGYN, under the pretense of PMS? What about every person currently on mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, and anti psychotics? What about them? Do we have any laws preventing anyone taking these medications from purchasing a firearm? No, and there in lies the problem.

   The solution is simple. The solution is reasonable and the solution will not prevent anyone who is mentally stable from owning a firearm. We need to raise the age limit. We need to conduct more thorough background checks. We need red flag laws, and every applicant for a firearm should be required to take a TAPAS test as to prove mental stability, and maturity. Lastly, we need to bring back the ban of 2021 banning all assault weapons. No responsible and mature gun owner should have any issue with these requirements. If these requirements are too much to ask of prospective gunners, I have to ask why? Why would anyone be opposed to more restrictive requirements for purchasing a firearm if it means making our nation's schools safer? Or our churches, shopping malls, night clubs, concerts, etc. safer ? It's not about you or I. It's about Americans . It's about making you, myself, our children, my neighbor, and your neighbors safer. It's about making America safe again. 

(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2022



Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What Does An AR-15 Actually Do?

 It cannot be emphasized enough, however, exactly what the AR-15 is: It is a weapon of war. It was made to blow humans apart. It is successful in doing just that. The requests for DNA tests in Uvalde stand as a testament to the gun’s success, but the conclusion that the weapon excelled at blowing people apart was well documented by the U.S. military itself during early field tests.

  Viet Cong fighters hit with the weapon were frequently decapitated and dismembered, many looking as though they had “exploded.” A field report documented how an AR-15 had blown up a man’s head and turned another’s torso into “one big hole.” 
      -Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept

      Some twenty more mass shootings since the massacre in Uvalde, and Republicans would rather argue their right to own an assault weapon or as many automatic and semi automatics as they please than work with Democrats as to come up with a solution to the mass shooting epidemic taking place here in America.I have to ask every Republican in Washington, what would you do if your child were shot and killed while in school? I have to also ask every Republican in Washington what would you do if your child, or a loved one were shot and you couldn't see their face one last time to kiss he or she good bye because their head was blown off to the point their head looked like road kill or like a melon that had been smashed into the pavement? I have to also ask every Republican , have you ever been to the crime scene of a mass shooting? If not, perhaps you should.Two of the children killed in the Uvalde shooting had their bodies polarized and were decapitated by the AR-15 used in the shooting as described by the pediatrician who viewed what was left of their little bodies.Thankfully, none of us, or our lawmakers will ever have to view the carnage of a mass shooting, then again if our lawmakers continue to do nothing regarding gun safety, some of us may. That being said, maybe those Republicans against more restrictive gun laws should be forced to view the carnage of a mass shooting.

  Field trip? Perhaps a Republican field trip to the morgue is what is needed to get our Republican lawmakers to take action. Every Republican not in favor of more restrictive gun laws should take a trip to the morgue and view the corpses of those shot and killed by an Ar-15, AK-47, or similar weapons. I have to wonder, would Republicans walk away and continue to fight for the people's right to own a weapon that can destroy the bodies of multiple people in a short period time? I fear the answer is yes, as today Republican Congressman Jim Jordan actually walked out of the House hearing on gun violence today. Apparently, the Congressman couldn't handle the testimony. The Congressman can sure mouth off about much about nothing, but he can't sit and listen to the testimony of those who lost loved ones in recent mass shootings.Why? The answer is quite clear. The answer is Jim Jordan knows he's a part of the problem. Jim Jordan knows damn well that he and his fellow Republican constituents, and their failure to actually do their job, and work towards putting together a bill or bills for more restrictive gun laws are why those 19 children and two adults and every other mass shooting victim are in morgues or cemetaries across this once, and yes, I say this "once" great nation. 

    Does any American really need an AR-15 in the U.S.? Does anyone really need an AK-47? Does anyone really need any semi-automatic or automatic weapon in this country? These weapons of which I'm speaking are meant for war. They are meant to kill as many humans as possible in a short amount of time. Republicans argue that it's their 2nd amendment right to own an AR-15. Well, I guess using Republican logic, it's also my right to own a cannon, bomb, or long range missile. I personally do not own a cannon, bomb or long range missile. I do not feel the need to have any weapon that can kill multiple people in a short amount of time , nor does anyone else. A simple pistol, shotgun, or rifle can protect me if I am in need of protecting myself and my loved ones. 

  No one needs an AR-15, or any similar weapon and the majority of this nation agrees that these weapons should be again banned. The Assault weapons ban of 2021 should be reinstated, and anyone opposing this ban should first take a field trip to the morgue. If Congress is going to vote yes or no on a ban on assault weapons they should first view a corpse or photo of a body or bodies that have been hit by an assault weapon. Our congressmen and women should also picture their mother, father, or child in that capacity and then cast their votes. Assault weapons not only kill, but they destroy. Is this what we want for America? An America in which Americans fear to send their kids off to school? An America in which Americans are in fear at the super markets, at church, concerts and social gatherings? Former President Donald Trump vowed he would make America great again. Well, America was not made great again, and America can never be great until Americans feel safe and America is made safe again. 

(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2022 #Banassaultweaponsagain #gunreform #redflaglaws