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Yours truly, interviewed on live television by Fox News 2016 |
Beginning in 2016 I tirelessly blogged and vlogged for Donald J. Trump as so he would beat Hillary Clinton. The year of the election, I stayed up until 3 and 4 am blogging on why Donald J. Trump should be the 45th president of the United States. Not only did I blog, but I vlogged as well. I did live videos on Facebook and for CleanTv Live. One of my videos garnered over 250,000 views. I was good. I was very good. I was very good at spreading the message that Donald J. Trump should be the next president of the United States. In addition to blogging and vlogging, I was a regular caller on Sean Hannity's radio show. I was thrilled when Mr. Hannity told me I could do what he does for a living, and get paid very well. I had gone on a rant in defense of the president. Not only did Mr. Hannity like my style, but Rush Limbaugh seemed to as well. I called into his show twice. Mr first call to Mr. Limbaugh, I remember very well. I voiced my concern to Mr. Limbaugh, that was upset that I had elected Donald J. Trump, and that the president's daughter, Ivanka, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner seemed to be the two top advisers on the president's cabinet. I was concerned as I did not feel either was experienced nor qualified to be dealing with affairs of state. Mr. Limbaugh understood my grievances and he gave my blog a plug. My next call to Mr. Limbaugh,was in regards to football players taking a knee. I again went on a rant and Mr. Limbaugh gave me an Iphone 8plus. I was on the Trump train and life was good, or was it?
Being open about being on the "Trump train" got me thousands of followers as "GOP GIRL", on Facebook, and even on Twitter ,until I was permanently banned as "GOP GIRL". Being on the "Trump Train" even earned me a place in the "Trumpettes"or shall I say, "old bags for Donald Trump"? The founder of the Trumpettes asked me to post my blogs on her site, and I did with pleasure. I did so, as I believed in Mr. Donald J. Trump. I believed that Donald J. Trump would be one of the best presidents this country had ever seen. I believed if elected, Donald Trump would appoint the most highly qualified cabinet this country had seen in years. Despite rumors and despite Mr. Donald J. trump's character flaws, I truly believed if elected that Mr. Donald J. Trump would make America proud. The United States would be "great again". After all the president did say, "make America great again".
The fact is once elected, President Donald Trump did own the best economy this country had seen in years. Critics will argue that the great economy was due in part to former President Barack Obama. President Donald Trump did accomplish much of what conservatives wanted accomplished, myself included. The president did in fact appoint many of the most knowledgeable and highly qualified individuals to his staff. However, I learned early on that no matter how highly qualified, nor experienced one was on the staff of President Donald Trump, he was not one to listen to anyone. Prior to voting for Donald J. Trump, I was unaware that he knew all, and that no one could advise him or tell him anything. All those highly qualified individuals either left the president's administration in frustration, or they were fired. The fact is prior to my voting for the president, I truthfully knew very little about him, and knowing very little about the man whom I elected to be president was the probably one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, and I am not afraid to admit it.
I'm jumping off the Trump train. The truth is, I've been hanging on that train by a thread. Despite what Trump supporters think, I am not jumping off the Trump train due to CNN, otherwise known as "fake news" as according to the president and his base. Do I watch CNN? Yes, I do, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I began watching CNN when I tired of Fox News being nothing more than a cheer-leading squad for the president. I turned on CNN as I wanted "real news". Despite the president calling CNN, "fake news", and accusing the network of being biased against him, I found the network to be quite fair. CNN is not what lured me off the Trump train. The president himself is what made me jump off the Trump Train. I began jumping when the president lifted the ban on big game trophy imports, presumably to please his hunting sons and big time donors. When the president lifted that ban after calling the killing of elephants a "horror show", I was sick. I was sick to my stomach at what I had done in voting for the president. However, I was not sick enough to jump from the Trump train. No, sadly I admit it took much more. It took the president and his administration lifting other protections for wildlife here in the U.S. It took the Trump administration taking animals off the endangered species list as to not protect them. It took the president and his administration actually going after the endangered species act, a piece of legislation worked on by both Republicans and Democrats. It took all that and more. Despite my love for animals, I planned to hold my nose and again vote for the president, because he was the Republican running, but then it all changed. It all changed to my taking that leap, and finally jumping off the Trump train for good.
I'm off the Trump train as I just can not vote for a man who I feel is somewhat responsible for over 128,000 Americans dying from the corona virus. I am horrified at what is taking place in this country at present. I do not blame the president for the corona virus. I blame the president for his response to the corona virus . America, the greatest nation on earth has 2,727,996 cases of the corona virus at present. The president was correct when he said we wouldn't stop winning under him. By the years end that number could easily rise to some 5 million cases or more. America, the greatest nation on earth has to date 130,123 deaths by the corona virus. That number may well rise to over 200,000 by summers end. America, the greatest country on earth having the most cases and deaths by the corona virus is in hell. Americans are in a living hell at present. Americans are in hell as Americans don't seem to have a president that cares that his country is under the threat of a deadly pandemic. If the president does care he's not showing it. The president is failing. He is failing America in his choosing to ignore the virus, and lie to Americans as he says that the virus is going to go away. The corona virus is not going away, it's here to stay.
Never have I lacked such faith in a president as I do with President Donald J. Trump. CNN did not brainwash me into turning against the president, the president turned me against him all on his own. During my time in lock down, I realized that the more I saw the president, the more I didn't like the president.The president did not do himself any favors by taking over the corona virus task force press briefings. He did himself a great disservice. In those press briefings, the president showed America he was incapable of leading this nation during troubled times. During lock down, Americans who had lost loved ones to the deadly virus did not need to hear a defensive, unhinged president. During lock down, Americans unemployed, did not need to hear a president boasting about the stock market. During lock down, Americans did not want to see a president snap and disrespect reporters for just doing their jobs, and asking the questions that needed to be asked. During lock down, and at present America needs a leader who can step up to the plate a lead. America is under the threat of a deadly pandemic and America doesn't even have a president that will put on a mask as to lead by example. That's just it. I am jumping off the Trump train, not because CNN told me to jump off the train. I am jumping off the Trump train, because President Donald Trump worked hard to get me off that train. I'm jumping off the train due to the president's failure to protect wildlife and the environment. I'm jumping off the Trump train due to the president failing to protect his nation and lead this nation through a deadly pandemic that was downplayed and is now being ignored. I'm jumping off the Trump train due to the president failing to deliver a speech as to unite the nation during the protests after the horrific death of the late George Floyd. I as an American want a man as president that I feel actually cares about the people of this once great nation. President Donald J. Trump doesn't care about the people of this nation, he's not about "America first", he's about Donald J. Trump first, and that my friends is why I'm jumping off the Trump train.
#trumptrain #Presidentdonaldjtrump #donaldtrump #coronavirus #COVID19
" I truthfully knew very little about him, and knowing very little about the man whom I elected to be president was the probably one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, and I am not afraid to admit it. " sooooo In truth she bought into the illusion, the PR image and did not even for a second go, "why is everybody he ever did business with say he is a con man, liar and a thief".
So, you want the US to become a communist country? Biden cannot run his mouth, let alone a country. You are telling me you want to resort back to the Deep State, with Biden and his son making millions off the American taxpayer. You are supporting a liar, cheater, scammer, and at the taxpayer’s expense. Sorry for your hate leading to your blindness and support of a communist country.
I'm from UK/Australia and tbh I find it really hard to believe you didnt know about Trumps long term corruption, when I did. Back in the 80s he was stopped by the Aus government from buying real estate in Australia because of his Russian mob ties and his record of stiffing everyone.]
He was in every gossip rag and every newspaper in every waiting room across the world in the 80's and 90's for his corruption, business failures, his infifdelity, raping his wife and his incredible eye watering vulgarity.
And then there were the tv interviews with Stern about his wife and daughters bodies ...and the Apprentice... jesus wept, what is wrong with the US?
And the whole of his election run... I mean where to start with that, but really how any serious person could vote for a man who literally stalked the other candidate a woman half his size, across the debate stage, is beyond comprehension.
Is it the diet, loaded with insane additives and HFC syrup fffing with your brains?
Or the media pumping fear 24/7 leading to the most bizarre addiction to guns and a poorly understood conceopt of freedum at any price as children are butchered again and again?
Or the madness of talkback and the cynicism of characters like Alex Jones Limbaugh and the Fox/ Murdoch [another character Australia could have warned you about, if youd all but listen or pay attention] enablers etc?
Since you elected a B grade movie actor who used Astrology to make decisions, who eviscerated the education system and removed the Fairness Doctrine your country and the GOP especially has been disintergating reality and dancing on the edge of madness.
And dont get me started on your bizarre interpretation of Christianity/BIG business and how youyve let it get a chokehold on your government dragging you back into 3rd world territory.
For 8 years your country had a chance for genuine greatness but Mitch Mconnell damn his blackened soul, said no, and no and no and no and no and no ad infinitum, no matter the harm he did, and the aid he gave Putin.
And now thanks to you, and the millions like you who wouldnt look closely enough, who purposefully blinded yourselves, the world must deal with the fallout from this madman.
Everywhere his influence is malign, directly or indirectly. His devastation of Obamas environmental directives makes me incandesant with rage, and he encourages others not to act when we are beyond the brink.
He enourages and enables the behaviour of thugs like Bolosarno Duerte Xi Orban and of course, Putin.
Always Putin. Thanks especially for that. you have no idea [clearly] how that has endangered all of us in Europe and especially how its destroying my country, with our infiltrated gov mirroring yours right down to our own mini Trump killing us with his own shambolic incompetency and dishonesty.
Yeah and really thanks for Robert Mercer/Steve Bannon and brexit and the whole Cambridge Analytica "corrupt Hilary 'campaign. The destruction of two erstwhile great nations for the price of one.BINGO Putin loves you.
The irony of GOPs who presumably believe in limited government and patrotism handing over the country to their enemy, a murderous absolutist totalitarian who has taken out bounties on not only US troops heads but our troops too, is mind boggling.
I should finish this rant, sorry, but Ive repressed it for 3 fecking years and seeing an ostensiably intelligent woman like you being so willingly fooled is freaking me out.
And honestly Im very angry at you and those like you. Please next time your ego feels the need to try and influence your countries future DO SOME BLOODY RESEARCH FIRST!
Good morning. Greetings Trump Earthling! We have been watching you, from a planet far, far away in another galaxy. What we would like to say is this: "What took you so freaking long!" Your irresponsibility and blatant refusal to do basic research on DTRUMP is unbelievable! I'm a Christian! I can't fathom why you would vote for a fake Christian in the first place? How could any of you vote for someone who has been shown and continued to be shown as liar, a clown, and an inept person, is beyond me? He does not represent anything that represents being Christ-like. I will even buy into the argument that he is a baby Christian and his sins are cast aside and washed anew by the blood of Jesus. I was a baby Christian once. We fail. We make mistakes. We are conflicted, when looking at our past life as a non-Christian. I get it! But Trump showed you, who he was, and who he represented, before he got elected: HIMSELF, not God! You and thousands like you good Christians, smelled the stench of who he was as a person, politics aside, and held your nose, hoping that it would get better as time goes on.
Newsflash lady: You traded good commonsense for stupidity! You were okay with his immoral ethics, his shady dealings, his track record, his belief that women are just commodities to be used and abused? Is this what your brand of Christianity represents? But you said that YOU didn't know him and YOU did not do your research before voting him into the most powerful position in this country? Unbelievable!
Your mindset is all messed up lady! It really is! You really weren't bothered about him until he took protections against protected species away! That is the problem right there. You cared more about animals than people! Animals need protections, but why didn't you consider that people would need protection from Trump? People are dying and he is ducking and hiding! He doesn't have the ability, nor the temperment, to handle a big boy job such as being the president! The ones like you, that voted for him and aggressively
convinced other sheep to vote for him is so beyond me?
He showed everyone, how racist he is by siding with white supremacy, time after time! You did not stand up against this! How could you stand for this? Is this how you think and believe on the inside? People did not know about Hitler either and look at what damage he did? You went along with the program and you have the nerve to say that you didn't do your research?
People are dying from inept leadership! His ego won't allow him to led in a time of crisis. He is not built for it! Really, who goes against the top experts, that have experience, which he has none of? The blood of the people, who died from Covid, is on your hands lady!
The glaring problem that I have, started at the Republican debates. The other candidates were talking about issues. Trump just told you guys what you wanted to hear! I really believe that Trump had something on each person that he was up against and it is why there was really no push back to him being a candidate. All the dirt came out about each candidate, once they stood against Trump. In what universe can a person be so terrible of a person and people vote him in anyway?
Too many people were entertained by him! You looked at Ronald Reagan and said if he can do it, then Trump should be okay! You got a taste of what the what Donald would be like, as a president by watching the Apprentice and you voted for him anyway!
I'm glad that you finally see what many people have been rallying against since day one! But still that does not absolve you of your responsibility for this madness! Your hands are not clean! They will never be clean!
Let me ask you a question? Why do you think that our country isn't great already? What time period of greatness, do you want to go back to? The 80's, 70's, 60's, 50's, or pre 1865? I need clarity to understand what is so ungreat about this country? Please help me understand this MAGA movement in a way that makes sense to me? Alot of you keep chanting MAGA, but from where I stand, this country was already great! Greatness is different from perfection, which we will never achieve!
Without stereotyping folks, based on your pictures, you look like you have a nice life. Alot of people, just don't count their blessings. I lived overseas before and I will tell you, there is nothing like the USA. The freedoms, choices, the ability to live in relative peace, in the USA, is like no other. This is why others come here to seek a better way of life. As my friend from Benin states, "We come here to find our fortunes!" This is what makes our country great! No stupid slogans with veiled racism, will change this.
I could say so much to you, but I don't think that you are ready for that at this time?
Thank you for writing this. Maybe there is still some hope for this country. I truly want to believe that there is. But I'm afraid that things will only get worse.
Please educate yourself. You helped elect a fascist. Please read about the 14 characteristics of fascism (for example: https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html). Sounds familiar?
Please learn about about the history of fascism (e.g. nazism) and stages of fascism.
Just like reading about the 1918 Spanish flu will teach you some things about the current pandemic, so reading about the history of fascism will teach you something about the current regime.
I'm a Christian like you. I was lucky to always see Trump for who he really was. I understand that others were not so lucky and got fooled.
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