Tuesday, October 15, 2024


  •      AS WRITTEN ON US.MILITARY.COM -Felons attempting to enlist in the military face a difficult challenge. The nature and severity of felony charges significantly affect enlistment possibilities. Certain crimes, like assault with a dangerous weapon or statutory rape, even make it impossible for felons to join the Army.

    A conviction for statutory rape is considered a red flag by military recruiters because it’s seen as an indication of character issues.

    This type of crime goes against the rigorous moral standards the military sets. Therefore, those convicted often fail their ethical character screening process during recruitment.

            If one is a convicted felon, it is nearly impossible for one to ever serve in the military. Furthermore, sexual abuse, and rape are as deemed by the military as serious crimes that make it impossible for one to enlist in the military. One who is convicted of assault with a dangerous weapon, sexual assault, and or rape is perceived as a a security risk. The military has a set of moral standards and one being a convicted felon go against the military's moral standards. That said, how can one who is a convicted sexual offender ever serve as the president? The president is the Commander in Chief. The president heads the military. It is simply against our military standards. If Donald Trump attempted to enlist in the military, he would fail the background check. Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies not including the sexual abuse felony. Donald Trump's being a convicted felon shows he does not have the moral integrity and character to be in the United States military. Donald Trump's being convicted of sexual abuse shows he has issues with self discipline and he is looked at as threat to others serving around him. It's no wonder that other countries are questioning the sanity of our country. Donald Trump would never be able to run for political office is most countries. That said, what does that say about our country? I'll tell you what it says. Allowing Donald Trump to run for the presidency says, "America accepts criminal behavior". Allowing Donald Trump to run for the presidency also says, America accepts sexual abuse , assault and harassment ". Sounds like my previous job from which I resigned . 
          I am disappointed in Americans today. I am disappointed in that it speaks volumes that the presidential race is so close. I believe it shows a decline in moral integrity in our country.  It saddens me that a ONE person would even think to vote for Donald Trump. History has shown that every great empire fell when it lost their values, and that is why this election is so very important. I am saddened by any Americans supporting Trump, because it is telling of our society here in America. Americans have lost their morals. Americans have lost their values . Americans have lost their way. I for one have not lost my way, because I do have hope, and I do have faith. I have faith that the majority of Americans will at the end of the day, do the right thing, and vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. The Vice President would pass a background check with flying colors if she chose to join the military. Donald Trump would not. The Vice President has a stellar record. Donald Trump does not. The Vice President has morals, she has values, she has the intelligence and the character that is needed in the White House . Donald Trump has shown and proven that he has no morals, he has no values and he certainly does not have the intelligence nor the cognitive ability that is needed in the White House. Vice President Kamala Harris is also a President who will cross the aisle and work with Republicans, and she will be a President who will unite this country and keep this country the greatest country on earth. I know I will do what's right and what's  best for my country by voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, will you?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What happened to our morally grounded and fiscally conservative GOP? This isn't what I signed up for.

Anonymous said...

It's sad because I'm actually afraid to post publicly, just incase he gets in.