Saturday, September 21, 2024


      Liar liar your pants are on fire , liar liar Donald Trump and J.D. Vance's pants are on fire. Liars. That's what the Republicans have representing their party as the presidential and vice presidential candidates. What's truly incredible is after Donald Trump was found to have lied 33 times in the presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, J.D. Vance admittedly told a reporter that he knew the Springfield story about Haitians eating cats and dogs was false, but that it was up to the media to fact check he and Trump, and that now they were getting media coverage . There it is, Trump and Vance tell a lie and they figure they'll get media coverage. Isn't that something?

     That said, if Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are using the strategy that if a total lie is told they get attention from the media, how do we know if anything Trump and J.D. say or do is true? For instance, Trump was playing golf at Trump International the day a man supposedly was possibly going to shoot him, is that true? Trump's West Palm Beach golf  club, Trump International is closed in the summer number one, and number two, how did a man even know that Donald Trump was going to be playing golf on the day of the alleged attempt on Trump's life? Was the most recent assassination attempt where not one shot was fired another lie? Was the West Palm possible shooter that did nothing more than aim his gun at a Secret Serviceman just Trump's way of getting media attention without even having to attend a rally and go out on the campaign trail? It worked! Trump was in the news for the next few days 24/7! Think about it, Trump has a horrendous debate, every network is applauding Kamala, including Fox News , Kamala goes up in the polls, Trump has no rallies planned for an entire weekend, Trump plays golf and here we go again, another alleged assassination attempt. 

    Liar liar your pants are on fire Donald. Seriously, Donald Trump is like that joke about lawyers, how do you know they're lying? Because their lips are moving. Well that's Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. After the Haitian dog and cat eating story, how can Americans believe ANYTHING Trump and Vance have to say? Americans can't possibly believe one word out of either one of their mouths. If Trump and Vance will lie about Haitians eating cats, and dogs to get media attention, chances are Trump and Vance will say anything to get attention from the media, possibly even an assassination attempt or attempts. I also can't help but think , with all this extra media attention ,  I still have not heard one thing that Trump is going to do for me. How about you? Liar, liar your pants are on fire!


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