Monday, September 30, 2024

Donald Doesn't Care !

       Donald Trump when Hurricane Helene began its wrath on Florida , he said, "there's a little hurricane going on in Florida." That "little" hurricane has now killed 116 people and unfortunately growing.

   When asked by Jonathan Swan in an interview in 2020 about the rising death toll and 1000 deaths a day due to COVID, Donald Trump replied, "it is what it is ." In a recent rally in Michigan,  Donald, the climate change denier, spoke to a crowd, and told the victims of the recent catastrophic hurricane Helene, "We're with you all the way and if we were there, we'd be helping you." He continued with "you'll be okay." I'd like to see Donald tell the families of the now over 100 dead hurricane victims that they'll be okay. History has shown that Donald Trump does not care about Americans. Donald Trump has shown his lack of empathy, again and again. Forget showing empathy, he can't even fake it by speaking about it. Why? Because Donald Trump does not care. And Donald Trump and his , "if we were there we'd be helping you", statement is downright laughable. I can recall one trip to an area hit by a flood or hurricane ravaged area when Donald was president , and he threw paper towels at people. It was insulting at best.We know Donald wouldn't want to get too close to average Americans. Good grief, the known germaphobe might catch something from the pions of America. 

     Empathy is not Donald Trump. Helping people, is not Donald Trump. Empathy and helping people is President Joe Biden, and presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris. When was the last time you saw Donald Trump put his arm around a grieving husband, wife, mother, father, daughter or son? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump hug a stranger in distress? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump go over to a small child and talk to them as if they were the only person in the room ? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump talk to a waitress at length and truly care about what she is saying? Never. The people that truly care about all Americans, are President Biden, and Vice President Harris. 

   Donald Trump doesn't care about me, Donald Trump doesn't care about you. Donald Trump only cares about himself, and only himself, and that's all he's ever cared about. The fact is, over 100 people have died due to Hurricane Helene, and the death toll is rising daily. They will not be okay, they are dead. The families who have lost loved ones due to the catastrophic hurricane are not okay, they are grief stricken, and not only are they grief stricken, many have lost their homes or have homes that are nearly destroyed. They will not be okay. Millions in Florida and the southeast are without power. I'd like to see Donald Trump go one day without power in record high temperatures.  These people are at nearly a week without power. Millions are without food, and water. Many times the water is not safe to drink after a hurricane, and hurricane victims are at the mercy of FEMA to bring food and water into their hurricane ravaged areas. Of course, FEMA has to be able to get into those hurricane ravaged areas. Many times, FEMA and the National Guard have to wait for flood waters to subside before they can access the devastated areas. Not only do Flood waters have to subside, but power lines , trees, cars, boats, and various structures have to be cleared before people can get into the hurricane ravaged areas as well. 

   Donald, the victims are not going to be okay and you don't care. How do I know? I know because my family and I lost our home in Hurricane Andrew. Words cannot begin to describe the emotions felt when one goes through having their home destroyed in a hurricane. I was lucky, my family was okay, but 45 lives were lost. Hurricane Andrew caused $25 billion in damages. That said, the victims of Hurricane Helene will not be okay. The hurricane victims have lost loved ones, they have lost family pets, they have lost homes, they have lost family pictures, and family heirlooms that can never be replaced. Some have lost absolutely everything they ever worked for in a blink, and their hell has only begun. The hell of hurricane victims will be prolonged by having to fight their insurance companies every step of the way. Donald, the victims of hurricane Helene will not be okay for quite some time, and you Donald don't care. A President who cares about victims of a hurricane would first express sympathy for those affected by hurricane Helene, and next, address climate change ,and how America can best  do it's part to protect the environment as to prevent more catastrophic hurricanes. However, Donald,  you don't believe in climate change, and if elected, you will do your part to add to affecting our environment negatively instead of doing everything in your power to try and save the environment . Donald, everything will not be okay, and you don't care. Donald, I want a president that both admits climate change exists and will address climate change as so we can do better to prevent more catastrophic natural disasters. That president is Kamala Harris it is not you because Donald you don't care!








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