Tuesday, September 17, 2024




 "Anyone who puts himself over the constitution should never be president of the United States."- Former Trump Vice President Mike Pence  

       I am a Republican woman and watch me vote for Kamala ! I a lifetime Republican who blogged and voted for Donald Trump in 2016 made international headlines and news due to my being outspoken in my voting for President Joe Biden am supporting Kamala Harris for president. I fully supported President Biden and would have again in the upcoming election. President Biden made this country proud, and prosperous. I now am very excited in supporting Vice President Kamala Harris. I join over 200 plus prominent  Republicans in supporting V.P. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz . Those supporting the Harris Walz ticket include :

 Over 200 former staffers who worked for former presidents George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush and the late Senator John McCain

Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger

Olivia Troye, the former adviser to former V.P. Mike Pence

Former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan

Alberto Gonzales, the former attorney general who served in George W. Bush's administration

Seventeen former staff members of the late Republican President Ronald Reagan who all feel Reagan himself they are sure would also support Kamala Harris 

Several of former President Donald Trump's staff include:

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci 

Former White House Press Secretary and Communications Director, Stephanie Grisham

Former Communications Director of the Office of Public Liaison Omarosa Manigault Newman

Former Dept. of Homeland Security General Counsel, John Mitnick

Former Defense Secretary, Mike Esper when asked by Jake Tapper on  whether Trump can be trusted with the nations secrets ever again, "no it's just irresponsible actions that place our service members at risk, places our nation's security at risk"

Former National Security Advisor, John Bolton-"Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage, the only thing he cares about is Donald Trump."

Ten Former Top Military Officials Back Harris and call Trump "a danger"and stated, "Harris is the best and only presidential candidate in this race who is fit to serve as our commander in chief."

Retired General Larry Ellis

Retired Rear Admiral Michael Smith among others cited Trump's own comments disparaging members of the military and his own "chaotic approach" to Afghanistan prior to the U.S. withdrawal including Trump's negotiating a deal with the Taliban which allowed 5000 Taliban fighters back to the battlefield 

Nations highest ranking Military officer former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, "we don't take an oath to a king or a queen or a tyrant or a dictator. We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator."

Group of Nikki Haley voters who have ignored Nikki Haley's cease and desist order for using her names have endorsed Kamala Harris

    That said, I am proud in pledging my support for Vice President Kamala Harris. Despite the noise that inflation is high, I know it's going down. I know that inflation is worldwide due to the entire world still recovering from COVID, and still dealing with the Russian war on the Ukraine. I know that our economy under President Biden is the strongest in the world . I know employment grew more under President Biden than under Trump, and that most of that employment went to U.S. born workers. I also know as reported by Reuters that Goldman Sachs sees the biggest boost to our economy will come with a Kamala Harris win. I know violent crime is down under the Biden administration, and that Haitians are not eating cats, and dogs and that all immigrants are not bad people . I know I don't like hearing of yet another young mother dying due to not being able to get a medically necessary abortion in her state due to Trump's being responsible for the reversal of Roe V.Wade enabling states to have their own abortion laws many without exceptions. I know I am sick of the division, I'm sick of the hateful rhetoric from not the left, but from Trump himself. Most recently Donald Trump a 78 year old man, wrote, "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" Oh that's real mature of a presidential candidate. Donald Trump stating the hate has come from the left is just another one of his many outright lies. ( 33 lies were told by Trump in the Harris?Trump debate, Harris had one) Imagine that coming from a man who despite is refusal to take responsibility incited a violent attack and or coup attempt on our Capitol  January 6, 2021. I am sick of the lies , I am sick of the insanity, I'm sick of the racism , I'm sick of the ignorance, I'm sick of the incoherent thoughts and statements, I'm sick of a grown man behaving like a child. I like millions of Americans am sick of Donald Trump. We've been here before, and we all wish Donald Trump would just retire and play golf just like every other old retiree in Florida . That said, while president I do believe Trump spent more time on his golf course than he did at the White House . Call me crazy, but I'd like a mature, intelligent, well spoken adult as my president. I also would like a president who cares about ALL Americans, and that is why I GOP GIRL am confident and proud to endorse Kamala Harris for president . 


#Kamalaharrisforpresident #kamala #HarrisWalz #Voteblue