"And then everyone should just wear a damn mask, like you guys are, like I am right now."- Senator Marco Rubio to reporters after a GOP lunch with Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday

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Dress-Sandro, Crossbody-Sandro Shoes-Prada |
Never have I lacked confidence in a president as I do at present. Never have I felt so anxious, and so anxiety ridden as an American as I do at present. Never have I felt such anger at my leaders as I do at present. Never have I felt so uncertain as I do at present. President Donald Trump is to blame for my feelings of anxiousness, anxiety, anger, uncertainty, and insecurity. President Donald Trump is to blame, as America is under the threat of a deadly pandemic and rather than face it head on and deal with it, the president appears to instead be ignoring the pandemic all together.
Ignoring a pandemic does not make a pandemic go away. The corona virus pandemic is not going away. The deadly virus is not even close to going away. The deadly virus is literally exploding across the nation and apparently our president is choosing to look the other way and do nothing. Doing nothing is sending more and more Americans to the ICUs. Doing nothing is sending more and more Americans to their deaths. To date 128,783 Americans have died and the number is steadily rising. The death toll is rising, and America's president is doing much about nothing as to comfort or aid Americans through this time of darkness.
As America is trudging through this time of darkness, I am at a conundrum as to why the president continuously misses his opportune moments to display the leadership so desperately needed at present. Just recently, the president held a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The president was urged by many not to hold the super spreader event, yet he insisted on holding his rally. The rally was a flop largely due to a Tik Tok video urging others to request Trump rally tickets with no intention to ever use them. However, the flop of a rally could have been used to the president's advantage as to address the nation on the present status of the corona virus pandemic.
Trump's rally did not have to be a flop. Trump's rally could have been a turning point for this president had he said and done what should have been said and done long ago. First and foremost, the president could have used the empty seats in the stadium as to social distance everyone. How better to show the nation the importance of social distancing than to have the president have his campaign staff social distance everyone in attendance at his rally? Next, the president should have had all in attendance wear the masks that were handed out to them just prior to the rally. How better to show the nation the importance of wearing masks than to have made masks mandatory at the president's rally? Millions of Americans watched the president's rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Those millions of Americans watching, needed to see a stadium of mask wearing Trump supporters. A stadium of Trump supporters wearing masks would have made a huge impact. The president dropped the ball that night in Tulsa, he had the perfect opportunity to admit he was wrong about the virus, and that the virus was far from being gone. The president could have admitted how badly he wanted to hold on to the nation's stellar economy. The president could have, and should have told Americans the importance of wearing masks. The president could have also stressed the importance of social distancing. The president instead glazed over the deadly virus, and seemed to talk just to talk.
The president failed in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The president failed to be honest with the people and he failed to deliver a speech with words of compassion for those suffering from the deadly virus. The president failed to deliver a speech with words of hope, that better days are ahead for those unemployed due to the deadly virus. Not only did the president fail to attempt to fix his mistake of avoiding the deadly pandemic at his rally, but he failed to deliver words as to unite the nation in these times of racial division as well.
The president missed his opportunity to display the leadership that he has failed to display throughout the corona virus pandemic. While I've been greatly disappointed in the president, I desperately wanted him to succeed at that rally. I wanted the president to succeed as I knew I needed to feel I had a leader for whom I could have some faith. I instead saw a man for whom I have no faith. President Trump is not a leader. President Trump doesn't have what it takes to lead a nation out of darkness. People say repeatedly that President Trump is not to blame for the corona virus pandemic and I agree. However, President Trump is to blame for his response to the virus or rather his lack of responding at all to the virus. The president was advised we were opening too soon. The president knew we were opening all too aggressively. The president was warned and against all the warnings he urged the nation to reopen. When the nation was reopened I can't help but wonder what if? What if we had a president that wore a mask ? What if we had a president that urged others to wear a mask? What if the president swallowed his pride and admitted he was wrong ? What if the president took that Tulsa, Oklahoma rally flop and used it to his advantage? Unfortunately, I can look at all the what ifs of the president, and play Devils advocate, but at the end of the day I am left with those feelings of anxiousness, anxiety, and uncertainty. I am left with anger and disappointment in my president, my president that I so desperately wanted to jump on the Tulsa opportunity. Never ever, have I lacked such confidence in a president as I do at present, and for that I am saddened. I am saddened as I have to wonder what will become of the greatest nation on earth? I wonder ....
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