Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wannabe Doctor, President Donald J. Trump

            "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with,but it sounds interesting to me. So,we'll see,but the whole concept of the light,the way it kills it in one minute. That's pretty powerful." -President Donald Trump April 23, 2020 Corona virus Task force press briefing.

 America is now blessed. America is now blessed as America will hopefully no longer be hearing from Dr. Donald J. Trump. America is not only blessed, but America is now safe again. America is safe again, as it appears Americans will no longer be hearing from Dr. Donald J. Trump, or is it President Donald J. Trump? At this point I and many Americans are confused as to exactly what we should be calling the president. While Americans elected Donald J. Trump to be their president, Donald J. Trump continuously seems almost desperate to be a doctor. Donald J. Trump doesn't just pretend to be a doctor on tv, he actually attempts to convince Americans that he is a doctor. He does this as he is continuously giving unproven and OFTEN, dangerous medical advice to the American public. 

    Only a few weeks ago the president held several press briefings where he touted and pushed the anti malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. While the drug has been proven in some cases to help fight COVID19, the drug has been proven to harm and even kill more than it has help. Several countries have looked at other alternatives to fight the COVID19 virus as well as the U.S. Hence, why wannabe doctor, President Trump stopped all talk about the drug hydroxychloroquine. America was safe, until America was not. Nope. Wannabe doctor, President Trump just couldn't help himself. He just had to tell America the news of another possible cure all for COVID19. This time it wasn't a drug. This time it was a disinfectant . If looks could have killed, one of the actual doctors on the Corona Virus Task Force, Dr. Birx surely would have killed America's wannabe doctor, President Trump. 

      The day after last week's press briefing where the president suggested that people could possibly inject or ingest a disinfectant that could cure one in a minute, the media went crazy. How could they not? America, the country the world looks to for leadership and guidance has a president that negligently mentions that one could possibly ingest or inject disinfectant to fight the deadly virus. Who in their right mind would even suggest a thing? President Trump, that's who. 

    Unfortunately, the president's words are very, very powerful. His words are powerful to the majority. His words are complete truth to those who support him, and his words must be true to those that may not have supported him. When the president says that he doesn't think wearing a mask is important , people listen. They listen, and many will think they don't need to wear a mask. Likewise ,when the president says that the drug hydroxychloroquine is a possible cure for COVID19, many people think that's the drug they need and want. When the president says, that if a disinfectant can be somehow ingested or injected, some people think it must be a cure. Why would it not be ? The President said it, and if he said it must be true. 

      With over 44 million Americans not having health insurance, there are Americans that are desperate. Americans so desperate that they will do anything as to cure themselves as they don't have the means to go to a hospital, or a doctor. Just after the president touted the drug hydroxychloroquine a couple in their 60s, having tested COVID19 positive, took it upon themselves to ingest choloroquine phosphate, a fish tank cleaner. The husband died, and the wife was left in critical care. While the couple did not take the drug the president suggested they took something that sounded like the drug. Had the president not been pushing the drug hydroxychloroquine continuously, the couple most definitely wouldn't have ingested the deadly chemical. One would have thought the president would have learned his lesson,  but he did not. 

    No, America's wannabe doctor just had to come out and talk about how fabulous it would be if one could inject or ingest a disinfectant . The next day the makers of  Lysol,  several other disinfectant companies, the CDC , and even Burger King  released official statements telling people not to ingest or inject their product and any disinfectants. The next day the White House also released a statement on not ingesting the deadly chemical . The next day, Dr. Birx stated that the president was thinking in real time upon hearing the news about disinfectants . The next day, the president stated that he was being sarcastic when he made the comments, but it was clear the president was not being sarcastic. On April 24th, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden tweeted, "I can't believe I have to say this, but please don't drink bleach."

    Pathetic. It is pathetic that America has a president that stands up on a podium and tells people that they can possibly be cured by a poisonous chemical that will kill them. Many Trump supporters joked that anyone stupid enough to drink or inject or ingest lysol or bleach deserves to die. Really? In that case the millions of Trump supporters that still believe the corona virus is fake,deserve to die from COVID19, as they were stupid enough to believe the president when he said the corona virus was just a flu, and a political hoax by the Democrats. No one deserves to die because they stupidly listened to America's wannabe doctor, President Trump. No one. Especially, not people that are unable to afford healthcare and are desperate to live. 

   If any good came out of the president's press briefing touting disinfectants, it was that America was spared from the president's long monotonous press briefings, for at least a couple of days. Apparently, President Trump can dish it out, but he can't take it. Yes, interestingly enough,  the president is unable to handle being the brunt of jokes. The president who bullies, mocks, and insults most everyone, can not take the heat when it's placed on him. That being said, the jokes being on the president caused the president to shy away from his press briefings, but he's back. America however is safe again, as it doesn't appear Americans will be hearing from their wannabe doctor, President Trump. 




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