Friday, April 17, 2020

Rallies,Golf And The Bull Over Saving Lives

     Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, is warned on Jan.3rd by CDC Director of coronavirus due to discussions with the Chinese.

   President Trump chose holding rallies, playing golf, and the stock market over saving lives. While that might be my opinion, isn't it the truth?As of today, the United States currently has 709,164 cases of COVID19 and 37,151 deaths. Those numbers of course are steadily rising. The United States is winning. We are winning as we are in first place for the most COVID19 cases and the most COVID19 deaths in the world. The sad truth is, the U.S. didn't have to win this contest but we did. We did because as so it would seem the president chose holding rallies, playing golf, and a big beautiful stock market over saving lives. 

     The president just recently withheld funding to the World Health Organization at a most critical time. Why? Well as the president refuses to accept any responsibility for the pandemic crisis, the president blames the WHO for the U.S. having the most cases and deaths in the world. While the WHO was slow to call the coronavirus a pandemic, they warned the entire world of the deadly outbreak back in January. Unfortunately for Americans, their beloved, President Trump failed to pay attention to the WHO. He was too busy playing golf and holding rallies to be bothered with a possible pandemic. Other countries' leaders got the same warnings at the same time as President Trump, and upon seeing the warnings, they acted. Our president did not. That being said, there are 210 countries that are affected by COVID19 and we are number one, with the most cases and deaths in the world. A total of 209 countries had leaders that paid attention to the warnings and in doing so kept their numbers down. For instance,  South Korea acted, and to date has 10,635 cases, and only 230 deaths. Japan acted and has to date, only 9231 cases, and only 190 deaths.The point is the WHO did warn the U.S. 

     Not only did the WHO warn the U.S. and the entire world, but the Chinese themselves also warned the U.S. on January 3rd. Thereafter, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson from China spoke with U.S. intelligence some 30 times on COVID19 prevention and control measures. Unfortunately, the president did nothing. Regardless of being warned by the WHO, the Chinese, his own intelligence officers, and advisers, President Trump did nothing, but issue a partial ban on travel from China after 44 other countries had already issued travel bans themselves. The president's ban was also too late. Over 300k travelers from China had already entered the country before January 31st. It was too late. the coronavirus was already present in the U.S., and allowed to spread. The first COVID19 case in the U.S., was on January 19th. 

     America's death toll that is currently at 37,000 and rising is on the president. Americans on the brink of financial ruin is on the president. While the coronavirus is not the fault of the president, his lack of a response to the coronavirus is the fault of the president. He knew. He knew on January 3rd and he chose to play golf 10 times in West Palm Beach, Florida and visit his palatial estate and club Mar-a-lago. He knew of the deadly disease on January 3rd, and yet he chose to hold 9 rallies in various cities across the nation. He held rallies and even went so far as to downplay the deadly virus in every interview where he was asked about the coronavirus. The president continuously called it a flu, or said it would disappear, or it would go away with warmer weather. At a rally on February 28th in South Carolina, the president stated that the coronavirus was the Democrat's new hoax. That statement translated that the deadly virus was a complete hoax to many of the president's supporters when it was anything, but a hoax it was a deadly pandemic. 

     I blame the president for where we are today. President Trump should have been doing his job. His job as president is to protect Americans. He failed. Upon learning of the first case in January which then turned into 15 cases, widespread tracking and testing should have been enacted immediately. The president was advised about testing kits in January. Private companies were blocked by the federal government from manufacturing testing kits and laboratories that were ready to test were forbidden by the federal government to test for COVID19. The president was even advised by Secretary Azar to enact the defense production act as to prepare for the pandemic in January. The president refused to do so until late March. Even when the defense production act was enacted it's still unclear as to if it was ever really enforced. I guess the president was too busy holding rallies, and playing golf to sit down and do his job. Had the president been doing his job he would have worked with the CDC, and his advisers on how to contain the deadly virus as so it would not spread to all 50 states. Had the president advised states affected to shutdown there's no doubt lives could have been saved. Not to mention that the entire country would not have suffered the financial loss that has been incurred by the majority of Americans.

    Rallies, golf, and the stock market were more important to the president than saving people's lives. A deadly pandemic that could have been controlled and contained was allowed to spread as the president didn't want to hurt his stellar economy by warning people of what was to come.The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president actually sat down with his advisers instead of traveling to Palm Beach every other weekend to play golf, attend a fund raiser, and hold a birthday party for Don Jr.'s girlfriend. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president not been flying to various cities across the nation to hold campaign rallies. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had President Donald J. Trump not downplayed the deadly virus as so people would disobey stay at home at home orders in states heavily affected. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president done what he was elected to do. The president was elected to be president of the United States whose job is to protect the American people. The president failed to do his job. He failed to do his job, as he chose to hold rallies, play golf, and protect his stock market friends over choosing to save lives. That being said. every life lost from COVID19 is on you Mr. President. 
#PresidentTrumpfailed #Trumpneveragain #coronavirus #COVID19

 Sec.Azar is unable to meet with President Trump until January 18th. U.S. Intelligence is also aware of virus, warnings are ignored by the president. 
 Trade adviser, Peter Navarro sends president memo on January 29th that as many 30% of American population could be infected by coronavirus and up to 500k American souls could die.
First of coronavirus reported on 1.20.20 

 President Trump Held Rallies:
  1.9.20 - Ohio
  1.14.20 - Wisconsin
  1.28.20 - New Jersey
  1.30.20 - Iowa
  2.10.20 - New Hampshire
  2.19.20 - Arizona
  2.20.20 - Colorado
  2.21.20 - Nevada
  2.28.20 - South Carolina

 President Trump Played Golf: 

1 comment:

KJ said...

Slay it Truth Teller!!