"GOP GIRL", is a lifelong Republican woman who after supporting former President Trump, voted for now President Biden, and is standing with over 300 influential Republicans in her supporting V.P Kamala Harris for president.GOP Girl had never voted for a Democrat in her life, until Trump. GOP Girl is disenchanted with the GOP as it continues to defend Trump who has disrespected our democracy, our military and is the first president to be convicted of 34 felonies including sexual assault.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Wannabe Doctor, President Donald J. Trump
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with,but it sounds interesting to me. So,we'll see,but the whole concept of the light,the way it kills it in one minute. That's pretty powerful." -President Donald Trump April 23, 2020 Corona virus Task force press briefing.
America is now blessed. America is now blessed as America will hopefully no longer be hearing from Dr. Donald J. Trump. America is not only blessed, but America is now safe again. America is safe again, as it appears Americans will no longer be hearing from Dr. Donald J. Trump, or is it President Donald J. Trump? At this point I and many Americans are confused as to exactly what we should be calling the president. While Americans elected Donald J. Trump to be their president, Donald J. Trump continuously seems almost desperate to be a doctor. Donald J. Trump doesn't just pretend to be a doctor on tv, he actually attempts to convince Americans that he is a doctor. He does this as he is continuously giving unproven and OFTEN, dangerous medical advice to the American public.
Only a few weeks ago the president held several press briefings where he touted and pushed the anti malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. While the drug has been proven in some cases to help fight COVID19, the drug has been proven to harm and even kill more than it has help. Several countries have looked at other alternatives to fight the COVID19 virus as well as the U.S. Hence, why wannabe doctor, President Trump stopped all talk about the drug hydroxychloroquine. America was safe, until America was not. Nope. Wannabe doctor, President Trump just couldn't help himself. He just had to tell America the news of another possible cure all for COVID19. This time it wasn't a drug. This time it was a disinfectant . If looks could have killed, one of the actual doctors on the Corona Virus Task Force, Dr. Birx surely would have killed America's wannabe doctor, President Trump.
The day after last week's press briefing where the president suggested that people could possibly inject or ingest a disinfectant that could cure one in a minute, the media went crazy. How could they not? America, the country the world looks to for leadership and guidance has a president that negligently mentions that one could possibly ingest or inject disinfectant to fight the deadly virus. Who in their right mind would even suggest a thing? President Trump, that's who.
Unfortunately, the president's words are very, very powerful. His words are powerful to the majority. His words are complete truth to those who support him, and his words must be true to those that may not have supported him. When the president says that he doesn't think wearing a mask is important , people listen. They listen, and many will think they don't need to wear a mask. Likewise ,when the president says that the drug hydroxychloroquine is a possible cure for COVID19, many people think that's the drug they need and want. When the president says, that if a disinfectant can be somehow ingested or injected, some people think it must be a cure. Why would it not be ? The President said it, and if he said it must be true.
With over 44 million Americans not having health insurance, there are Americans that are desperate. Americans so desperate that they will do anything as to cure themselves as they don't have the means to go to a hospital, or a doctor. Just after the president touted the drug hydroxychloroquine a couple in their 60s, having tested COVID19 positive, took it upon themselves to ingest choloroquine phosphate, a fish tank cleaner. The husband died, and the wife was left in critical care. While the couple did not take the drug the president suggested they took something that sounded like the drug. Had the president not been pushing the drug hydroxychloroquine continuously, the couple most definitely wouldn't have ingested the deadly chemical. One would have thought the president would have learned his lesson, but he did not.
No, America's wannabe doctor just had to come out and talk about how fabulous it would be if one could inject or ingest a disinfectant . The next day the makers of Lysol, several other disinfectant companies, the CDC , and even Burger King released official statements telling people not to ingest or inject their product and any disinfectants. The next day the White House also released a statement on not ingesting the deadly chemical . The next day, Dr. Birx stated that the president was thinking in real time upon hearing the news about disinfectants . The next day, the president stated that he was being sarcastic when he made the comments, but it was clear the president was not being sarcastic. On April 24th, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden tweeted, "I can't believe I have to say this, but please don't drink bleach."
Pathetic. It is pathetic that America has a president that stands up on a podium and tells people that they can possibly be cured by a poisonous chemical that will kill them. Many Trump supporters joked that anyone stupid enough to drink or inject or ingest lysol or bleach deserves to die. Really? In that case the millions of Trump supporters that still believe the corona virus is fake,deserve to die from COVID19, as they were stupid enough to believe the president when he said the corona virus was just a flu, and a political hoax by the Democrats. No one deserves to die because they stupidly listened to America's wannabe doctor, President Trump. No one. Especially, not people that are unable to afford healthcare and are desperate to live.
If any good came out of the president's press briefing touting disinfectants, it was that America was spared from the president's long monotonous press briefings, for at least a couple of days. Apparently, President Trump can dish it out, but he can't take it. Yes, interestingly enough, the president is unable to handle being the brunt of jokes. The president who bullies, mocks, and insults most everyone, can not take the heat when it's placed on him. That being said, the jokes being on the president caused the president to shy away from his press briefings, but he's back. America however is safe again, as it doesn't appear Americans will be hearing from their wannabe doctor, President Trump.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Be A Leader And Wear A Mask Mr. President!
"I don't see it for myself. I just don't. Maybe I'll change my mind."
"if I thought it was important"-President Trump upon being asked if he would consider wearing a mask
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Worth Avenue, Palm Beach Florida |
"if I thought it was important"-President Trump upon being asked if he would consider wearing a mask
On April 3rd the CDC recommended to the public that they wear face masks. On April 5th, the First Lady, Melania Trump tweeted, "I ask that everyone take social distancing & wearing a mask/face covering seriously. #COVID19 is a virus that can spread to anyone."Unfortunately, President Trump did not help the CDC, nor his wife in their cause to promote the wearing of face masks as to prevent the spread. No, the President instead not only failed to promote and encourage the wearing of masks, but he actually discouraged people from wearing masks.
Love him or hate him the president is America's leader. He is the leader of a country that at present has over 800,000 cases of COVID19, and over 45,000 deaths from a deadly disease that is highly contagious. America is under attack from a deadly disease and yet America doesn't seem to have a leader. Rather, America doesn't have a leader that is doing his job. President Trump's job is to lead this nation to safety. The president already failed once in keeping America safe from the threat of COVID19, but he is now failing yet again. He is failing again by not encouraging Americans to do what they need to do to be safe. The president is failing in his rhetoric. The presidency is a powerful position and whether one loves him, hates him, supports him, or doesn't support him, Americans are listening to what he says and what he does. That being said, astonishingly many Americans still think that COVID19 is just the flu, a cold, not real, going to just disappear, or a political hoax by the Democrats. Don't believe me? I personally have a friend that said he would take the pandemic seriously if 5000 or more Americans started dying on a daily basis. I also know of a Doctor that said it would go away with the warmer weather. Sadly, it is the people that listen to the lies and ignorance of the president that will lead to the death of thousands.
Americans are listening to the president. They are listening and even if they don't support him many are following his lead. That being said, when President Trump says that he doesn't think a mask is important, many Americans hear, "a mask isn't important'. When President Trump states, that he's not going to wear a mask, many Americans hear, "I won't wear a mask." By the President being belligerent against the wearing of masks, he is promoting that Americans don't need to wear a mask. What the president is doing is criminal. The president as America's leader should be doing everything in his power to ensure the safety of Americans and while that ship has sailed and sunk, he can at least prevent the further spread of this deadly pandemic.
A mask is important! Why is it important? It is important as it's not about us, it's about everyone else. A mask is about protecting someone else who could be vulnerable to the deadly disease. Without widespread testing no one knows if they do or do not have the deadly disease. This disease is extremely contagious, extremely serious, and extremely frightening. This disease is most contagious when people are asymptomatic. This disease can kill people of all ages. This disease can kill those who are healthy and those who are not healthy. This disease is like HIV and Herpes, in that it is with you for life except there is no cure and there doesn't seem to be any magic medications to help with the symptoms. This disease is not a joke, it's not going to go away, and it's not going to disappear, and we as Americans can fight this disease together.
We can fight the deadly COVID19 pandemic together, but we need help from the president. We need help from the president with his words. Every single day President Trump is on television and he has the power. He has the power to tell Americans that they should wear masks. He has the power to tell Americans that the countries successful in keeping their numbers down ordered and or encouraged their citizens to wear masks. That's all it would take. I can't help but wonder how many lives could be saved if President Trump would promote the wearing of masks even half as much as he promoted the unproven drug hydroxychloroquine.
America, we're in this together. We're in this together and we can fight it together. We can fight it together if we continue with social distancing, and the wearing of masks. While I myself don't relish wearing a mask, I know it's important. I won't lie. A mask makes breathing difficult. A mask is unattractive, a mask is bothersome, and a mask is a pain in the royal arse. However, a mask is better than the alternative. A mask is better than being dead, and a mask is better than killing someone else. A mask should be being promoted by this president. Sadly, that is why I am begging this president to be a leader and promote the wearing of masks!Mr. President, be a leader and wear a mask!
#COVID19 #PresidentTrump #Wearamask
Friday, April 17, 2020
Rallies,Golf And The Bull Over Saving Lives
President Trump chose holding rallies, playing golf, and the stock market over saving lives. While that might be my opinion, isn't it the truth?As of today, the United States currently has 709,164 cases of COVID19 and 37,151 deaths. Those numbers of course are steadily rising. The United States is winning. We are winning as we are in first place for the most COVID19 cases and the most COVID19 deaths in the world. The sad truth is, the U.S. didn't have to win this contest but we did. We did because as so it would seem the president chose holding rallies, playing golf, and a big beautiful stock market over saving lives.
The president just recently withheld funding to the World Health Organization at a most critical time. Why? Well as the president refuses to accept any responsibility for the pandemic crisis, the president blames the WHO for the U.S. having the most cases and deaths in the world. While the WHO was slow to call the coronavirus a pandemic, they warned the entire world of the deadly outbreak back in January. Unfortunately for Americans, their beloved, President Trump failed to pay attention to the WHO. He was too busy playing golf and holding rallies to be bothered with a possible pandemic. Other countries' leaders got the same warnings at the same time as President Trump, and upon seeing the warnings, they acted. Our president did not. That being said, there are 210 countries that are affected by COVID19 and we are number one, with the most cases and deaths in the world. A total of 209 countries had leaders that paid attention to the warnings and in doing so kept their numbers down. For instance, South Korea acted, and to date has 10,635 cases, and only 230 deaths. Japan acted and has to date, only 9231 cases, and only 190 deaths.The point is the WHO did warn the U.S.
Not only did the WHO warn the U.S. and the entire world, but the Chinese themselves also warned the U.S. on January 3rd. Thereafter, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson from China spoke with U.S. intelligence some 30 times on COVID19 prevention and control measures. Unfortunately, the president did nothing. Regardless of being warned by the WHO, the Chinese, his own intelligence officers, and advisers, President Trump did nothing, but issue a partial ban on travel from China after 44 other countries had already issued travel bans themselves. The president's ban was also too late. Over 300k travelers from China had already entered the country before January 31st. It was too late. the coronavirus was already present in the U.S., and allowed to spread. The first COVID19 case in the U.S., was on January 19th.
America's death toll that is currently at 37,000 and rising is on the president. Americans on the brink of financial ruin is on the president. While the coronavirus is not the fault of the president, his lack of a response to the coronavirus is the fault of the president. He knew. He knew on January 3rd and he chose to play golf 10 times in West Palm Beach, Florida and visit his palatial estate and club Mar-a-lago. He knew of the deadly disease on January 3rd, and yet he chose to hold 9 rallies in various cities across the nation. He held rallies and even went so far as to downplay the deadly virus in every interview where he was asked about the coronavirus. The president continuously called it a flu, or said it would disappear, or it would go away with warmer weather. At a rally on February 28th in South Carolina, the president stated that the coronavirus was the Democrat's new hoax. That statement translated that the deadly virus was a complete hoax to many of the president's supporters when it was anything, but a hoax it was a deadly pandemic.
I blame the president for where we are today. President Trump should have been doing his job. His job as president is to protect Americans. He failed. Upon learning of the first case in January which then turned into 15 cases, widespread tracking and testing should have been enacted immediately. The president was advised about testing kits in January. Private companies were blocked by the federal government from manufacturing testing kits and laboratories that were ready to test were forbidden by the federal government to test for COVID19. The president was even advised by Secretary Azar to enact the defense production act as to prepare for the pandemic in January. The president refused to do so until late March. Even when the defense production act was enacted it's still unclear as to if it was ever really enforced. I guess the president was too busy holding rallies, and playing golf to sit down and do his job. Had the president been doing his job he would have worked with the CDC, and his advisers on how to contain the deadly virus as so it would not spread to all 50 states. Had the president advised states affected to shutdown there's no doubt lives could have been saved. Not to mention that the entire country would not have suffered the financial loss that has been incurred by the majority of Americans.
Rallies, golf, and the stock market were more important to the president than saving people's lives. A deadly pandemic that could have been controlled and contained was allowed to spread as the president didn't want to hurt his stellar economy by warning people of what was to come.The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president actually sat down with his advisers instead of traveling to Palm Beach every other weekend to play golf, attend a fund raiser, and hold a birthday party for Don Jr.'s girlfriend. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president not been flying to various cities across the nation to hold campaign rallies. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had President Donald J. Trump not downplayed the deadly virus as so people would disobey stay at home at home orders in states heavily affected. The deadly pandemic could have been controlled and contained had the president done what he was elected to do. The president was elected to be president of the United States whose job is to protect the American people. The president failed to do his job. He failed to do his job, as he chose to hold rallies, play golf, and protect his stock market friends over choosing to save lives. That being said. every life lost from COVID19 is on you Mr. President.
#PresidentTrumpfailed #Trumpneveragain #coronavirus #COVID19
Sec.Azar is unable to meet with President Trump until January 18th. U.S. Intelligence is also aware of virus, warnings are ignored by the president.
Trade adviser, Peter Navarro sends president memo on January 29th that as many 30% of American population could be infected by coronavirus and up to 500k American souls could die.
First U.S.case of coronavirus reported on 1.20.20
President Trump Held Rallies:
1.9.20 - Ohio
1.14.20 - Wisconsin
1.28.20 - New Jersey
1.30.20 - Iowa
2.10.20 - New Hampshire
2.19.20 - Arizona
2.20.20 - Colorado
2.21.20 - Nevada
2.28.20 - South Carolina
President Trump Played Golf:
Friday, April 10, 2020
President Trump Values His Life...But Not Ours!
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Clearly, the president truly believes the coronavirus is deadly. If the president did not believe the virus was deadly, he wouldn't be testing all that come into contact with him. Why then, for the love of God, would any American choose to be work alongside someone who has not yet been tested? Why would any American choose to dine at a restaurant with 20 or more patrons who have not yet been tested? Why would any American choose to send their child back to school with hundreds or thousands of students and faulty members, that have not yet been tested? Why would any American choose to sit in church with hundreds of untested churchgoers?Why would any American choose to set foot on an airplane, train, subway or bus with untested passengers? Why would any American choose to sit in a movie theater, shop in a mall, visit a tourist attraction, attend a concert, a play, a sports event or a fair without the knowledge that every person with whom they've come into contact with has been tested?
The fact is, if given a chance to choose, most Americans would not choose to be in any social or working situation with others that have not yet been tested for the coronavirus. Americans know, that while they themselves might not get seriously ill or die from the deadly disease, they could as a carrier transmit the disease to someone else who could get seriously ill and or die. Personally, I don't want to take that chance. Does anyone want to take that chance? Does anyone want to take the chance that because they went to work and became infected with the coronavirus, they killed a relative or friend? Because, that is what the president wants this country to do.
This president wants to play Russian roulette with people's lives. Why? Because he doesn't care. If the president truly cared about saving American lives, he, first an foremost, would have shut the country down sooner. Next, if the president cared about saving lives, the president would have shut the entire country down. To the best of my knowledge, pandemics don't recognize borders. For those few states under one thousand cases, in no time that number can double or triple in cases. Next, if the president truly cared about saving your life or mine, the country would be shutdown for more than 2 to 3 weeks. China was under lock down for a total of 76 days, we're not even close. The U.S. is at 466,887 coronavirus cases, the most cases in the world, and has the second highest number of deaths in the world, as we are at 16,697 deaths and growing, and this president is talking about opening up the country?It's lunacy. This country has not yet even peaked! To open this country up any sooner than late May, could prove to be catastrophic.
President Trump values his life...but not ours. If the president values the lives of Americans, he would demand testing for all, just as he demands testing for all those that come into contact with him. Unfortunately, today the president stated that all Americans would not be tested, nor do they need to be tested. Really? You don't say.The president that won't be in the same room with anyone unless they've been tested, doesn't think that all Americans all need to be tested?If true, then I think the president should allow any and all reporters and visitors into the White House, regardless of whether they've been tested or not. If it isn't important for all Americans to feel secure that they are not in the same room with someone infected with the deadly disease, then it's not important for the president either.
Sadly, it is important that each and every American be tested for the coronavirus. It is important, as it is necessary, and back in February, the president stated that all Americans would be tested. The president lied. Today, the president stated that more than 2 million Americans had been tested. Well isn't that splendid? Does the president know that there are over 320 million Americans ? I have a hunch, probably not. President Trump values his life... but not ours.
As of tomorrow, FEMA will cut all funding for tests nationwide, leaving states to pay for testing which has already been being done. I, myself, live in the president's home county, and FEMA rejected Palm Beach County's application. I'm somehow not surprised. Far be it for the president's hometown to have a high number of cases. Although it's too late for that. Even without federal funding, and the lack of testing, Palm Beach County with 1300 cases, ranks third in the state behind Miami-Dade and Broward counties. The state now has over 17,000 cases. It is assumed that the numbers are higher, but without the proper testing we don't have the numbers. I can recall the president once saying, "we don't want the numbers."
The president doesn't want the numbers, and the federal government is no longer funding for the testing, so I guess that's it. As America enters the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump will continue to demand testing for all those who come into contact with him. He will do this, as so he can protect his life and the lives of his loved ones, but he will not be giving tax paying Americans the same security. President Trump values his life...but not ours!
#Coronavirus #Nevertrumpagain #COVID19
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Trump, Unhinged!
"We will succeed and that success will belong to everyone of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again, but for now I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all."
This past Sunday when the Queen addressed the nation, I felt a sense of peace . I felt a sense of peace that I have not felt in a very longtime. As I listened to the Queen. I felt honest compassion, honest concern, and honest humility in her tone. The Queen's words of wisdom were reassuring. I felt everything would be okay. I felt everything would be okay as I found the Queen's tone both caring and comforting.
Caring and comforting are not how I would describe my own nation's President at present. Not once since this pandemic crisis began. have I felt a sense of "peace", under the leadership of President Trump. I have not once felt reassured that things would be okay. I have not once felt comforted by the president's words. To be quite honest, I have been both horrified and astonished at the president's actions during his daily briefings. The president's daily briefings have not consisted of the president delivering words of comfort, and words of wisdom. No, the daily briefings have not been comforting at all. In fact, the daily briefings have been anything, but comforting. In fact, the daily briefings have become quite unsettling, so much so that at times I haven't even watched.
I haven't watched, as I have little confidence in the president. I have little confidence as I feel there is a lack of real leadership. A lack of leadership, and a lack of concern for Americans. Not once have I felt reassured or comforted by the president at a one of the president's daily briefings. Perhaps it's due to a president that talks for hours on end. He talks much about nothing. It's never worth listening, as the president appears to lie so frequently that even he can't keep up with his own lies. In fact, in one daily briefing, the president actually denied a statement made only moments prior to the question asked. The president never seems to share words of comfort, nor does he share words of wisdom. The president instead chooses to insult, interrupt, and degrade both governors and reporters just doing their jobs. The president also chooses to boast of how great he's doing. If the president isn't boasting of his own greatness and being number one on Facebook, he's boasting of the greatness of both he and his administration. And then, if the president isn't patting himself on the back, he is telling reporters that they should both congratulating him and thanking him.
Thank the president? For what? As millions of Americans are at home under stay at home orders, feeling sacred, restless, stressed and unsettled, they need leadership. They need leadership, and they need comforting. They need a leader with the poise, class, and compassion of the Queen. Americans don't have that. Not once in the four minutes that the Queen spoke did I hear the Queen tell her countrymen to thank her. Not once in that four minute message did I hear the Queen boast of how great she was doing nor did she boast of being number one on Facebook. The Queen, I'm quite sure has no desire to be number one on Facebook nor Twitter. She's better than that. Far better than that. She instead stated that her countrymen would succeed and that success would belong to each and every one of them. Not once did she once insult, attack nor degrade another human being. No. The Queen has the qualities of a great leader, a great leader with class, empathy, and dignity that this president will never have, and for that I'm saddened. I'm saddened as America needed a leader with the class, empathy, and dignity of the Queen in these troubled times. America instead, has a president that appears to be becoming more and more unhinged each day.
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