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Dress-Ramy Brook, Wedges-Chanel |
"This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax, it's a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power, that's exactly what's going on." -Tucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight"
Yes, America, White Supremacy is a hoax. White Supremacy is a hoax brought to America by the left. Beginning with former President Barack Obama the Democrats have done their best to incite racism and hate among Americans. The former president was the single most divisive president of our time and the Democratic party is continuing Obama's legacy of instigating racism and division throughout America. Unfortunately for the left, their attempting to brainwash Americans with the hoax of "White supremacy" is failing. It is failing, because it just isn't true.
Three days after the El Paso shooting where 22 people were killed and another 24 people were injured, Fox News' own Tucker Carlson stated that the left's claims of "White supremacy" being one of America's biggest issues of concern was a hoax. Apparently, Tucker Carlson's telling the truth did not go over well with Fox News and their sponsors. Two days later, Tucker followed in the footsteps of so many other Fox News correspondents before that had dare to report the truth and their biased opinions with an early vacation. Tucker's early vacation is said to be due to his paid ads plummeting. Apparently, sponsors did not approve of Tucker's claim that White supremacy is a hoax. How dare Tucker Carlson speak the truth!
While critics of Tucker Carlson will maintain that the El Paso shooter was a Trump supporting, White supremacist that disliked Hispanics, that just isn't true. The truth is, that the El Paso shooter actually blamed President Trump for a spike in work visas and doubling the guest work visas this summer. He labeled both Republicans and Democrats as sellouts on many issues. The shooter did in fact use some racist language against the Hispanic community, but while also voicing his hatred for average Americans and calling for a decrease in the American population. The shooter whom mainstream media portrayed as a "Trump supporter" stressed the environmental aspects of his motivations, even naming Al Gore's climate documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". The shooter blamed corporations for the destruction of the environment and indirectly blamed the Trump administration for the fresh water being polluted by farming and drilling operations. The shooter also promoted the far left's policies, such as universal health care and a universal income. Nothing in the document written by the El Paso shooter proves that the El Paso shooter was a White Supremacist, nor does the document prove that President Trump's policies were the motive behind the shooting.
White supremacy in America is without a doubt a hoax. America has bigger issues today than White supremacists terrorizing Americans. In fact, where should I begin with the issues in America today? Perhaps health care? At present there are approximately 44 million Americans without health care. This means 44 million Americans are not getting the proper health care needed to both prevent sickness and disease and cure their sicknesses and diseases. Perhaps the opioid crisis in America? Every day, more than 130 people overdose and die from opioids, including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and fentanyl. Perhaps the suicide rate in America? The rate of suicide is up 33% since 1999. In fact, America's suicide rate is the highest it's been since World War II. Lack of health care, opioid addiction, and suicide in America are by far, bigger issues that need some serious attention, yet the left wants to tell Americans that "White Supremacy" is America's biggest issue today.
Hogwash! At present, Whites are discriminated against more than Blacks and Hispanics in many areas of the country. What White person ever gets hired because he or she is "White"? Not a one. What White student ever gets into a school or University because he or she is "White"? Not a one! What schools in America are for Whites only? Not a one? However, there are Black community colleges across America. How many magazines are there for "Whites" only? Not a one. Yet, there are countless magazines for Black people in America. Ebony, Upscale Magazine, Sister Sister, African American Golfers Digest, and Black Bride and Groom Magazine, just to name a few. Imagine if America had magazines for White people only? Seriously. Imagine a White Golfer's Digest, or an Ivory Women's magazine for White women only. The left would self destruct. Imagine, if ever a college, magazine or anything ever dared to limit their consumers to "Whites" only. That being said, I and many Americans have tired of the "White Supremacy" blame game. Are there some White supremacists in America? Sure there are. However, are there are also Black supremacists in America? Of course there are. I have a hunch we have a past president and his first lady to name two. Are there Hispanic supremacists in America? Yes, America has those too.
The fact is, America until the end of time will always have people that hate other races than that of their own. Racism and White supremacy is not what has caused every mass shooting in America. Bad people caused each and every mass shooting in America. Bad people do bad things and they will continue to do bad things. In 2015 a Muslim couple shot and killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California. They were not White supremacists. In 2016 a Muslim man went into a gay nightclub and shot and killed 49 people. He was not a White supremacist. He was a Muslim that hated gay people. In 2017, 58 people were shot and killed in Las Vegas. The shooter was not a White supremacist. In 2018 a White student shot and killed 17 people. White supremacy was again not the reason for the shooting. White supremacy is not the cause of the majority of mass shootings in America, and for the left to blame White supremacy is just preposterous.
Yes America, Tucker Carlson was right. White supremacy in America today is a hoax. It is a hoax, and it is a hoax contrived by the left to divide, conquer, and control America. The left does not want a unified America. The left does not want an independent America. The left does not want a joyous, content, nor a prosperous America. The left wants Blacks and Hispanics hating Whites, and Whites hating Blacks and Hispanics. Prior to former President Barack Hussein Obama, I liked people as people and not color. I never thought, "what a nice Black man or woman". I thought, "what a nice man or woman". However, today mainstream media continuously speaks of "Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites". Today, race is in the news 24/7, and it is purposeful. It is purposeful in that the left wing media wants to brainwash Blacks and Hispanics. They want to brainwash them into thinking that all White people in America that aren't Democrats are bad and are White supremacists. That just isn't true. For the record, it is the Democrats that started slavery and would still today have slaves if it weren't for the Republicans who freed them. Then again America, are Blacks and other minorities really free that follow the Democrats, or are they still slaves to the left? Again, the left has created this "White supremacy" rhetoric as to divide, conquer, and control America. Yes America, Tucker Carlson was correct, White supremacy in America today is a hoax!
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2019 #Whitesupremacyisahoax #Whitesupremacyhoax #TuckerCarlson #PresidentTrump
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