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Never in my life did I ever think one would brag or broadcast that they had an abortion, let alone brag about having two abortions. However, we apparently live in an age where having an abortion is not something of which one is ashamed, nor do we live in an age where having an abortion is something of which one wishes to keep private. No, we instead live in an age where one having an abortion is somewhat of a badge of honor for those on the left. We also live in an age where some people are only too happy to boast of their killing their unborn children.
Just recently, actress and left wing activist Alyssa Milano confessed that she had two abortions in one calendar year, 1993. She stated that the having the abortions was "absolutely the right choice" for her at that time. Milano had the two abortions after getting pregnant despite taking birth control pills, or so she says. Apparently, the abortions were, "not an easy choice", but in her own words she stated that she was , "not equipped to be a mother and so I chose to have an abortion." Milano went on to say, "it was the absolutely right choice for me," and added that the abortions were, "something that I needed-like most healthcare is." Milano then went on to say how had she not killed her two unwanted children or rather had she not had her two unwanted children aborted, she would not today have her two beautiful children, nor would she be the mother she is today. Essentially, Milano applauds herself that due to her two abortions her children, "have a mother who was so very, very ready for them."
Well by golly, I think America should applaud Alyssa Milano on her murdering or aborting her two unwanted, unborn children. Even better, maybe Alyssa Milano should be nominated for the Pulitzer Peace Prize for such a noble act. Seriously America, are we not better than this? Have we no morals? Apparently not. There was a time when women who accidentally got pregnant would go away, have the child and give it up for adoption or keep it themselves. Those who chose to have abortions, would go off secretly to have the abortion, and would keep it to themselves. In the old days, women were guilt ridden, saddened, and ashamed at having first gotten pregnant while unmarried and second killing their unborn child. There was a time when women would not tell a soul that they'd gotten pregnant and had an abortion . Women looked at abortion for what it was, murder. Not today. Today, women have abortions just as easily as they get botox and fillers. Women today, have abortions without blinking an eyelash. With some women having not one, or two, but, three, four or more abortions, abortion has become almost a form of birth control for some. Well, as Alyssa Milano so eloquently put it, her abortions were a form of healthcare.
No Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it health care. Abortion is the killing of the unborn. There's no nice way to candy coat it. Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception and there is no argument that can say that abortion is anything, but murder. While it is unfortunate that countless women become pregnant with unwanted children, it's a fact of life. If a man and woman have sexual intercourse, a woman can in fact become pregnant. Newsflash, women are made to have babies, it's a part of a woman's anatomy. It's not rocket science, it's fact. Women know that if they fail to take birth control or fail to have their partner use protection, they can get pregnant. Women also know that birth control and condoms are never 100% effective. Women know the risks. I have zero sympathy for the young girl or woman that has an unwanted pregnancy. As a woman, you know the risks of having sex. That being said, perhaps if a woman is not ready to have a child, she should not engage in sex. That being said, if the thought of having a child with a man makes one vomit then one probably should not engage in sex with that man. As my great grand mother always said, "if a woman can take the time to lie down and do it, she can take the time to lie down and have it." My great grandmother couldn't have said it any better. To this day, I think of my great grandmother's words as profound. The bottom line was, her era was not in favor of abortion. Abortion was looked at as amoral and taboo. My great grandmother's era was an era of real morals, and real values. Sadly, today those morals and values are now lost.
No Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it healthcare. Abortion is the result of a woman not wanting to do the right thing in having a child. A child that was conceived by in most cases, two consenting adults that knew the risks. A child, that while unwanted by the mother, could be wanted, loved, and cherished by another. There are too too many women and couples today that cannot have children that want children desperately. Not to mention, that when a child is conceived, a child was "meant to be" conceived. If we are a nation under God, then we know that a child would not be conceived if it were not meant to be conceived. Sadly, as this blog has been written on this day, 2438 abortions have been conducted in the United States with the number increasing by the second. Worldwide, 1, 545, 522, 567 and counting, abortions have been conducted since 1980. If these statistics don't sicken you, they should. The statistics of abortions should put all who condone abortions to shame. While I have empathy and agree with those of whom have had abortions due to rape , incest, or those having abortions due to health risks whom are forced to have abortions, I have zero empathy for those having abortions due to a mere, "oops I got pregnant" moment. No, America, no Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it healthcare, it is murder.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2019
#abortionismurder #prolife #abortionisnothealthcare
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