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Summer Casual, shirt-Sandro Paris, skirt-Gucci |

Reverse discrimination across America is more prevalent than Americans know. Of course Americans are oblivious to the extent of reverse discrimination taking place due to no one daring to report on it. Well, in my opinion it's high time reverse discrimination be brought to the surface. Instead of pushing reverse discrimination under the rug, it's time Americans reveal the truth that's been pushed under the rug for far too long. It's time White people had a voice, and a voice that's unafraid to speak the truth. Reverse discrimination is happening across America in our school systems, on our roadways, in our court rooms, and in the workplace as well as numerous other areas. While discrimination against anyone is unacceptable, discrimination in this country is not only against minorities. Minorities that in the not too distant future may well soon be the majority.
Case in point, just recently I had the unfortunate experience of being discriminated against, along with my mother. I was discriminated against in my ever so humble opinion, by a Black, female, police officer. After having been involved in an accident with a driver driving on the wrong side of the road, without any lights on, doing about 40-50 mph in a parking lot no less, I had the unfortunate luck to get a Black supremacist police officer. Upon the officer's arrival, I was treated as if I were a second class citizen despite the fact that the other driver had just plowed through my car and just missed nearly seriously injuring or killing my mother who was on the passenger side. The officer refused to speak to me who she deemed 100% at fault due to having been the driver coming from the stop sign, or my mother, the passenger. We were both told to wait at the car as she wanted to talk to the other driver, a Hispanic man, first. I wondered at the time if the officer thought the other driver were Black as he was rather dark complected and in the dark he was even darker. The other driver who appeared to want take off from the scene of the accident, was stopped by a mere flat tire. The driver was some 20 feet from the point of impact which made me wonder if he would have stopped had it not been for his flat tire. I might add that the other driver appeared to be stoned as he seemed to be in a bit of a fog after ripping the entire front of f of my car off my car. His exact words as he hopped out of the car were, "What happened?" "What happened?" I exclaimed. "You plowed through my car in a parking lot!" That's exactly what took place. The man in a private parking lot, without speed limit signs seemed to think the street on which he was flying was his own private drag strip. Where most parking lot accidents are mere fender benders due to the low speed limit, costing drivers $300. or less, my accident is now close to $5000.! Upon looking at the car one would have thought I was in the middle of a major car crash on a major freeway doing 80 plus. I instead, stopped at a stop sign, inched slowly forward, the rest is history. One never in a million years would have thought upon observation of my vehicle, that I was in a parking lot accident.
Unfortunately, not only did I have the misfortune of being involved in an accident, but I also had the misfortune of having a specific Black female police officer who clearly in my opinion did not like Whites. From the moment this woman stepped out of the car this woman had contempt for both my mother and myself. The officer barely got out the words, "is everyone okay", before informing me that she would not speak to me until she had spoken to the other driver first. The officer declared the accident 100% my fault due to my having a stop sign, despite the obvious evidence that the other driver appeared to be driving recklessly. The officer did not do much of any investigation and she did not so much as even look at the point of impact of the accident. Had the officer done an ounce of investigation or just taken a look at the point of impact, she first, I would have thought to have deemed the other driver as driving recklessly. Valid points to my defense should have been made had either of the two officers I was assigned actually looked at the accident for any length of time. Number one, from the amount of visible damage done to my car, the car was clearly going at a high rate of speed. Number two, the other car was on the wrong side of the road as shown by the point of impact and skid marks, and number three, the car had no lights on which the driver stated were on at the time of the accident. The officer also, had she had an ounce of objectivity, would have noticed that the other driver seemed higher than a kite. Another officer, who also failed to do any investigating whatsoever thought something was up with the other driver, but thought it was merely the driver's low command of the English language. Please! The driver's English was just fine. He had a rather thick accent, but he could speak English. While yes, I did have a stop sign which I stopped at, I was not able to see the other driver as he was driving without lights, on the wrong side of the road, and at a high rate of speed. Unfortunately for me, the officer failed to put any fault on the other driver, leaving me with a nice deductible which I must pay when my car is finally ready. My car, which was utterly trashed in a parking lot by a man who was driving without any lights on the wrong side of the road, going at a high rate of speed was not even so much as reprimanded by either officer. No, the other driver was rewarded instead, with flirtatious chatter from the Black female officer.
In a nutshell, I was White and I got a Black officer that appeared to not be a fan of White people. That being said, just what is she doing working in a predominately White area? I honestly feel that if Black officers dislike and resent White people, they should put themselves in predominantly Black areas. Likewise, if there are White officers that are racist against Blacks or Hispanics, they should be placed in predominantly White areas. Instead, I feel as though both White and Black police officers that hold resentments for races other than their own, use their positions to stick it to the other races. It's a power trip, and it's unfair and unjust for whatever race is being discriminated against at the time. That being said, people are using their positions to discriminate against certain races, it happens all too often, and it happens not only to Blacks and Hispanics, but to Whites as well, but no one wants nor dares to talk about it.
Reverse discrimination is not only happening with people using their positions to inflict their power against Whites, but it is happening with employment. I ask, what is the ratio of White government workers to other races? On my own observation, it's at a rate of one White person to 4 or more Blacks or Hispanics. In fact, if I had to guess the ratio may be the same if not more in a good many positions nationwide. While I have nothing against Blacks and Hispanics working, it would be nice to see just one or two White people when I go to a store, Doctor's office, government office or anywhere for that matter. In observance, I have to ask, do White people work anymore? I honestly don't think so .When the Democrats accuse President Trump of lying about his being responsible for the low unemployment rate among Blacks, I can tell you they are dead wrong! They are dead wrong when I see a heck of a lot more Blacks and Hispanics working than Whites.
While reverse discrimination in this country is very much taking place in America there is also another form of discrimination in this country that no one is addressing. Discrimination against Americans by legal immigrants is yet another form of discrimination in this country that is hurting all races of Americans. The discrimination of which I am speaking is discrimination by those from other countries that choose not to hire Americans in positions, but persons from whatever country the employer is from or employers wishing to get cheap labor. Immigrants are coming to America, setting up businesses, and discriminating against Americans. They are instead hiring workers from throughout Europe, Russia, as well as South Africa and various South American countries. While I don't begrudge legal immigrants as I encourage legal immigration, it is unfair for these people to migrate to America and only help and employ their own or those of whom they can pay on the cheap as to save money. There has to be some sort of a system where Americans are given some precedence over those who will work for anything as they are in search of the golden green cards to America.
Discrimination in America against anyone is unacceptable. However, reverse discrimination in America is now getting more and more prevalent. In fact, if an honest survey were ever conducted, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Whites are discriminated against more today than that of any other race. Reverse discrimination is never talked about and it's high time Whites were told that it's okay to come out and say that yes reverse discrimination in America exists. Whites have been keeping quiet about being discriminated against and it's time Whites used their voices and voiced their displeasure at being discriminated against. Blacks, Hispanics and other ethnic groups sure haven't had any problem with speaking out about their feelings of being discriminated against in America, why should we White people not speak out as well? The fact is, everyone, White, Black, Hispanic, Chinese, Indian, or whatever one is, should speak out against being discriminated against. After all, we are all Americans and as Americans we must come together as a people under one nation. That is one nation under God as we are all the children of God who holds no discrimination.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2019 #reversediscrimination #Whitesupremacyisahoax