Monday, August 26, 2019

Yes America There Is In Fact Reverse Discrimination In America!

Summer Casual, shirt-Sandro Paris, skirt-Gucci

    Reverse discrimination across America is more prevalent than Americans know. Of course Americans are oblivious to the extent of reverse discrimination taking place due to no one daring to report on it. Well, in my opinion it's high time reverse discrimination be brought to the surface. Instead of pushing reverse discrimination under the rug, it's time Americans reveal the truth that's been pushed under the rug for far too long. It's time White people had a voice, and a voice that's unafraid to speak the truth.  Reverse discrimination is happening across America in our school systems, on our roadways, in our court rooms, and in the workplace as well as numerous other areas. While discrimination against anyone is unacceptable, discrimination in this country is not only against minorities. Minorities that in the not too distant future may well soon be the majority.  

    Case in point, just recently I had the unfortunate experience of being discriminated against, along with my mother. I was discriminated against in my ever so humble opinion, by a Black, female, police officer. After having been involved in an accident with a driver driving on the wrong side of the road, without any lights on, doing about 40-50 mph in a parking lot no less, I had the unfortunate luck to get a Black supremacist police officer. Upon the officer's arrival, I was treated as if I were a second class citizen despite the fact that the other driver had just plowed through my car and just missed nearly seriously injuring or killing my mother who was on the passenger side. The officer refused to speak to me who she deemed 100% at fault due to having been the driver coming from the stop sign, or my mother, the passenger. We were both told to wait at the car as she wanted to talk to the other driver, a Hispanic man, first. I wondered at the time if the officer thought the other driver were Black as he was rather dark complected and in the dark he was even darker.  The other driver who appeared to want take off from the scene of the accident, was stopped by a mere flat tire. The driver was some 20 feet from the point of impact which made me wonder if he would have stopped had it not been for his flat tire. I might add that the other driver appeared to be stoned as he seemed to be in a bit of a fog after ripping the entire front of f of my car off my car. His exact words as he hopped out of the car  were, "What happened?" "What happened?" I exclaimed. "You plowed through my car in a parking lot!" That's exactly what took place. The man in a private parking lot, without speed limit signs seemed to think the street on which he was flying was his own private drag strip. Where most parking lot accidents are mere fender benders due to the low speed limit, costing drivers $300. or less, my accident is now close to $5000.! Upon looking at the car one would have thought I was in the middle of a major car crash on a major freeway doing 80 plus. I instead, stopped at a stop sign, inched slowly forward, the rest is history. One never in a million years would have thought upon observation of my vehicle, that I was in a parking lot accident. 

   Unfortunately, not only did I have the misfortune of being involved in an accident, but I also had the misfortune of having a specific Black female police officer who clearly in my opinion did not like Whites. From the moment this woman stepped out of the car this woman had contempt for both my mother and myself. The officer barely got out the words, "is everyone okay", before informing me that she would not speak to me until she had spoken to the other driver first. The officer declared the accident 100% my fault due to my having a stop sign, despite the obvious evidence that the other driver appeared to be driving recklessly. The officer did not do much of any investigation and she did not so much as even look at the point of impact of the accident. Had the officer done an ounce of investigation or just taken a look at the point of impact, she first, I would have thought to  have deemed the other driver as driving recklessly.  Valid points to my defense should have been made had either of the two officers I was assigned actually looked at the accident for any length of time. Number one, from the amount of visible damage done to my car,  the car was clearly going at a high rate of speed. Number two, the other car was on the wrong side of the road as shown by the point of impact and skid marks, and number three, the car had no lights on which the driver stated were on at the time of the accident. The officer also, had she had an ounce of objectivity, would have noticed that the other driver seemed higher than a kite. Another officer, who also failed to do any investigating whatsoever thought something was up with the other driver, but thought it was merely the driver's low command of the English language. Please! The driver's English was just fine. He had a rather thick accent, but he could speak English. While yes, I did have a stop sign which I stopped at, I was not able to see the other driver as he was driving without lights, on the wrong side of the road, and at a high rate of speed. Unfortunately for me, the officer failed to put any fault on the other driver, leaving me with a nice deductible which I must pay when my car is finally ready. My car, which was utterly trashed in a parking lot by a man who was driving without any lights on the wrong side of the road, going at a high rate of speed was not even so much as reprimanded by either officer. No, the other driver was rewarded instead, with flirtatious chatter from the Black female officer.

     In a nutshell, I was White and I got a Black officer that appeared to not be a fan of White people. That being said, just what is she doing working in a predominately White area? I honestly feel that if Black officers dislike and resent White people, they should put themselves in predominantly Black areas. Likewise, if there are White officers that are racist against Blacks or Hispanics, they should be placed in predominantly White areas. Instead, I feel as though both White and Black police officers that hold resentments for races other than their own, use their positions to stick it to the other races. It's a power trip, and it's unfair and unjust for whatever race is being discriminated against at the time. That being said, people are using their positions to discriminate against certain races, it happens all too often, and it happens not only to Blacks and Hispanics, but to Whites as well,  but no one wants nor dares to talk about it. 

    Reverse discrimination is not only happening with people using their positions to inflict their power against Whites, but it is happening with employment. I ask, what is the ratio of White government workers to other races? On my own observation, it's at a rate of one White person to 4 or more Blacks or Hispanics. In fact, if I had to guess the ratio may be the same if not more in a good many positions nationwide. While I have nothing against Blacks and Hispanics working, it would be nice to see just one or two White people when I go to a store, Doctor's office, government office or anywhere for that matter. In observance, I have to ask, do White people work anymore? I honestly don't think so .When the Democrats accuse President Trump of  lying about his being responsible for the low unemployment rate among Blacks, I can tell you they are dead wrong! They are dead wrong when I see a heck of a lot more Blacks and Hispanics working than Whites.

    While reverse discrimination in this country is very much taking place in America there is also another form of discrimination in this country that no one is addressing. Discrimination against Americans by legal immigrants is yet another form of discrimination in this country that is hurting all races of Americans. The discrimination of which I am speaking is discrimination by those from other countries that choose not to hire Americans in positions, but persons from whatever country the employer is from or employers wishing to get cheap labor. Immigrants are coming to America, setting up businesses, and discriminating against Americans. They are instead hiring workers from throughout Europe, Russia, as well as South Africa and various South American countries. While I don't begrudge legal immigrants as I encourage legal immigration, it is unfair for these people to migrate to America and only help and employ their own or those of whom they can pay on the cheap as to save money. There has to be some sort of a system where Americans are given some precedence over those who will work for anything as they are in search of the golden green cards to America. 

   Discrimination in America against anyone is unacceptable. However, reverse discrimination in America is now getting more and more prevalent. In fact, if an honest survey were ever conducted, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that Whites are discriminated against more today than that of any other race. Reverse discrimination is never talked about and it's high time Whites were told that it's okay to come out and say that yes reverse discrimination in America exists. Whites have been keeping quiet about being discriminated against and it's time Whites used their voices and voiced their displeasure at being discriminated against. Blacks, Hispanics and other ethnic groups sure haven't had any problem with speaking out about their feelings of being discriminated against in America, why should we White people not speak out as well? The fact is, everyone, White, Black, Hispanic, Chinese, Indian, or whatever one is, should speak out against being discriminated against. After all, we are all Americans and as Americans we must come together as a people under one nation. That is one nation under God as we are all the children of God who holds no discrimination.

(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2019 #reversediscrimination #Whitesupremacyisahoax

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

No Alyssa, Abortion Is NOT Birth Control, Nor Is It Health Care!

T-Shirt and Skirt-Sandro Paris, Wedges-Prada, Handbag-

       "In 1993, I had two abortions."- Alyssa Milano in her latest podcast "Sorry Not Sorry".

Abortion counter available at

     Never in my life did I ever think one would brag or broadcast that they had an abortion, let alone brag about having two abortions. However, we apparently live in an age where having an abortion is not something of which one is ashamed, nor do we live in an age where having an abortion is something of which one wishes to keep private. No, we instead live in an age where one having an abortion is somewhat of a badge of honor for those on the left. We also live in an age where some people are only too happy to boast of their killing their unborn children. 

   Just recently, actress and left wing activist Alyssa Milano confessed that she had two abortions in one calendar year, 1993. She stated that the having the abortions was "absolutely the right choice" for her at that time. Milano had the two abortions after getting pregnant despite taking birth control pills, or so she says. Apparently, the abortions were, "not an easy choice", but in her own words she stated that she was , "not equipped to be a mother and so I chose to have an abortion." Milano went on to say, "it was the absolutely right choice for me," and added that the abortions were, "something that I needed-like most healthcare is." Milano then went on to say how had she not killed her two unwanted children or rather had she not had her two unwanted children aborted, she would not today have her two beautiful children, nor would she be the mother she is today. Essentially, Milano applauds herself that due to her two abortions her children, "have a mother who was so very, very ready for them." 

   Well by golly, I think America should applaud Alyssa Milano on her murdering or aborting her two unwanted, unborn children. Even better, maybe Alyssa Milano should be nominated for the Pulitzer Peace Prize for such a noble act. Seriously America, are we not better than this? Have we no morals? Apparently not. There was a time when women who accidentally got pregnant would go away, have the child and give it up for adoption or keep it themselves. Those who chose to have abortions, would go off secretly to have the abortion, and would keep it to themselves. In the old days, women were guilt ridden, saddened, and ashamed at having first gotten pregnant while unmarried and second killing their unborn child. There was a time when women would not tell a soul that they'd gotten pregnant and had an abortion . Women looked at abortion for what it was, murder.  Not today. Today, women have abortions just as easily as they get botox and fillers. Women today, have abortions without blinking an eyelash. With some women having not one, or two, but, three, four or more abortions, abortion has become almost a form of birth control for some. Well, as Alyssa Milano so eloquently put it, her abortions were a form of healthcare. 

  No Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it health care. Abortion is the killing of the unborn. There's no nice way to candy coat it. Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception and there is no argument that can say that abortion is anything, but murder. While it is unfortunate that countless women become pregnant with unwanted children, it's a fact of life. If a man and woman have sexual intercourse, a woman can in fact become pregnant. Newsflash, women are made to have babies, it's a part of a woman's anatomy. It's not rocket science, it's fact. Women know that if they fail to take birth control or fail to have their partner use protection, they can get pregnant. Women also know that birth control and condoms are never 100% effective. Women know the risks. I have zero sympathy for the young girl or woman that has an unwanted pregnancy. As a woman, you know the risks of having sex. That being said, perhaps if a woman is not ready to have a child, she should not engage in sex. That being said, if the thought of having a child with a man makes one vomit then one probably should not engage in sex with that man.  As my great grand mother always said, "if a woman can take the time to lie down and do it, she can take the time to lie down and have it." My great grandmother couldn't have said it any better. To this day, I think of my great grandmother's words as profound. The bottom line was, her era was not in favor of abortion. Abortion was looked at as amoral and taboo. My great grandmother's era was an era of real morals, and real values. Sadly, today those morals and values are now lost. 

   No Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it healthcare. Abortion is the result of a woman not wanting to do the right thing in having a child. A child that was conceived by in most cases, two consenting adults that knew the risks. A child, that while unwanted by the mother, could be wanted, loved, and cherished by another. There are too too many women and couples today that cannot have children that want children desperately. Not to mention, that when a child is conceived, a child was "meant to be" conceived. If we are a nation under God, then we know that a child would not be conceived if it were not meant to be conceived. Sadly, as this blog has been written on this day, 2438 abortions have been conducted in the United States with the number increasing by the second. Worldwide, 1, 545, 522, 567 and counting, abortions have been conducted since 1980.  If these statistics don't sicken you, they should. The statistics of abortions should put all who condone abortions to shame. While I have empathy and agree with those of whom have had abortions due to rape , incest, or those having abortions due to health risks whom are forced to have abortions, I have zero empathy for those having abortions due to a mere, "oops I got pregnant" moment. No, America, no Alyssa, abortion is not birth control, nor is it healthcare, it is murder. 

(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2019

#abortionismurder #prolife #abortionisnothealthcare 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Yes America, Tucker Was Correct, White Supremacy Is A Hoax!

Dress-Ramy Brook, Wedges-Chanel

                  "This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax, it's a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power, that's exactly what's going on." -Tucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight"

     Yes, America, White Supremacy is a hoax. White Supremacy is a hoax brought to America by the left. Beginning with former President Barack Obama the Democrats have done their best to incite racism and hate among Americans. The former president was the single most divisive president of our time and the Democratic party is continuing Obama's legacy of instigating racism and division throughout America. Unfortunately for the left, their attempting to brainwash Americans with the hoax of "White supremacy" is failing. It is failing, because it just isn't true.

    Three days after the El Paso shooting where 22 people were killed and another 24 people were injured, Fox News' own Tucker Carlson stated that the left's claims of "White supremacy" being one of America's biggest issues of concern was a hoax. Apparently, Tucker Carlson's telling the truth did not go over well with Fox News and their sponsors. Two days later, Tucker followed in the footsteps of so many other Fox News correspondents before that had dare to report the truth and their biased opinions with an early vacation. Tucker's early vacation is said to be due to his paid ads plummeting. Apparently, sponsors did not approve of Tucker's claim that White supremacy is a hoax. How dare Tucker Carlson speak the truth!

 While critics of Tucker Carlson will maintain that the El Paso shooter was a Trump supporting, White supremacist that disliked Hispanics, that just isn't true. The truth is, that the El Paso shooter actually blamed President Trump for a spike in work visas and doubling the guest work visas this summer. He labeled both Republicans and Democrats as sellouts on many issues. The shooter did in fact use some racist language against the Hispanic community, but while also voicing his hatred for average Americans  and calling for a decrease in the American population. The shooter whom mainstream media portrayed as a "Trump supporter" stressed the environmental aspects of his motivations, even naming Al Gore's climate documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". The shooter blamed corporations for the destruction of the environment and indirectly blamed the Trump administration for the fresh water being polluted by farming and drilling operations. The shooter also promoted the far left's policies, such as universal health care and a universal income. Nothing in the document written by the El Paso shooter proves that the El Paso shooter was a White Supremacist, nor does the document prove that President Trump's policies were the motive behind the shooting.

   White supremacy in America is without a doubt a hoax. America has bigger issues today than White supremacists terrorizing Americans. In fact, where should I begin with the issues in America today? Perhaps health care? At present there are approximately 44 million Americans without health care.  This means 44 million Americans are not getting the proper health care needed to both prevent sickness and disease and cure their sicknesses and diseases. Perhaps the opioid crisis in America? Every day, more than 130 people overdose and die from opioids, including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and fentanyl. Perhaps the suicide rate in America? The rate of suicide is up 33% since 1999. In fact, America's suicide rate is the highest it's been since World War II. Lack of health care, opioid addiction, and suicide in America are by far, bigger issues that need some serious attention, yet the left wants to tell Americans that "White Supremacy" is America's biggest issue today.

   Hogwash! At present, Whites are discriminated against more than Blacks and Hispanics in many areas of the country. What White person ever gets hired because he or she is "White"? Not a one. What White student ever gets into a school or University because he or she is "White"? Not a one! What schools in America are for Whites only? Not a one? However, there are Black community colleges across America. How many magazines are there for "Whites" only? Not a one. Yet, there are countless magazines for Black people in America. Ebony, Upscale Magazine, Sister Sister, African American Golfers Digest, and Black Bride and Groom Magazine, just to name a few. Imagine if America had magazines for White people only? Seriously. Imagine a White Golfer's Digest, or an Ivory Women's magazine for White women only. The left would self destruct. Imagine, if ever a college, magazine or anything ever dared to limit their consumers to "Whites" only. That being said, I and many Americans have tired of the "White Supremacy" blame game. Are there some White supremacists in America? Sure there are. However, are there are also Black supremacists in America? Of course there are. I have a hunch we have a past president and his first lady to name two. Are there Hispanic supremacists in America? Yes, America has those too.

  The fact is, America until the end of time will always have people that hate other races than that of their own. Racism and White supremacy is not what has caused every mass shooting in America. Bad people caused each and every mass shooting in America. Bad people do bad things and they will continue to do bad things. In 2015 a Muslim couple shot and killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California. They were not White supremacists. In 2016 a Muslim man went into a gay nightclub and shot and killed 49 people. He was not a White supremacist. He was a Muslim that hated gay people. In 2017, 58 people were shot and killed in Las Vegas. The shooter was not a White supremacist. In 2018 a White student shot and killed 17 people. White supremacy was again not the reason for the shooting. White supremacy is not the cause of the majority of mass shootings in America, and for the left to blame White supremacy is just preposterous. 
  Yes America, Tucker Carlson was right. White supremacy in America today is a hoax. It is a hoax, and it is a hoax contrived by the left to divide, conquer, and control America. The left does not want a unified America. The left does not want an independent America. The left does not want a joyous, content, nor a prosperous America. The left wants Blacks and Hispanics hating Whites, and Whites hating Blacks and Hispanics. Prior to former President Barack Hussein Obama, I liked people as people and not color.  I never thought, "what a nice Black man or woman". I thought, "what a nice man or woman". However, today mainstream media continuously speaks of "Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites". Today, race is in the news 24/7, and it is purposeful. It is purposeful in that the left wing media wants to brainwash Blacks and Hispanics. They want to brainwash them into thinking that all White people in America that aren't Democrats are bad and are White supremacists. That just isn't true. For the record, it is the Democrats that started slavery and would still today have slaves if it weren't for the Republicans who freed them. Then again America, are Blacks and other minorities really free that follow the Democrats, or are they still slaves to the left? Again, the left has created this "White supremacy" rhetoric as to divide, conquer, and control America. Yes America, Tucker Carlson was correct, White supremacy in America today is a hoax! 

(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2019 #Whitesupremacyisahoax #Whitesupremacyhoax #TuckerCarlson #PresidentTrump 



Thursday, August 8, 2019

Lies From The Left

Dress-Maje, Shoes-Valentino, Crossbody-Paloma Picasso, Bangle-Hermes, Dog-"Logan" -Mexican Hairless
   Under President Barack Obama's presidency, there were 162 mass shootings. America never once blamed former President Obama for a one of those shootings. America also never noted nor blamed former President Obama for there being more mass shootings under his watch than any other president. In fact, there were more mass shootings under former President Obama than in the four previous presidents combined. Not once, did any politician, any media outlet, or any celebrity blame the former president for a one of those shootings. Not once did anyone come out and blame the former president's racism against Whites for a one mass shooting under his watch. Not once did anyone call out the former president for his being the most divisive president of our time as blame for a one of those mass shootings. Not once did America blame an iota of a one mass shooting on former President Barack Obama. That being said, why and how can any politician, any political pundit, any celebrity, or any American blame President Trump for a one of the mass shootings that have taken place under his watch? Furthermore, how can President Trump be blamed for White supremacy in America, and why?

   Why? Because the left has nothing. The left has no game and the left has no merit on which to run in 2020. The left has fabricated "White supremacy" in America at a time when White supremacy is at an all time low. How can the left claim that President Trump is a racist and a White supremacist when under President Trump, African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American unemployment is at the lowest rates ever recorded? How can the left blame President Trump, and his followers for all of the hate, White supremacy, and division in this country? Simple, because they can. The left will do  and say anything to win in 2020, even if it is an outright lie. 

  Lies and more lies. Lies are the stuff of what the Democratic party is made. The party is imploding with politicians that are so radical and so far left that the party is divided more than ever before. With that division comes desperation and desperation is what has caused the left to play the blame game regarding the latest mass shootings. The left has always had a desire for more gun control and the latest shootings have given them the ammunition needed for lobbying for more gun control. The latest shootings were a gift to the left. The latest shootings are now being used to strike fear into Americans. Add to fear, the left's suggestion of White supremacism, and racism and you've got anger as well. Democrats are the party of control. The Democrats are placing fear and anger into the minds of African and Hispanic-Americans as to get their votes in 2020 and their strategy is based on an outright lie. 

   Under President Obama, on December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed, and another 22 people were injured in a mass shooting and an attempted bombing by a Muslim couple in San Bernardino, California. Not once did the media, nor any politician nor any Hollywood celebrity blame the former president and his alliance with Muslims for the tragedy.  On June 12, 2016 Omar Mateen walked into a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he killed 49 people and injured another 53 people. Not once did I hear a one politician, political pundit from the left, or the right blame former President Obama for the shooting. Nor did one celebrity come out against the president. I also did not hear a fabricated lie that the former president promoted hate for gay people and that his hate for gay people caused the mass shooting. Using liberal logic, America should have blamed former President Obama for both shootings and while they were at it they should have blamed hate for gay people and hate from Muslims for the shootings as well.

   On June 14, 2017 a Bernie Sanders supporter shot U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, as well as a U.S. Capitol Police Officer, a lobbyist, and a congressional aide. Using liberal logic, the shooting should have been blamed on Bernie Sanders, but they did not. Had the shooter been a Trump supporter the blame would have been placed on the president, but unfortunately for the Democrats the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter. Likewise, in the latest shooting in Dayton Ohio, the shooter was an extreme left-wing, anti-fascist,  Elizabeth Warren and Antifa supporter. Using liberal logic, mainstream media, politicians , the Hollywood elite, and all of  America should blame Senator Elizabeth Warren for the Dayton, Ohio shooting, should they not?  No, of course not! Blaming others, but the shooters and the shooters only is absurd, but that is precisely what liberals do. Liberal logic 101, play the blame game and blame every mass shooting that has occurred recently on President Trump and White supremacy. 

   Blaming President Trump, and White supremacy in America for the latest mass shootings is absurd and the left knows it. The left might as well blame Mickey Mouse while they're at it. That being said, the president can not win in this argument with the left and frankly it's not worth the effort. I feel the president kowtowed to the left in his speaking out against White supremacy and his support for red flag laws. The president speaking out against White supremacy validated the left's blame for White supremacy which just isn't true. Furthermore, I feel the president jumped the gun with his stating his support for red flag laws. Red flag laws are laws desired by Democrats. Red flag laws are abused and will hurt the average American that may be wrongly accused of being a danger to society. Red flag laws will inevitably take guns out of the hands of sane law abiding Americans . Red flag laws will take away the right of Americans to protect themselves due to being wrongly accused of being mentally unstable. Red flag laws are many times unjust and the president's support of these laws will not change the minds of Democrats that he must be impeached or voted out of office. 

   This past week President Trump's rhetoric was that of a Democrat and I and many Republicans were not impressed. The president said everything that the Democrats wanted to hear and more. The President caved to the Democrats and what did it get him in the end? Nothing! The Democrats still hate the president and therefore the president must remember one of the main reasons why Republicans voted for him. Republicans voted for President Trump for many reasons, but one was his support for the 2nd amendment. The President must stand by his belief in the right to bear arms and not back down. With over 40 million illegal immigrants in this country that we know nothing about, Americans need their guns more than ever before. The president was elected because we the people elected him on certain issues and he must never forget. This is not a popularity contest, and after the president's attempting to please the other side he should now know he will never win with the left in trying to please them. In trying to please the left he will only lose and that is why the president must never forget his base and fall prey to the blame game from the left. The president just like Mickey Mouse is not to blame. (c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2019
Shouldn't every good Republican have a firm handshake?


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Can One Be A "Red Flag" Republican?


Long Sleeve Blouse and Shorts - Sandro Paris, Shoes- Prada, Crocodile handbag- Beba 
 "We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms and that if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process,"  "That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders."-President Trump remarks from the White House Monday Morning in response to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings

  “It doesn’t matter if you have a right to a lawyer if you are dead. It doesn’t matter if you have the right to free speech if you are dead. Doesn’t matter if you have the right to keep and bear arms if you are dead."- Trey Gowdy on this week's Sunday Morning Futures.

     This past weekend, 31 people were killed and another 50 were injured in mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. Not mentioned in mainstream media, but well worth noting, 7 people were killed and another 52 were injured in Chicago shootings. This past weekend marked Chicago's worst weekend of gun violence this year despite having some of the toughest gun laws in the country.

    Illinois is one of ten states that prides itself on it's extremely strict gun laws. Why the state of Illinois is so proud is any one's guess, as clearly stricter gun laws do not necessarily result in less shootings or mass shootings. Repeatedly, strict gun laws failing to protect innocent civilians from being killed and or injured is proven true. The ten states having the strictest gun laws in the nation are as follows; California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. While ten states across the country boast of having the strictest gun laws in the nation, seven of those ten, accounted for fifty something dead and over 300 persons injured by shootings across America. That all being said, I am in a bit of a conundrum as today my Republican president made the following statement in response to the mass shootings from last weekend, "We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms and that if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process". "That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders."

     Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would see the day when a Republican would be for "red flag laws".  Today, Americans witnessed the president, former Congressman Trey Gowdy, and Senator Lindsey Graham come out in support of red flag laws. While many Americans may think red flag laws are a good thing, they are not. In fact red flag laws are infringing upon our 2nd amendment rights . Furthermore, Red flag laws will inevitably hurt the poor. Red flag laws are dangerous in that anyone can be wrongly targeted by a disgruntled ex, friend or family member, and have their gun or guns taken away because the courts have concluded that the person on trial is mentally unfit to carry a gun. The proposed red flag bill will allow law enforcement officials to take away guns from those of whom have formal complaints that someone might be mentally unfit. Once guns have been taken away from people who may be quite sane, those persons will have to attend a court hearing as to attempt to get their guns back. Sadly, many people not making a six or seven figure income will lose their guns permanently as the process can be quite costly as one will have to obtain legal counsel to defend their right to have their guns returned to them. As these cases would be considered "civil" cases a public defender would not be an option. Unfortunately, for the middle class American man or woman, the cost to prove they are not a dangerous person nor a threat to society can be too much. 

   When Americans voted for Donald J. Trump, they voted for him to fight for their conservative beliefs. The right to bear arms was and still is a key issue for most Republicans. The President coming out in favor of red flag laws has made many of his supporters cringe and rightfully so. Those law makers against guns have in the past been liberals, liberals that put on a facade of having empathy for the poor. The proposed red flag bill is not a bill that will protect the poor, it hurts the poor and the middle class. Middle class and lower income Americans just can not afford the cost of a pricey court battle that should never be in the first place. The President was elected to protect our 2nd amendment rights not take them away. While the President is said to be putting immigration in with proposed red flag bill, his supporters are concerned and rightfully so. His supporters are somewhat skeptical as their president was once a Democrat, and one could wonder if the president is now a closet Democrat. A Democrat in the White House would be every Republican's worst  nightmare. Yet, the president's latest speech leads one to wonder if the president has gone back to his Democratic roots or I have to ask, is it possible to be a "red flag Republican"?

(c) Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2019 #2ndamendmentrights #righttobeararms #MAGA #redflaglaws