Sunday, March 2, 2025

America Today, Censored By The Government

     I have taken a break from blogging, but I do feel a need to blog when I feel we as Americans are being misled. I have watched every major network and not a one is reporting on the mass protests in support of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky across the U.S. after Friday's disaster of a meeting between Dictator Donald, and his sidekick J.D. Vance. Actually, Friday's meeting was not a meeting at all,  it was an ambush by two bullies. Trump and J.D. behaved like two childhood playground bullies  attempting to steal a child's toy. The only thing missing was a gun at the head of President Zelensky. First and foremost, Zelensky thanked Trump when he first greeted Trump, and has in total thanked the United States some 30 plus times, verbally, on social media and elsewhere. Next, Trump insulted President Zelensky along with a reporter on his attire. President Zelensky was not in a suit, what a faux pas! Seriously? The man's country is at war. The man actually has walked the streets of his country while bombs were being dropped. President Zelensky is a real man, a real leader, a real hero who has been standing up to the biggest bully of all, Vladimir Putin. Trump hid in a bunker his first term as president during the George Floyd protests. That said, Trump and some dimwit reporter mocking President Zelensky for not wearing a suit is shameful. Sir Winston Churchill also did not wear a suit during WWII. When man's country is being attacked what difference does it make if the leader of the attacked country is wearing a God Damn suit? Let me add that a suit is called a costume in Ukraine . Zelensky was speaking in a third language which clearly made him the most intelligent man in the room. No one else that was present could speak three languages, and for what it's forth , why has no one asked Elon Musk why he does not wear a suit? Elon is not at war, he from the opinion of most is a billionaire possible Russian autistic, lunatic who's jumping around stage like a village idiot. Elon is not smart, he inherited his money and his last spaceship blew up and fell all over the Caribbean!

     Had President Zelensky worn a suit the outcome would have been the same. The bottom line is, Dictator Don and Vance wanted a deal where the U.S. would have control of Ukraine's minerals in return for a deal for peace. The trouble is, there were no guarantees for peace for Ukraine. Was President Zelensky supposed to sign a deal handing over their minerals on a handshake from one of the biggest liars and scam artists in politics and business? Was President Zelensky supposed to trust Trump, and Vance? Was he supposed to trust that because the U.S. would be working in mines in Ukraine, Russia would stop bombing Ukraine? No one knows Putin better than President Zelensky. Zelensky knows that Putin is a liar, and that is what he was trying to convey to Trump, Vance, and everyone in the room. Putin had broken several cease fire agreements before, why would Friday's agreement be any different? It wouldn't be any different, and if the whole ambush bullying tactics weren't bad enough Friday, Trump's refusal to condemn and criticize Putin were truly frightening, and the world was watching.
   On Friday, the world watched in horror the end of America as they have known it. Dictator Don showed the world on Friday that the United States is no longer an ally that they can depend upon. The world watched as America's leader showed himself to no longer be the leader of the free world. Following Friday's shameful treatment of President Zelensky, European leaders including the United Kingdom reached out to President Zelensky and told him that Ukraine has the full support of the European countries. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer was seen embracing President Zelensky as well as other European leaders at a meeting, quite a contrast to Trump and Vance's treatment of the Ukrainian President. 

    I and millions of Americans are horrified by the treatment of President Zelensky. I'm also horrified that the United States along with Russia, North Korea, Hungary, China, Israel and 16 other countries voted against Ukraine in the United Nations resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine . The late Presidents Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush, and the late Senator John McCain must have rolled over in their graves. When the United States refuses to vote against Russia for the invasion of a free country and sides with communist and autocratic countries the world is on notice. The world is on notice that the United States is no longer the leader of the free world. It is a sad time in America, a very sad time indeed. 


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