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President Donald Trump having just accepted the Republican nomination to run for re-election. |
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America's First Family, the President visibly disengaged. |
Tweet on the choice of attire by the First Lady |
America presently has over six million coronavirus cases, over 186,000 deaths , is going at a rate of some 1000 deaths per day, and America's president selfishly held a super spreader event at the White House this past week. Ignoring the fact that millions of Americans have been unable to hold funerals to honor their deceased friends and families, have not been able to hold weddings, birthday parties, and so forth due to a deadly pandemic that is not gone, but still very much out of control. The super spreader event was a three ring circus held on the White House Lawn with 1500 mostly mask-less attendees sitting in close proximity to one another, and only a handful having been tested for COVID-19. The White House, otherwise known as "the people's house" was used as a political prop for the president, something never done before in the history of our nation. Had former Presidents Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, or any Democratic candidate ever used the White House as a political prop, Republicans would have been up in arms and accused them of being fascist dictators, tyrants, and or socialists. The Republicans instead stood silent.
Millions of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents watched the RNC convention in astonishment as the platform was built mostly on lies, misleading statements, falsehoods, and deception. While the White House Lawn being used by the president was distasteful at best, most remembered just might be the screaming lunatic girlfriend of the president's son Don Jr.. as Kimberly Guilfoyle screamed "THE BEST IS YET TO COME", to a room of one or two people. I couldn't help but wonder just what the hell we were waiting for? The president has had four years, and his America isn't pretty. I'd hate to see what another four years under Trump would do to America. As if Kimberly Guilfoyle's odd speech wasn't bad enough America then got to hear from Don Jr. with glazed over eyes causing "Republicans love cocaine" and various cocaine memes to be trending on Twitter. While a Republican cocaine convention was trending on Twitter, so too was First Lady Melania's Nazi like attire. While the First Lady has always been lovely, and well dressed, her military like style was quite offensive to many. Night two ,the First Lady spoke in the newly renovated Rose Garden, another super spreader event with maskless attendees possibly violating the hatch act . While former First Ladies have worn feminine dresses or suits to speak on behalf of their husbands, First Lady Melania chose an Alexander McQueen military suit that was likened on social media to be like that of a Nazi or Fidel Castro. Nonetheless, many Americans took the First Lady's attire as a message as well as her speech. The message was that the Trump family was in power and they were here to stay.
While America may have found many components of the first two nights of the RNC troubling, I myself, was deeply disturbed by the President's entrance inside of the White House as to hold a naturalization ceremony aired live during the RNC convention. Let it be noted that the naturalization ceremony was conducted with 5 people that were not told that they would be used for the president's purposes. The president's purpose was to mislead Americans into thinking he is for legal immigration using five people that come from the very countries the President refers to as "shithole countries". The President in Dictator like fashion, made his entrance to music playing as two marines stood on each side of the doorway, as if a king not a president were entering the premises. America does not have kings! America does not have Dictators, or does it?
What America witnessed this past week was an abomination of the United States presidency. Millions of Americans watched in horror as the White House lawn had been turned into a three ring circus. Two large television screens with "TRUMP PENCE", lit up in red, white and blue were on each side of the stage, dozens of American flags blew in the breeze, and at night's end, opera was sung during a much unnecessary fireworks display. The only thing missing were carnival rides, and cotton candy and popcorn machines. The message was loud and clear to any American watching, that the America of yesterday was no more under Donald Trump. It was also clear that the White House was not the people's house, it was Donald Trump's house. While Donald Trump may have lay claim to the White House, and turned the White House lawn into a Trump overly ostentatious nightmare, Donald Trump did not fool all who were watching. It was evident that the president's handlers had advised the president to not be his authentic self. It was also evident to those who have been truly following the latest events across the nation that the president was attempting to rewrite history, his history.
The president's history since January has been that America has had a president that has been ignorant, oblivious, negligent, unhinged, and unsympathetic. However, the RNC painted a picture of Donald Trump being quite the opposite. Let us not forget that when Donald Trump was asked about 1000 Americans dying in an interview with Jonathan Swan Trump's reply was, "people are dying, that's true, it is what it is". Let us not forget when Donald Trump suggested people ingest lysol as to cure COVID-19 which sadly two people did and died. The Donald Trump of this past week was a very different Donald Trump. It was a caring, and sympathetic Donald Trump. However, the caring and sympathetic president showed he was anything, but as he singled out First Daughter, Ivanka, to "stand up" but not his other children. Most obviously hurt by the President were sons, Barron, Don Jr., and Tiffany. If Americans were bothered by the president not being concerned by over 186,000 Americans dying, the President doesn't even seem to care about the feelings of his own children, let alone anyone else. That was clear as the President failed to protect his attendees of his acceptance speech as they left the White House to return to their homes and or hotels. Senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked as they left the White House in Trump's unsafe America. One would have thought the President would have taken care of his attendees.
Four more years of Donald Trump? America better pray not. Unfortunately. not one Republican in office spoke out against all the lies, deceit, laws broken and deception by Donald Trump. Republicans sat and did nothing! Thank God for the 30 something former prominent Republicans supporting Joe Biden. The Republicans are using tactics threatening socialism under Biden, yet what's taking place within our government at present is socialism. When you have a president that takes over the CDC, the FDA, the media, and what is reported by the Pentagon you have socialism. Four more years of Donald Trump? Four more years of a president aiding in the spread of a pandemic and not preventing it? Four more years of a president that encourages anarchy and violence? Four more years of a president that idolizes and protects Dictators? Four more years of a president that has threatened relations and tarnished America's standing with it's allies? Four more years of a three ring circus consistently taking place within the presidential administration?Four more years of a president whom the President's daughter deems, "the maximum leader"? Four more years? I fear it may well be four more years if not longer. I fear the America our forefathers envisioned is all but a distant memory with the presidency of Donald Trump.
#JOEBIDEN #JoeBidenforpresident #RepublicansforBiden #BidenHarris2020 #DonaldTrump
Taxes will only increase under Joe Biden for those making over $400,000
Joe Biden has rejected taking down the border wall
Joe Biden will not confiscate guns, he will institute a non mandatory buy back program on assault weapons
Joe Biden has never said he would eliminate America's borders
Joe Biden has not said he would de-fund the police he is for police reform
Trump did not get the veterans choice law signed, it was first signed by former President Barrack Obama 2014
Trump is not responsible for the first NATO member spending increase, spending was increasing in 2015
Trump has not done more for African Americans since Abraham Lincoln. Pres. Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights act and voting rights act
Trump failed to mention on his touting a record job gain that his gain follows he holds a record 22 million job losses
1 comment:
A sad & tragic state of affairs we are in. Well written & well said! Thank you.
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