Sunday, March 2, 2025

America Today, Censored By The Government

     I have taken a break from blogging, but I do feel a need to blog when I feel we as Americans are being misled. I have watched every major network and not a one is reporting on the mass protests in support of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky across the U.S. after Friday's disaster of a meeting between Dictator Donald, and his sidekick J.D. Vance. Actually, Friday's meeting was not a meeting at all,  it was an ambush by two bullies. Trump and J.D. behaved like two childhood playground bullies  attempting to steal a child's toy. The only thing missing was a gun at the head of President Zelensky. First and foremost, Zelensky thanked Trump when he first greeted Trump, and has in total thanked the United States some 30 plus times, verbally, on social media and elsewhere. Next, Trump insulted President Zelensky along with a reporter on his attire. President Zelensky was not in a suit, what a faux pas! Seriously? The man's country is at war. The man actually has walked the streets of his country while bombs were being dropped. President Zelensky is a real man, a real leader, a real hero who has been standing up to the biggest bully of all, Vladimir Putin. Trump hid in a bunker his first term as president during the George Floyd protests. That said, Trump and some dimwit reporter mocking President Zelensky for not wearing a suit is shameful. Sir Winston Churchill also did not wear a suit during WWII. When man's country is being attacked what difference does it make if the leader of the attacked country is wearing a God Damn suit? Let me add that a suit is called a costume in Ukraine . Zelensky was speaking in a third language which clearly made him the most intelligent man in the room. No one else that was present could speak three languages, and for what it's forth , why has no one asked Elon Musk why he does not wear a suit? Elon is not at war, he from the opinion of most is a billionaire possible Russian autistic, lunatic who's jumping around stage like a village idiot. Elon is not smart, he inherited his money and his last spaceship blew up and fell all over the Caribbean!

     Had President Zelensky worn a suit the outcome would have been the same. The bottom line is, Dictator Don and Vance wanted a deal where the U.S. would have control of Ukraine's minerals in return for a deal for peace. The trouble is, there were no guarantees for peace for Ukraine. Was President Zelensky supposed to sign a deal handing over their minerals on a handshake from one of the biggest liars and scam artists in politics and business? Was President Zelensky supposed to trust Trump, and Vance? Was he supposed to trust that because the U.S. would be working in mines in Ukraine, Russia would stop bombing Ukraine? No one knows Putin better than President Zelensky. Zelensky knows that Putin is a liar, and that is what he was trying to convey to Trump, Vance, and everyone in the room. Putin had broken several cease fire agreements before, why would Friday's agreement be any different? It wouldn't be any different, and if the whole ambush bullying tactics weren't bad enough Friday, Trump's refusal to condemn and criticize Putin were truly frightening, and the world was watching.
   On Friday, the world watched in horror the end of America as they have known it. Dictator Don showed the world on Friday that the United States is no longer an ally that they can depend upon. The world watched as America's leader showed himself to no longer be the leader of the free world. Following Friday's shameful treatment of President Zelensky, European leaders including the United Kingdom reached out to President Zelensky and told him that Ukraine has the full support of the European countries. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer was seen embracing President Zelensky as well as other European leaders at a meeting, quite a contrast to Trump and Vance's treatment of the Ukrainian President. 

    I and millions of Americans are horrified by the treatment of President Zelensky. I'm also horrified that the United States along with Russia, North Korea, Hungary, China, Israel and 16 other countries voted against Ukraine in the United Nations resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine . The late Presidents Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush, and the late Senator John McCain must have rolled over in their graves. When the United States refuses to vote against Russia for the invasion of a free country and sides with communist and autocratic countries the world is on notice. The world is on notice that the United States is no longer the leader of the free world. It is a sad time in America, a very sad time indeed. 


Friday, December 6, 2024

Disappointed And Done ....

       What can I say ? What can I say that hasn't already been said by the pundits who warned Americans against a second term Trump presidency? Nothing. I have no words. There's nothing left to be said. However, I do have much to say on the state of our nation that has brought us to be forced to endure a second Trump presidency. The United States is not the greatest country on earth.         It's far from it. In fact, I'm quite certain it won't be long  before  Donald Trump won't have to worry about people trying to come into the United States illegally. With a second Trump presidency, the United States may see more people leaving the U.S. than coming into the U.S.. Why would anyone choose to come to the United States? The world has lost all respect for our country as America has proven that it has the most amoral people on the planet.  The country elected a man who was convicted of sexual abuse, in addition to 30 something felonies, and attempted to overthrow our democracy with his inciting the January insurrection. The rest of the world watched the election results in horror as they can not understand how a nation elected a man that has proven himself to be nothing more than a criminal that could not be a leader in just about every other country in the world. It's truly maddening! I'm quite certain our forefathers never envisioned that Americans would be stupid enough to elect a man that was a criminal to lead the United States of America. What's puzzling is that criminals in jail aren't allowed to vote, yet criminals can run for president? I guess so, and congratulations America, we have a common criminal to lead the nation come 2025. I can't wait. No seriously, the results of this last election are truly frightening. What's frightening is the results of the 2024 election proved that our country is amoral, greedy, and racist. Oh and let me add that this election proved that women have not come along way, and that America has no respect for women. Many countries throughout the world have had or have women leaders. I don't see American men supporting a woman for president anytime soon or ever, and that's extremely disappointing, but this whole election was disappointing .

       I'm done. There's nothing left to say. America voted, and Donald Trump won. America preferred a man who sexually abused a woman , and talks about another man's penis, over an intelligent articulate , kind woman, whom I know would have made America proud. America voted, and America will soon see the repercussions of their choice. I guess, Americans don't know history, Throughout history, when a nation lost its values, the nation lost its way and fell. With the collapse of  a nations' values, comes the collapse of the nation . That said, I'm done blogging until the next election, that is, if we are so lucky to have another election. In the meantime, like the rest of us who voted for Kamala Harris, I will sit back and watch, and pray for America. 


Saturday, November 2, 2024

Republicans Putting The Country And Constitution Over Their Party !

  Just this week: Barbara Pierce Bush tells PEOPLE she's "hopeful" that voters will back Harris on Nov. 5 to "protect women's rights"

  My mother, a lifelong Republican at an event in 2004 with former President G.W. Bush's daughter, Barbara. Both are voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, they are choosing their country and the constitution over their party.

    Never in my, nor my mother's lifetime have we seen lifelong Republicans endorsing a Democratic candidate. October 30th, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former Republican Governor for California announced his support of V.P. Kamala Harris on social media with a lengthy post. He stated that he didn't typically give endorsements, as he "doesn't trust most politicians," but he stated that he understands why people want to know his opinions since he is, "not just a celebrity," but also a former Governor. "To someone like me who talks to people all over the world and still knows America is the shining city on a hill, calling America is a trash can for the world is so unpatriotic, it makes me furious." The former Governor went on, "and I will always be an American before I am a Republican. That's why this week, I am voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. I'm sharing it with all of you, because I think there are a lot of you who feel like I do. You don't recognize our country. And you are right to be furious."

  The former Governor is correct, I, and I suspect millions of other Americans, don't recognize our country, nor our party,  and we are furious. In fact, a good many Americans are in therapy due to their anxiety, anger, and angst over this years presidential election. Each election Americans hear from both sides, that this will be the most important election in their lifetime, and in the past it has been proven wrong. However, this election, I fear could very well be the last election if Kamala fails to win, or if Trump steals the election. Why do I know this to be true? The writing is on the wall, because not once in my lifetime, or anyone in my family's lifetime, does anyone remember a Republican politician, Republican cabinet member, nor a Republican staff member ever standing up and issuing a statement that they were not supporting their party's candidate. Former Vice President, Dick Cheney, and his daughter, the former Congresswoman Liz Cheney who have never voted for a Democrat in their lives, have come out in support of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Liz Cheney has even gone so far as to hit the campaign trail with the V.P. Kamala Harris. At a campaign event in Ripon, Wisconsin, Liz Cheney told the crowd,"I tell you, I have never voted for a Democrat, but this year, I am proudly casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris."  
   Just this week People magazine featured former President G.W. Bush's daughter, Barbara, in which she stated her support for Vice President Kamala Harris. Barbara Pierce Bush told People Magazine, "It was inspiring to join friends and meet voters with the Harris-Walz campaign in Pennsylvania this weekend." Bush shared in an exclusive statement to People this past Tuesday in regards to the Harris Walz ticket, "I'm hopeful they'll move our country forward and protect women's rights." Bush's mother Laura has not yet shared publicly who she is voting for in Tuesday's election. The former First Lady did say back in 2010 that she supported same-sex marriage, and abortion. When speaking about abortion the former First Lady stated, that abortion should "remain legal, because I think it's important for people, for medical reasons."
   In addition to Liz Cheney, and Barbara Bush, Susan Ford Bales, the daughter of former President Gerald Ford, said, "America cannot regress back to a divisive paradigm of loathing toward one another and disdain for our Constitution. We witnessed on January 6 the horrors of what that looks like, and we can never allow a repeat of that tragedy." Jimmy McCain, the son of the late Senator John McCain who was the 2008 Republican nominee for president, also has announced that he has registered as a Democrat and he plans on voting for Harris. McCain released in a statement, "I'm a center man who cares about his country more than anything."
    In a nutshell, Trump appears to have lost support nationwide. The list of prominent Republicans endorsing Harris, the Democratic Presidential nominee is unprecedented, and it's growing.It's growing due to Donald Trump proving himself to be more and more unhinged. The former president has been guilty of saying much about nothing at his rallies. He has said little to nothing about the issues, and has seemed not all there with his dancing, gyrating, talk about executing various generals ,   Arnold Palmer's penis size, dying by electrocution, or shark attack, windmills, Hanbel Lector, and more psycho babble. Trump's latest attacks on Liz Cheney have now got the former President in yet another possible misdemeanor as his statements may well have been interpreted by Arizona law to be a death threat."I don't blame Dick Cheney for sticking with his daughter, but his daughter is a very dumb individual, very dumb. She is a radical war hawk. Let's put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, ok? Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face." Suffice it to say that Trump is doing and saying everything and anything at his rallies, but address the issues and detail his plans. Oh, I'm sorry the former President doesn't have any plans, he has concepts of plans. Hence,  why Republicans like my own mother, my family, friends , children of former presidents, retired Generals, and over 300 prominent Republicans are placing the country, and our constitution over the party with their vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

 Over 200 former staffers who worked for former presidents George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush and the late Senator John McCain

Former Vice President Dick Cheney

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger

Olivia Troye, the former adviser to former V.P. Mike Pence

Former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan

Alberto Gonzales, the former attorney general who served in George W. Bush's administration

Seventeen former staff members of the late Republican President Ronald Reagan who all feel Reagan himself they are sure would also support Kamala Harris 

Several of former President Donald Trump's staff include:

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci 

Former White House Press Secretary and Communications Director, Stephanie Grisham

Former Communications Director of the Office of Public Liaison Omarosa Manigault Newman

Former Dept. of Homeland Security General Counsel, John Mitnick

Former Defense Secretary, Mike Esper when asked by Jake Tapper on  whether Trump can be trusted with the nations secrets ever again, "no it's just irresponsible actions that place our service members at risk, places our nation's security at risk"

Former National Security Advisor, John Bolton-"Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage, the only thing he cares about is Donald Trump."

Former President G.W. Bush's daughter , Barbara Pierce Bush

Former President Gerald Ford's daughter, Susan Ford Bales

Late Senator John McCain's son, Jimmy McCain, now a Democrat 

John Giles, Republican Mayor of Mesa, Arizona 

Senator Robert Cowles of Wisconsin

Former N.H. Senator Gordon Humphrey

Former N.H. Attorney General Tom Rath

Former Republican Michigan Congressman Fred Upton

Former Virginia  Congressman Denver Riggleman

Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake

Former Georgia Lt.Governor Geoff Duncan

Ten Former Top Military Officials Back Harris and call Trump "a danger"and stated, "Harris is the best and only presidential candidate in this race who is fit to serve as our commander in chief."

Retired General Larry Ellis

Retired Rear Admiral Michael Smith among others cited Trump's own comments disparaging members of the military and his own "chaotic approach" to Afghanistan prior to the U.S. withdrawal including Trump's negotiating a deal with the Taliban which allowed 5000 Taliban fighters back to the battlefield 

Nations highest ranking Military officer former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, "we don't take an oath to a king or a queen or a tyrant or a dictator. We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator."

Read more:

Latinos, Trump Thinks Your Garbage !

“I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico,” he said, later including lewd and racist comments about Latinos, Jewish and Black people."-Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe at Madison Square Garden Trump Rally

      Why do any Latinos support Donald Trump ? Do you honestly think Donald only thinks Puerto Ricans are garbage? No, he thinks all Latinos are garbage, and he thinks they're stupid as well. At his Madison Square Garden rally a week ago Donald called migrants f**ing illegals . I've heard Donald thinks the Cuban Americans are among the dumbest of his supporters. In fact, I've heard he laughs about it at Mar-a-lago. Donald laughs as he can't believe that the Cuban Americans would fall for another facist dictator. When Castro first came into power the Cuban people thought Fidel Castro was the second coming of Christ. The Cuban people learned quite quickly as their relatives who criticized the government ended up in prison, that Fidel was far from the second coming of Christ. That said, Donald laughs at you, as he knows he too is fooling you into thinking that now he is the second coming of Christ . Make no mistake, Donald Trump is far from being the second coming of Christ. 
        Donald Trump has shown you who he is. Donald has insulted Puerto Ricans and Haitians in this election. In 2016 it was the Mexicans. Donald Trump doesn't like you Latinos. Donald has mocked you, he has insulted you, he has used you, and he despises you. Listen to him. He means what he says. That said, why are you voting for him? I ask that of all Latinos. Why are you voting for a man who has insulted fellow Latinos? Not to mention, that Donald Trump has shown you many of the qualities that your relatives saw in Castro. Wake up Latinos, Vice President Kamala Harris will be a president for all people, not just White people. Kamala Harris has shown you she cares about all Americans in her actions on the campaign trail. Black, White, Latino, Asian, no matter what race, no matter what demographic, V.P. Kamala Harris has shown empathy, and kindness. Not once has Kamala Harris insulted any race on the campaign trail. Michelle Obama asked why the media and Americans are holding Kamala to a higher standard than Donald Trump and I agree. The fact is, America's president should not insult any American or immigrant that wants desperately to be an American. America's president should be a president who respects and represents all Americans whether they are White or Brown, period. Let's get out the vote Latinos , not vote for another Castro, and vote for Kamala !
 #kamalaharris #Kamala2024 #HarrisWalz2024

Monday, October 28, 2024

Abortion Bans, Hell On Earth!

       Florida’s cruel abortion ban forced Deborah to carry and give birth to her baby, who died in her arms 94 minutes after birth.

     Today, thanks to Donald Trump, and sixteen Governors including Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, women's lives have been turned into a living hell due to strict abortion laws. Florida's six week abortion law, bans abortion before a good many women even know they are pregnant , even with an ultrasound. Florida's abortion ban has no real exceptions for abortion even in the cases of rape, incest, human trafficking, and the medical welfare of the mother.  The law is killing women. States having the strictest maternal fatality rate are those states having the strictest abortion laws. Texas ranks first, and Florida second.The United States has the highest maternal fatality rate in the world among developed countries and it's criminal. 

      It is criminal that pregnant women are dying at such a high rate in the year 2024, and it is more than likely that the high maternal death rate will only get worse if the Roe V Wade reversal is not overturned. More and more OB Gyns are no longer practicing and or retiring due to the strict abortion laws as they can no longer perform even those abortions or DNC procedures that are medically necessary. Women are being forced to carry dead fetuses leading to sepsis and other complications. Other women are being forced to give birth to babies that die shortly after having been born. It is difficult enough to be told that one's baby is terminal, but then to be forced to carry the fetus full term and watch it die in one's arms, is hell on earth. Women nearly bleeding to death as well as those who have bled to death, due to being forced to carry a dead fetus full term, is hell on earth. 

    Women are dying due to these strict state abortion bans and there's no dam need for it. First and foremost, a woman should be in control of what happens to HER own body. Republicans, like Marjorie Taylor Greene say, "my body my choice" when it comes to vaccines , yet don't apply the same logic to abortion. It's total hypocrisy from my party. This election, Florida has Vote "YES " , on Amendment Four on the ballot and Governor Ron DeSantis is doing his best to stop it . DeSantis is even going so far as to threaten TV stations airing advertisements that support abortion rights. Last I heard here in the United States we still have the right of freedom of speech, but like Trump, DeSantis is behaving like a Dictator as he attempts to silence those speaking out against abortion rights. 

    Abortion bans are hell on earth for women. Women should have control of their own bodies. Men have control of their own bodies why does the government to have the right to control a woman's body? I'd like to ask Governor DeSantis if he would force his wife or daughter to give birth to a baby out of rape, or would he force his daughter to carry a dead fetus full term possibly causing her to die or be forced to give birth knowing that she could herself die due to complications. I think not. That said, women should again be control of their bodies, if not nationwide, then in states like Florida where women are standing up for their reproductive rights. Donald Trump did this. He appointed the judges that overturned Roe V. Wade, and he bragged about it. Congratulations Donald Trump and all those who are behind the abortion bans. You are making women suffer, you are making babies suffer, you are killing women, and it's up to women , and the men who care about women to stop the suffering by voting yes on four in Florida , and  for Kamala and every Democrat that supports reproductive rights!


For more on 4:

Friday, October 25, 2024


   America, Vice Presidents have no executive power period. Vice Presidents do not make executive orders period. The Vice President serves as the President's top advisor, but he or she has little power. The Vice President's primary responsibility is to at a moment's notice be ready to assume the role of President, and carry out his or her duties should the President be unable to do so. The need for the Vice President to step in  and assume the President's role would be in the case of death, resignation, or the temporary incapacitation of the President. The Vice President's only real power is in the Senate. While the Vice President has no vote in a Senate vote, the Vice President may vote in the event of a tie. The only other real role of the Vice President is to preside over the counting of electoral votes during the presidency election. Hence, why Trump's supporters wanted to hang V.P. Mike Pence during the capitol riots 0n January 6th 2021. 

    America has never blamed Mike Pence for the Trump administration's failures. America never blamed Al Gore for the Clinton administration's failures, nor Dan Quayle for the Bush administration failures, nor Biden for the Obama administration failures, nor H.W. Bush for the Reagan failures, nor Mondale for the Carter administration failures and so on. America has never ever ever blamed any Vice President for what they deemed the failures of the current administration, period. That said, why are Americans who are not happy with President Biden, who has had an extremely successful presidency, blaming Vice President Kamala Harris for what they don't like about what the Biden administration has or has not done. The Vice President has no power period. Why do Americans not know this? A Highschool kid at a town hall meeting knew this, and yet a good many Americans do not know this. Perhaps Americans need a "Politics for Dummies" tutorial? America, stop blaming Vice President Kamala Harris, she is not to blame for what you do not like about President Biden period. Vice President Kamala Harris served as President Biden's top advisor, and was there to lend a helping hand, but had no power in the executive branch!  


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Did Donald Do It?

     "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."- Donald Trump caught on tape in 2005 to Billy Bush of Access Hollywood

     Did Donald do it? Did Donald Trump grope the teenage daughter of a campaign donor at a fund raising event? At present, rumors are flying that several in mainstream media are in the know regarding allegations that Donald Trump groped the teenage daughter of a campaign donor. The kicker? Supposedly, there's a video proving the allegations, yet no one in mainstream media has confirmed or denied the allegations. Trump's campaign is said to be in a panic over the possibility that a video could quite possibly be leaked any day now, as they know the allegations could have a negative impact on Trump's chances of going to the White House.

     Did Donald do it? There is a saying that where there's smoke there's fire, and the allegations against Trump are trending on Twitter, and mainstream media. Veteran journalist, Mark Halperin is claiming that he is sitting on a story regarding Trump that could end his aspirations of winning the presidency. While Halipern is not convinced the allegations are true, he's also not 100% sure that the allegations are not true. Did Donald do it? 

  Generally, where there's smoke there's fire. Would anyone be surprised if Donald Trump groped a teenage girl? Donald Trump is the man that almost lost the 2016 election due to the Access Hollywood video being leaked where Trump was caught on tape saying that when one is a star one can, "grab them by the pussy, and one can do whatever they want." Trump is also the man that had at least 18 accusers that are said to have been sexually assaulted by Trump. Not to mention, that just this year Trump lost a lawsuit and was convicted of sexual abuse which the judge stated, was indeed "rape". Let me add, that Trump had close friendships with Sean P.Diddy, who is awaiting trial for his sexual misconduct, and the late Jeffrey Epstein another sex offender. As the sayings go, birds of a feather, flock together, and if it looks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck! That said, Trump has talked like a pervert with his verbiage of penises and pussy, and Trump has behaved like a pervert with his being convicted of sexual abuse, and his socializing with other sex offenders. Did Trump do it? Did Trump Grope a teenage girl at a rally? That's up to us to decide until the tape is released. Then again, for a price, I'm sure that video could be hidden from the press. I for one, want class and decency to stay in the White House . I for one am disgusted that a man who was convicted of sexual abuse, has talked about penis size, and grabbing women by the pussy is even eligible to be the president. Did Donald do it? He probably did, and frankly, I don't care, as I am sick and tired of Donald, and his dick, and other dicks, and more. America can do better than a senile perverted old fool for president. America can do better, it can do MUCH better with Kamala Harris!