Tuesday, October 15, 2024


  •      AS WRITTEN ON US.MILITARY.COM -Felons attempting to enlist in the military face a difficult challenge. The nature and severity of felony charges significantly affect enlistment possibilities. Certain crimes, like assault with a dangerous weapon or statutory rape, even make it impossible for felons to join the Army.

    A conviction for statutory rape is considered a red flag by military recruiters because it’s seen as an indication of character issues.

    This type of crime goes against the rigorous moral standards the military sets. Therefore, those convicted often fail their ethical character screening process during recruitment.

            If one is a convicted felon, it is nearly impossible for one to ever serve in the military. Furthermore, sexual abuse, and rape are as deemed by the military as serious crimes that make it impossible for one to enlist in the military. One who is convicted of assault with a dangerous weapon, sexual assault, and or rape is perceived as a a security risk. The military has a set of moral standards and one being a convicted felon go against the military's moral standards. That said, how can one who is a convicted sexual offender ever serve as the president? The president is the Commander in Chief. The president heads the military. It is simply against our military standards. If Donald Trump attempted to enlist in the military, he would fail the background check. Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies not including the sexual abuse felony. Donald Trump's being a convicted felon shows he does not have the moral integrity and character to be in the United States military. Donald Trump's being convicted of sexual abuse shows he has issues with self discipline and he is looked at as threat to others serving around him. It's no wonder that other countries are questioning the sanity of our country. Donald Trump would never be able to run for political office is most countries. That said, what does that say about our country? I'll tell you what it says. Allowing Donald Trump to run for the presidency says, "America accepts criminal behavior". Allowing Donald Trump to run for the presidency also says, America accepts sexual abuse , assault and harassment ". Sounds like my previous job from which I resigned . 
          I am disappointed in Americans today. I am disappointed in that it speaks volumes that the presidential race is so close. I believe it shows a decline in moral integrity in our country.  It saddens me that a ONE person would even think to vote for Donald Trump. History has shown that every great empire fell when it lost their values, and that is why this election is so very important. I am saddened by any Americans supporting Trump, because it is telling of our society here in America. Americans have lost their morals. Americans have lost their values . Americans have lost their way. I for one have not lost my way, because I do have hope, and I do have faith. I have faith that the majority of Americans will at the end of the day, do the right thing, and vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. The Vice President would pass a background check with flying colors if she chose to join the military. Donald Trump would not. The Vice President has a stellar record. Donald Trump does not. The Vice President has morals, she has values, she has the intelligence and the character that is needed in the White House . Donald Trump has shown and proven that he has no morals, he has no values and he certainly does not have the intelligence nor the cognitive ability that is needed in the White House. Vice President Kamala Harris is also a President who will cross the aisle and work with Republicans, and she will be a President who will unite this country and keep this country the greatest country on earth. I know I will do what's right and what's  best for my country by voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, will you?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Yes, He's Dangerous!

        People for years have been fleeing countries run by Dictators and ruled by communism. They have fled communism to come to America for freedom. Freedom in America has meant freedom of speech for its citizens, it has meant citizens have the freedom to petition their grievances with the government. Freedom has also meant United States citizens have the freedom to worship any religion, as well as its citizens have had the freedom to love whomever one chooses. Those freedoms could all be taken away if Kamala fails to win the 2024 election. Hence, why over 300 prominent Republicans and former Trump administration and White House staffers are voting for Vice President Kamala Harris.

     Vice President Kamala Harris must win the 2024 election. If she fails, it will be the end of America, and our freedom. Those who fled communist countries remember well how those who spoke against their government were imprisoned and or executed. If elected, Trump has vowed to imprison and or execute any and all  of his political opponents. Former Senator Mitt Romney and many others in Washington are making plans to leave the United States if Trump wins the presidency. Not only are the lives of Trump's  political opponents at risk, but journalists as well. Numerous journalists in communist and authoritarian governmental nations have been imprisoned for speaking out against their government. Trump will do the same if elected. A Trump win will be the end of "real news", it will instead be "Trump's lies".  J.D. Vance has already admitted the Haitians eating cats and dogs was a lie, but if it got them press they would continue to lie. That said, one can rightfully assume anything and everything said by Trump and Vance is lies and more lies. A Trump win would mean the end of freedom of speech and it's already happening in Florida under Governor DeSantis. The Florida Department of health has threatened to criminally charge those stations airing ads on abortion rights regarding Amendment 4 on the Florida ballot this November. The Florida Health Department is going against the first amendment, freedom of speech.

     Cubans, Iranians, Russians, the Chinese and many others  have fled political prosecution to come to the United States for freedom. That freedom could very well be taken away if Trump steals or wins the election. Those close to Trump for months have been warning voters that Trump is dangerous and a threat to our democracy. Those close to Trump say he means what he says. When Trump supporters say that Trump says things for shock value and effect. No. Listen to what Trump says. Trump has said he wants to put Generals who served under him in front of a firing squad. Trump has threatened to have military tribunals. Trump has threatened to take revenge on all of have spoken out against him, hence why Michael Cohen, Mitt Romney, former Trump staffers and many others are making plans to leave the country if Trump wins. They know. They know Trump is dangerous. They know Trump worships and has worshipped all leaders who rule or have ruled with an iron fist. Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Kim Yo-Jong, Viktor Orban, and Nikolas Maduro are whom Trump has idolized and will emulate if elected.  Those close to Trump have warned you America. They have warned you America, that a second Trump term will be dangerous. Listen to those close to Trump who are voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, and vote for Harris , our democracy depends on it. We as Americans have a choice, and Trump has told you that he will do away with the constitution and those close to him have told you Trump will use project 2025. Project 2025 is dangerous, Trump is dangerous. Are you willing to take a chance on a madman that has told you straight from his own mouth that he will be dangerous and he will do everything against our democracy? I'm not, and that is why I will be voting to protect our freedoms and our democracy with my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.  



Sunday, October 6, 2024


    Americans could lose everything they've ever worked for with a Trump and Vance win in November. If a hurricane, tornado, flood, mudslide, or fire destroys peoples homes, people may not receive one penny from the government. If elected, a Trump and or J.D. Vance administration is said to be a project 2025 agenda, and with natural disasters, it would cause Americans affected to lose everything they've ever worked for and worse.

   What does Project 2025 mean for Americans affected by a natural disaster? First, and foremost, those in threatened areas may not be given time to prepare for a storm. It is truly frightening, as Trump's Project 2025, means canceling the National Weather Service, and closing the National Hurricane center. With warning of Hurricane Helene hitting, there have been over 200 deaths reported and counting. Imagine if those in the affected areas had not been warned. The death toll could be in the thousands. Next, Trump and his project 2025, will tear FEMA apart, and last, but not least, a Trump win, would mean getting rid of all flood insurance. To be blunt, if you lose your home in a natural disaster, you're not covered, and it sucks to be you. 

   Did I scare you? I hope so, because Donald Trump is lying to people who have lost their homes in Helene. Donald should not even be in hurricane ravaged areas. Donald doesn't give one iota about those affected by Helene. Donald proved this by going into the devastated areas when he should not have, taking away from the cleanup and recovery missions. Donald even went so far as to have people build him a little wall with bricks from a destroyed building, as to have a nice "set" for his campaign speech. One person on social media commented that he finally built his "wall". Donald Trump is lying when he says that the money for storms has gone to migrants and that states haven't been given money requested. The Governor of Georgia even admitted that President Biden had given Georgia everything that was asked for and that he was on the phone daily. It is disgusting to hear the lies coming out of Don the con's mouth when he is the one that if elected, will do nothing to help those who lose everything. It is truly worrisome that Donald Trump denies that climate change is a serious issue in today's world. If elected, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance will do nothing to ensure Americans will be protected in a natural disaster. Donald Trump will again leave the Paris Agreement for climate change, and he will help do his part to further destroy the planet that is at present,  the warmest it's been in 100,000 years. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance don't care. They don't care because they look at climate change as a hoax, and an issue that's only close to those on the left. Climate change is real, climate change is the cause of today's worsening natural disasters, and climate change and protecting the environment should be a non partisan issue period. 

    Americans, you have a choice and that choice is clear. Elect Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Walz to run this country through the upcoming natural disasters, and know that you will be covered if you lose your home. Or elect Don Trump and J.D. Vance, who if elected will do nothing if you lose your home. Project 2025 says it all, you will not be covered. As Tim Walz said, when a coach writes up a game plan, they intend to use it. While Donald claims he knows nothing about project 2025, at least 140 people who worked for Donald Trump and will again, are involved with Project 2025. Now, I suppose there's a chance they could not use the Project 2025 game plan. Are you willing to take a chance on Donald and J.D., two proven liars? Are you willing to take a chance on two people that disrupted an entire town with an admitted  lie that Haitians were eating dogs and cats? They lie. Donald Trump and J.D. lie as J.D.said if it gets them attention they will lie. Are you willing to take a chance on two liars? YOU COULD LOSE EVERYTHING WITH TRUMP AND VANCE. I'm not taking that chance. I'm a registered Republican and I will cast my vote for Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz. 
#KAMALAHARRIS2024 #HARRISWALZ2024 #Imwithher #Hurricanehelene #Project2025 #Kamalaforpresident #Donthecon 


Friday, October 4, 2024

Politicians Are Not Gynocologists!

        Donald Trump is not a gynecologist, nor is J.D. Vance, Ron DeSantis, Tommy Tuberville, Lindsey Graham, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebort, or any other politician in America. With that being said, women across America do not want Republican politicians, male or female,  making decisions on their private parts. These lawmakers are not Doctors, and therefore they are in no position to make decisions on women's bodies. When Republicans say they want to ban abortions in a certain time period or all abortions period , it is just not that simple. There are times when an abortion is medically necessary. A termination of a pregnancy may well be what's needed for either the welfare of the mother, or the baby despite the length of the pregnancy. 

    Today, had the abortion restrictions been in place, a great Aunt of mine would be dead. My great Aunt had a tubular pregnancy. A tubular pregnancy is also known as an ectopic preganacy, which is when a pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants  outside the uterus most often in the fallopian tube. A tubal pregnancy is essentially a baby being grown in a straw. A tubular pregnancy must be terminated. If a tubular pregnancy is not terminated when discovered, it will lead to the death of both the embryo and the mother. 
   Another example of a medically necessary abortion is the D& C, also known as dilation and curettage, which is where a woman naturally miscarries a baby and the D&C procedure is needed to scrape all remaining tissue from the uterus that has not been expelled. Republicans consider a D&C an abortion. If a D&C is not performed when needed,  a woman can die as the unexpelled tissue is like decaying garbage that will cause sepsis, which them leads to septic shock syndrome, which then leads to the death of the mother. 

   There are numerous reasons why terminating pregnancies is what's medically necessary for both the mother and the baby. Republican lawmakers mislead voters with their verbiage of women killing babies late term. Late term abortions or D&C procedures are many times what was medically necessary. Those having late term abortions and D & C procedures are women that wanted their babies very badly. Women  are now dying due to Republican abortion bans. Republicans are not Doctors. Republicans have no right to make medical decisions for women and their bodies, and to quote Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, "MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS !"




Thursday, October 3, 2024


  Watch, but word is it is J.D. who will carry out this plan instead. 

   Not voting for Kamala Harris? Well, those of you voting for Donald Trump may not get Donald Trump. Word is that a Trump win will be what those behind Project 2025 want, but here's the catch, Donald Trump is apparently not who the authors of Project 2025 want as the next President of the United States. Those behind Project 2025 want J.D. Vance. Why? Because J.D. is said to be the one who with the Heritage Foundation will set Project 2025 into motion full throttle. 

   Here's how the scenario might play out; if Trump and J.D. win, J.D. will after a short period of time, declare Donald Trump unfit for office due to his declining cognitive ability and J.D. will be the president. Republicans and those close to Donald Trump are said to be extremely concerned with the former president's thought process. Trump is repeatedly not making sense, rarely talks about the issues and sounds like that of an old fool. While President Biden had a poor performance in his debate against Trump, many think President Biden may have had some serious health issues at the time as presently President Biden has seemed sharp, quick, and without any impairment in regards to his cognitive ability.If the debate were held today, President Biden would have little trouble with beating the former president.I don't think even Trump's most loyal supporters would be impressed with Trump telling Americans that his beach body is better than Biden's. That said, J.D. would have little trouble proving Trump's inability to perform his duties as president. Once Trump is no longer President, it's Dictator J.D. Vance for life, Project 2025, and the end of America. It will be the end of the America our forefathers envisioned, the end of our freedoms, the end of equal opportunity, the end of everything and anything that has made this great nation the greatest country on earth. Let's make sure this doesn't happen and vote for Vice President Kamala Harris!


#KamalaHarris #Project2025 #Kamalaforpresident #Imwithher


Monday, September 30, 2024

Donald Doesn't Care !

       Donald Trump when Hurricane Helene began its wrath on Florida , he said, "there's a little hurricane going on in Florida." That "little" hurricane has now killed 116 people and unfortunately growing.

   When asked by Jonathan Swan in an interview in 2020 about the rising death toll and 1000 deaths a day due to COVID, Donald Trump replied, "it is what it is ." In a recent rally in Michigan,  Donald, the climate change denier, spoke to a crowd, and told the victims of the recent catastrophic hurricane Helene, "We're with you all the way and if we were there, we'd be helping you." He continued with "you'll be okay." I'd like to see Donald tell the families of the now over 100 dead hurricane victims that they'll be okay. History has shown that Donald Trump does not care about Americans. Donald Trump has shown his lack of empathy, again and again. Forget showing empathy, he can't even fake it by speaking about it. Why? Because Donald Trump does not care. And Donald Trump and his , "if we were there we'd be helping you", statement is downright laughable. I can recall one trip to an area hit by a flood or hurricane ravaged area when Donald was president , and he threw paper towels at people. It was insulting at best.We know Donald wouldn't want to get too close to average Americans. Good grief, the known germaphobe might catch something from the pions of America. 

     Empathy is not Donald Trump. Helping people, is not Donald Trump. Empathy and helping people is President Joe Biden, and presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris. When was the last time you saw Donald Trump put his arm around a grieving husband, wife, mother, father, daughter or son? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump hug a stranger in distress? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump go over to a small child and talk to them as if they were the only person in the room ? Never. Have you ever seen Donald Trump talk to a waitress at length and truly care about what she is saying? Never. The people that truly care about all Americans, are President Biden, and Vice President Harris. 

   Donald Trump doesn't care about me, Donald Trump doesn't care about you. Donald Trump only cares about himself, and only himself, and that's all he's ever cared about. The fact is, over 100 people have died due to Hurricane Helene, and the death toll is rising daily. They will not be okay, they are dead. The families who have lost loved ones due to the catastrophic hurricane are not okay, they are grief stricken, and not only are they grief stricken, many have lost their homes or have homes that are nearly destroyed. They will not be okay. Millions in Florida and the southeast are without power. I'd like to see Donald Trump go one day without power in record high temperatures.  These people are at nearly a week without power. Millions are without food, and water. Many times the water is not safe to drink after a hurricane, and hurricane victims are at the mercy of FEMA to bring food and water into their hurricane ravaged areas. Of course, FEMA has to be able to get into those hurricane ravaged areas. Many times, FEMA and the National Guard have to wait for flood waters to subside before they can access the devastated areas. Not only do Flood waters have to subside, but power lines , trees, cars, boats, and various structures have to be cleared before people can get into the hurricane ravaged areas as well. 

   Donald, the victims are not going to be okay and you don't care. How do I know? I know because my family and I lost our home in Hurricane Andrew. Words cannot begin to describe the emotions felt when one goes through having their home destroyed in a hurricane. I was lucky, my family was okay, but 45 lives were lost. Hurricane Andrew caused $25 billion in damages. That said, the victims of Hurricane Helene will not be okay. The hurricane victims have lost loved ones, they have lost family pets, they have lost homes, they have lost family pictures, and family heirlooms that can never be replaced. Some have lost absolutely everything they ever worked for in a blink, and their hell has only begun. The hell of hurricane victims will be prolonged by having to fight their insurance companies every step of the way. Donald, the victims of hurricane Helene will not be okay for quite some time, and you Donald don't care. A President who cares about victims of a hurricane would first express sympathy for those affected by hurricane Helene, and next, address climate change ,and how America can best  do it's part to protect the environment as to prevent more catastrophic hurricanes. However, Donald,  you don't believe in climate change, and if elected, you will do your part to add to affecting our environment negatively instead of doing everything in your power to try and save the environment . Donald, everything will not be okay, and you don't care. Donald, I want a president that both admits climate change exists and will address climate change as so we can do better to prevent more catastrophic natural disasters. That president is Kamala Harris it is not you because Donald you don't care!








Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Donald, You Are Not The Protector Of Women !



       Let me start this blog with a question to Donald Trump. How Donald, will you be a protector of women? Sorry if I am having a little trouble wrapping my head around your statement at a recent rally that you will be our protector. Donald, you were convicted of sexual assault and defamation of character against E. Jean Carroll. Donald, you were on tape speaking about grabbing women by the pussy. Donald, you have shown  no respect to any of your three wives as you have cheated on every one of them, you even cheated on your present wife with porn star, Stormy Daniels while your wife was nursing your son Baron. Donald, you allegedly told Stormy that she reminded you of your daughter, Ivanka. Donald, despite your denial of knowing the late sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, there are numerous pictures of you and Jeffrey together. There are pictures of you dancing with Jeffrey Epstein. There are pictures of you with Jeffrey and your wife Melania where you all look quite close. It has been said that the Palm Beach Police Department has tapes from Epstein's house, are you on them? Donald, you disrespected your late wife, Ivanna Trump by burying her on your New Jersey golf course and placing a small slab in the ground that can barely be seen. Donald, you have been pictured arm in arm with Sean P. Diddy both alone and with Melania. Sean P. Diddy has now been accused and now standing trial for sex trafficking among other accusations . Donald, you have repeatedly insulted women time and time again. Donald, you accused Meghan Kelly at the 2016 Republican primary debate of having her period when you said in an interview that the dumb questions were due to, 'blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming from her whatever ." Donald, you have called women ugly, fat, and most recently you have called our Vice President, and your opponent,  Kamala  Harris, dumb. Donald, because of YOU, women in 2024 are dying who needed life saving abortions due to their states' strict abortion laws. Their deaths are on YOU Donald! You did that . Remember, you have proudly stated that you and only you got Roe vs. Wade overturned giving states the right to deny women the right to choose despite the circumstances. That said Donald, how dare you tell women at a rally that you will be their protector. 

    The truth is, Donald Trump will not be our protector. You are a lying, cheating, disrespectful, vile, senile mean old man who can't seem to put 5 coherent sentences in a row. Members of your previous administration have said just recently that dealing with you was like being in daycare with a grown child. How can a village idiot possibly protect me or any other woman?