Mr. Governor DeSantis, let's say hypothetically, your daughter is raped, and seven weeks later she finds out she is pregnant, will you force her to have the baby? Mr. Governor Abbott of Texas, hypothetically, your daughter is 8 months pregnant and has just been given the news that her baby is dying inside of her, she has been told that she should end the pregnancy as to stop the suffering of the child and as to prevent her from getting deathly ill herself. She has also been told that if the baby is not removed as soon as possible she may die or do such damage to her reproductive organs that she may never be able to get pregnant again. Mr. Governor Abbott do you force her to carry the baby to full term? Most Americans know the answer to both of these questions. Of course Governor DeSantis would not force his daughter to give birth to a child out of rape, and of course Governor Abbott would not force his daughter to carry a dying fetus to full term. Both of these men I am quite certain would move heaven and earth to get their daughters abortions and so too would every other Republican in this country. I am quite confident that the majority of pro life Republicans both in the media and in Washington would secretly aid their wives, mothers or daughters in obtaining abortions if they were raped or were in grave danger due to an unhealthy pregnancy.
Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned last June, 14 states have either banned all abortions or abortions after six weeks. Many of the states banning abortion have no exceptions . It is ludicrous, and it's total hypocrisy, because every Republican that has supported banning abortion would rather die than have their daughters forced to give birth to a child out of rape. Banning abortion is total hypocrisy, complete ignorance and utter lunacy. It's ignorance in that this country has moronic governors, senators, and congressmen and women making decisions on a woman's health and bodies. Excuse me, but what in hell does Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham know about a woman's reproductive organs? Nothing! I also have to ask just what right does anyone in government have to determine if a woman has a child when the woman has been told the father will not pay for the child he fathered? Government has no right to make decisions on women's bodies , no right at all!. If it does then perhaps the politicians would like to also introduce a law that all men fathering children they fail to support be forced to get vasectomies. Let's also have a law that all men guilty of rape be castrated as well . Why leave the power of the government over just women's bodies? If the government has the power to rule what a woman can and cannot do with her body then the government should also have the power over men's bodies as well.
I was once a pro lifer. However, I was always one that felt there were always exceptions. Exceptions, such as rape, incest or an unhealthy fetus. I still today do not agree with using abortion as birth control, however at the end of the day who am I to judge ? Who is anyone to judge? I seriously doubt when any woman gets an abortion that it's a celebratory day. The truth of the matter is any woman who gets an abortion is going to have to live with it for the rest of her life, and that is a punishment that is far worse than legal implications from the government.
I a Republican have come to realize that the Republican Party has become a party that no longer thinks things through when they take certain actions. Republicans celebrated when Roe Vs. Wade was overturned, not thinking of the repercussions . Reprecussions such as what affect forcing women to have babies who can not afford them will have on our taxpayers. It is the taxpayers who will be footing the bill to pay for children who were not wanted by millions of women. It is also the taxpayer who will pay for the healthcare of babies born to drug and or alcohol addicted mothers . Abortion is never pretty, but in cases of women who are unable to care for their children, or in cases where children are born to drug addicts, abortion may well be the best decision, but Republicans didn't think of that. Republicans didn't think of the cost unwanted children would have on our taxpayers. Republicans didn't think of the unwanted children who will end up in foster care due to mothers who are unable to care for them. Republicans have shown they don't care if women are forced to have a child out of rape. Republicans have shown they don't care if a woman becomes sterile or dies due to being forced to carry a dying fetus full term. Republicans have shown they don't care if women die due to attempting to give themselves an abortion as they did so many years ago. Republicans have shown they don't care about women period.
(c) GOP GIRL -Sean Bianca #GovernorDeSantis #Abortionrights #Abortion #RoevWade