Americans, you are part of the problem with illegal immigration. Americans are a big part of the problem of illegal immigration. Why? Because Americans are hiring illegal immigrants. Approximately 8 million illegal immigrants are currently working in the United States as according to an article written for The New York Times in December 2018. That means approximately 8 million illegal immigrants are working here in the U.S., being paid in cash, and obviously not paying taxes. However, the number of illegal working immigrants could be significantly higher as researchers from both MIT and Yale universities averaged the number of undocumented illegal immigrants living in the U.S. to around 22 million in 2016. That means approximately 22 million illegal immigrants may well be working in this country. With around 22 million illegals being given work in the U.S., Americans have guaranteed that more and more illegals will continue to illegally cross the border. Americans, you are part of the problem.
Americans are not just a part of the problem with illegal immigration, Americans are a big part of the problem. Americans wanting cheap labor hire illegals. ICE could free up millions of jobs if they went into every upper middle class, country club community, and luxury neighborhood across the nation. ICE would no doubt be picking up every other maid, nanny, landscape worker and golf course grounds keeper across America. In arresting these illegals working, there would be between 8-22 million jobs available for legal Americans to fill. Democrats will argue that the jobs illegal immigrants fill are jobs Americans do not want. While the jobs that would open might not be six figure jobs that Americans want, the jobs would pay the bills for someone living on the street or living in low income housing that's picking up a welfare check. I guarantee if every healthy American living on food stamps and welfare were told that they had 6-8 months to find employment until their welfare checks and food stamps ran out, they would take a job currently being held by an illegal immigrant. Being a maid, nanny, crop picker, grounds keeper etc. sure beats not having any money and not being able to eat. The trouble is, our government allows people the ability to not work, pick up a welfare check, and food stamps. In 2018 approximately 40 million Americans were on food stamps, and approximately 68 million Americans are currently on government assistance. While some Americans are unable to work due to mental and or physical illness, those of whom are healthy should be given a period of time to find a job or their benefits would run out. Again, if Americans were told they would receive no government assistance, Americans would take any job that was available even if it were a job cleaning toilets, or mowing lawns. When one is on government assistance one can't exactly be above any job, as any job is better than no job and no money.
Until Americans on both sides of the aisle, the president included, stop hiring illegal immigrants, Americans are part of the problem with illegal immigration. When an American attempts to find employment under the table for his housekeeper's children to the tune of $20. per hour, he is part of the problem. When landscaping companies hire illegal Mexicans, Hondurans, and Guatemalans to cut grass and trim bushes, they are part of the problem. When farmers hire illegals, they are part of the problem. When housewives hire young illegal immigrant women to take care of their children and think it would be cute if their kids could learn Spanish, they are part of the problem. When any American hires an illegal immigrant they are contributing to the problem of illegal immigration. If illegal immigrants were unable to get employment in America there would be no reason to come to America. Furthermore, illegal immigrants would be less likely to cross the border if they knew our government was not giving illegals assistance either. The total cost of illegal immigrants to U.S. tax payers annually is $116 billion.
I don't know about anyone else, but $116 billion being spent on illegal immigrants annually is extremely disturbing. There's our wall people. With $116 billion being spent annually, America could well have already built that big beautiful wall, with that big beautiful door the president has spoken of, ten times over. America instead, does not have a wall. America instead has some 22 million plus undocumented, unvetted illegal immigrants living among us costing $116 billion, whom Americans continue to enable and employ. Americans, you are part of the problem with illegal immigration.
(c) GOP GIRL, Sean Bianca 2019