Sunday, January 27, 2019

Killing Is Now Cause For Celebration

Me at two weeks. I was 71/2 months when I was born.

        "Thou shalt not kill"- Sixth commandment 

     60, 069,971 Abortions have been performed in    America since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. 

Am I cute enough to kill?
This past week has shown that America will never be great again. This past week America has shown that America doesn't deserve to be great again. How can America ever be great again when it celebrates the murdering of babies 9 months old? This past week, America hit an all time low. This past week, America not only sent a message that we are a country that condones killing, but we celebrate killing as well. America will never again be great. How can a nation be great that's morals have fallen as low as to celebrate murder? Horrifying, but true, America is presently celebrating murder. This past Tuesday, New York became the eighth state to legalize abortion up to the point of birth. Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Vermont already allowed abortions up to the point of birth. However, those states just did it more quietly than the great liberal state of New York. Upon signing the bill into law legalizing the killing of unborn babies up until birth, New York's Democratic governor ordered One World Trade Center to be lighted up pink. The brightly lit pink One World Trade Center was lit in celebration of killing the unborn.
 New York's newly passed, "Reproductive Health Act" is a disgrace to our nation. For that matter, every state that previously passed abortion up to the point of birth laws are a disgrace to our nation. While liberals will try and convince others that there are always exceptions and acceptable reasons for abortions up to the point of birth, let's be honest, there is no time when an abortion is medically necessary or acceptable at the point of where the unborn child is ready to be born. Board Certified OB/GYN , Omar L. Hamada, MD, MBA who has delivered over 2500 babies tweeted the following tweet, "There's not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third trimester abortions. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no." With that being said, the mothers who choose to abort their babies up until the point of birth are murderers, so too are those who are involved in performing these late term abortions. 

  "Thou shalt not kill", apparently means nothing today. There was a time when people had the fear of God in them when it came to lying, cheating, stealing and certainly killing. Today however, we celebrate killing. Many who are pro-choice justify killing the unborn as they believe the unborn is not yet alive as it's unborn. While killing something one can not see comes easily to those of whom are pro-choice, the fact is life begins at conception. The fact is, an abortion causes great pain to the unborn child. While pro-choice women might like to think the younger the fetus, the lesser the pain that is inflicted, that just isn't the case. Studies have shown fetuses as young as 8 weeks can feel pain. While just a "one" unborn child being tortured and feeling pain during a late term abortion is one too many, sadly, 18,000 unborn infants killed every year in America in late term abortions are feeling great pain. Even more disturbing is the fact that roughly another 800,000 aborted fetuses feel pain in America annually. While one can not truly know the pain endured by the unborn early in gestation, we do know those babies killed in late term abortions feel tremendous pain. Late term or partial birth abortions involve tiny helpless babies being tortured. Studies have proven that those babies aborted in late term abortions do indeed feel pain. Imagine if you will, your body being ripped apart. A practice that is and has been performed by terrorists is both practiced and lawful here in the United States. These babies are literally ripped apart, limb by limb with an instrument that resembles pliers. The instrument has knife like sharp edges as to literally rip the baby apart. The Doctor inserts the instrument into the woman and pulls the live baby out piece by piece. Perhaps a leg comes out first then next an arm, or two, another leg, and then the head, and brain. When the Doctor removes the head, pieces of the babies skull come out along with the brain. As America has learned, many baby parts not destroyed are then sold. These babies are being tortured. Without having so much as basic anesthesia, thousands of babies are being tortured and murdered alive. Many of these babies could well survive outside the womb, as they are fully formed and alive. As these babies are dying, many cry and scream, but due to the amniotic fluid going over their vocal cords instead of air, the Doctors don't always hear the cries and the screams. For that matter, it's quite feasible that all of those babies being killed in a late term abortions cry and scream. I suppose not being able to hear babies scream and cry makes it easier to kill them. Unfortunately, Doctors and nurses aren't always so lucky as to not hear the children they are killing. For some of the cries from the tortured infants are quite loud and clear. America can no longer call others barbaric when it condones the senseless killing and torture of unborn children. 

    With America celebrating the murdering of babies, America has shown that it is just as vile and barbaric as various nations and terrorist groups we have in the past condemned. We have become a barbaric nation that's no longer one nation under God, but one nation under Satan. We as a nation can not condone the killing of the unborn and call ourselves "one nation under God". We as a nation can not condone the killing of the unborn and call ourselves, "Christian" or "religious". While abortion is the right thing to do in certain circumstances such as rape, incest, or health concerns, make no mistake, abortion is never an option for birth control. While abortion is murder and is just simply unacceptable, there are always exceptions, rare exceptions. However, make no mistake, there is no abortion at or after 20 weeks that is acceptable nor is the celebration of any abortion acceptable. 

   Killing is now cause for celebration? Apparently so. While Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated the killing of the unborn this past week, others shed tears for a nation that was once under God and a nation that was once filled with people with values. America is no longer a nation of a people that are to be respected. America has become a nation without morals or values and without the fear of God of which held individuals accountable. America will never be great again. With the loss of God fearing people, our nation is doomed to fall just as the once great Roman empire. With that being said, America will never be great again as killing is now cause for celebration. 
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2019 


Sunday, January 20, 2019

Walls Are The Trend, The Shutdown Must End!

   Walls are the trend and the government shutdown must come to an end. Walls are a trend as approximately 77 walls are now bordering various countries around the world. By the end of World War II there were seven border walls and or fences around the world. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 there were fifteen border walls and or fences around the world. Present day, there are at least 77 walls and or fences around the world. Apparently, many of the walls were erected after the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001. While Democrats seem not concerned with illegal immigration and the safety of our nation, other countries are very concerned. Hence, the erection of walls around the world. For years various nations have realized the necessity of a wall and or fencing as to stop and or decrease illegal immigration. That being said, I have to ask, why is the idea of a border wall on America's southern border so outrageous? Furthermore, why is a border wall considered heartless and racist? I have not once heard Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer call out China, India, Israel, Northern Ireland, Finland, France, Morocco, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Brunei, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, Austria, Greece, and Hungary for their use of border walls. Not once have I heard how heartless the Iranians are for having a wall which borders Pakistan. Not once have I heard liberal main stream media call out Russia for their electronic wall on its borders with Norway, Finland, Mongolia, and North Korea. Nor have I heard liberal lawmakers call out Austria for being racist as they are currently building a wall bordering Slovenia. The fact is, due to terrorism, and the mass immigration throughout the world, more and more countries are in the process of building walls or have already built a wall or walls. That being said, walls are the trend, and the government shutdown must come to an end.

   The government shutdown must come to an end as some 800,000  federal employees are now on involuntary leave or are forced to work without being paid. This past Friday some 800,000 federal employees went without a paycheck. If the shutdown continues, some 800,000 federal employees will miss future pay checks as well. While the United States desperately needs a wall, some 800,000 Americans desperately need their paychecks. With roughly 80 percent of American workers living paycheck to paycheck, the United States is at present, in a state of emergency. Our country is in a state of emergency as 800,000 people can not survive for very long without a paycheck. While our President, and those on Capitol Hill know not of living paycheck to paycheck, the vast majority of the country does know the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck. Some 800,000 federal employees have heating bills, school tuition, medically necessary prescriptions, health care costs, grocery bills, IRS payments, and other expenses that must be paid. Many of these people can not afford their daily and monthly expenses without their bi-weekly paychecks. As credit cards could well subsidize those who don't have the luxury of a plush savings account, it is quite likely a good many may not even own a credit card. Without the help of credit cards and paychecks, I have to ask the President and those on Capitol Hill, how do these federal employees take care of their families and survive? 

    The now 28 day government shutdown must come to an end. It must come to an end as we have a national emergency. We have a national emergency in terms of our country and its people not being properly protected. We also have a national emergency when some 800,000 federal employees are not getting paid, President Trump can end this shutdown and get his wall that he promised his supporters. How does he do that? Simple. The President can use the "nuclear option" to obtain the necessary votes to build the wall. In using the "nuclear option", President Trump would only need 51 votes instead of 60 as to have approval for the $5.7 billion for the border wall that is at this point no longer an idea, but a necessity. The border wall is a necessity when there are  between 16.5-29 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. Millions of people whom our government knows nothing about are living among us. While many may well be very nice people in search of a better life, there are also a good number that resent and or despise and hate Americans, Without these people coming to America legally, Americans are at risk. The mere fact that Americans are at risk due to millions of illegal undocumented immigrants is a national emergency, and it is an emergency that must be addressed immediately. 

     Our nation's security should be more than enough of a reason for lawmakers to give in to the President and give him the wall. While many Democrats would rather die than give in to any of President Trump's demands, several American civilians have indeed died thanks to the failure of Democrats to protect Americans from illegal immigrants. One more American life being taken due to drugs being brought across the border is one too many. One more American life being taken by an illegal immigrant driving under the influence or recklessly is one too many. One more American being tortured, raped, and or murdered by an illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member is one too many. One more American life being taken advantage of and stolen from by an illegal immigrant is one too many. Illegal immigration must stop, and it must stop now. A wall is not heartless. A wall is not racist. A wall does not mean that good law abiding immigrants in search of a better life are no longer welcome to come to America legally. A wall is merely a protective measure as to ensure the safety of our nation. A wall will aid in decreasing and or stopping the continuous immigration of illegals into our country. A wall is not a bad thing. A wall is something that has been used by various nations for years. A wall is also something that is at present being used more and more. Walls are the trend Mr. President, Madame Speaker Pelosi and Mr. Schumer, and in closing the government shutdown must come to an end.
-GOP GIRL, Sean Bianca 2019