"GOP GIRL", is a lifelong Republican woman who after supporting former President Trump, voted for now President Biden, and is standing with over 300 influential Republicans in her supporting V.P Kamala Harris for president.GOP Girl had never voted for a Democrat in her life, until Trump. GOP Girl is disenchanted with the GOP as it continues to defend Trump who has disrespected our democracy, our military and is the first president to be convicted of 34 felonies including sexual assault.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
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biphoo.com |
"Build that wall", President Trump said. "Build that wall", we, the people, chanted. "Build that wall", is most probably, the single most important campaign promise President Trump made. It is at present, a campaign promise that the President has failed to make a reality. While there is still time, Americans don't have that time. Kate Steinle ,tragically murdered in July 2015, certainly doesn't have that time. Others murdered by illegal immigrants don't have that time. Americans don't have that time, as Americans are at risk of being murdered, raped, and or assaulted by illegal immigrants being protected by America's sanctuary cities every day. Sanctuary cities, providing a sanctuary for illegal immigrants are anything, but a sanctuary for hard working Americans.
Sanctuary Cities are havens for illegal immigrants who are sponging off the hard working American people of the United States. They are cities harboring illegal immigrants who crossed the U.S. border illegally. Let me emphasize that again. Illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally are given asylum in America's "Sanctuary Cities". Thanks to the Democrats and some Republicans, America is rewarding people who are illegal. Illegal immigrants across America are being rewarded for breaking the law . They are rewarded and they are given housing in "Sanctuary Cities". "Sanctuary Cities", cities protecting people who entered the U.S. illegally, and broke the law. Illegal immigrants who broke the law and they are being allowed to live in "Sanctuary Cities" without the threat of being arrested and deported. These people are being given housing, medical care, and food at the expense of the American people after they have broken the law and entered our country illegally. I challenge any American to enter another nation "illegally". Many Americans would never live to tell of their attempt at crossing most borders illegally, yet America accepts illegal immigrants regularly. America accepts them without any knowledge of who they are accepting.
Suffice it to say, a good many illegal immigrants whom we, the American people, are paying for are nothing, but a bunch of low life criminals who hate and resent Americans. One look at a protest against President Trump says it all... Mexicans holding Mexican Flags while burning the American flag. Many of these people are here not for an opportunity to be an American, not for their love for America, but for an opportunity at free housing, medical care, food, and an opportunity to take or steal from the American people whom they so abhor.
Jose Garcia Zarate, who last week was acquitted of first degree murder, was an illegal immigrant. He was deported 5 times. He was convicted of 7 felonies. He was to be turned over to ICE just prior to his shooting and killing Kate Steinle in July 2015. Had California complied with federal immigration regulations and turned Garcia Zarate over to ICE, Kate Steinle would still be alive. Instead, California cared more about the welfare of an illegal thug than the lives of the legal citizens in California. California and their liberal open borders policy killed young Kate Steinle, and it is apparent from last week's verdict that California doesn't care.
How Garcia Zarate was acquitted is a mystery. Or is it? California is a "Sanctuary State". Translation, California cares more about the rights of illegal citizens than it does of legal citizens. Then again, is it legal citizens, or is it White citizens that California fails to protect? In another words, had Kate Steinle not been a beautiful young White girl, would the jury still had come back with a verdict of "not guilty"? I think not. Had Kate Steinle been any other race, but White, I strongly doubt the jury would have acquitted Kate Steinle's killer.
While campaigning, the President spoke of the importance of closing America's borders, deporting illegal immigrants, building a wall, and ending DACA. At present, more illegal immigrants are picked up inside the U.S. than just outside America's borders, deportations are down since the President took office, the wall has not yet been started, and there is doubt that the President will follow through on his campaign promise to end DACA.
The President must end DACA. The President must build a wall. The President must follow through on promises made to the Angel Moms who supported the President on the campaign trail.The President must not succumb to the wishes of Democrats and their desire to destroy this nation. The President must not forget Kate Steinle. Kate Steinle deserves to have her death matter. Kate Steinle was an innocent victim in a Sanctuary City. She was a legal American killed by an illegal immigrant who never should have been in the U.S. in the first place. Unfortunately, due to the Democrats' desire for open borders and appearing to be good Samaritans, Kate Steinle is dead.
If POTUS fails to build the wall, America will receive more thugs like Jose Zarate Garcia. With 6 states deeming their states "Sanctuary States", and several cities across the U.S. deemed, "Sanctuary Cities", Americans are at risk. Americans are at risk, as thanks to the former administration, America is safer for illegal immigrants than its own citizens. Illegal immigrants have no respect for the laws of the United States. America, we are in dire straits. We are in danger as our country is no longer the America in which we once felt safe. With 22 states having Sanctuary Cities, and 6 states deemed complete Sanctuary States, America may never be safe again. America needs President Trump to honor his promises, as Mr. President, the lives of Americans are in serious danger and it is only you who can help this once great nation not only be great again, but safe again. Mr. President, Americans have run out of time and we are pleading with you to, "BUILD THAT WALL"!
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
1. California
4.New Mexico
4.District Of Columbia
14..New Mexico
17.New York
19.Rhode Island
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Tax Dollars To Pay For Training Our Congressmen And Senators How To Be Gentlemen
It has been said that when every great nation's morals fell, so too did the nation. If true, America is headed for a fall. When a nation's leaders have no concept of right from wrong, the nation is without accountability, and without a a value system of worth, a nation is in serious danger of complete collapse. Sadly, this is true of our government at present. In the past few weeks there have been allegations without evidence against Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, allegations with proof of sexual misconduct by Senator Al Franken, and allegations of sexual misconduct with proof against Congressman John Conyers. As so it would seem, Judge Roy Moore appears to have been a victim of a political hatchet job by the Democrats in the eleventh hour of the race to the Senate. However, Senator Franken and Congressman Conyers appear to be a very different story. Franken and Conyers already in the Senate and Congress are as so it would seem, two immature imbeciles unable to control "it", unable to keep their pants on, and unable to keep their hands off of co-workers. While it would be nice to think Franken and Conyers are an isolated incident, a slush fund of hush money could prove Capitol Hill to be rampant with Congressmen and Senators unable to keep their pants on.
It's a sad day in America when men whom we've elected to make all important decisions in matters of State are running around dropping their trousers and showing their goods. Then again, America asked for this. When America allowed former President Clinton to remain in office after the Monika Lewinsky scandal, America condoned the poor, classless behavior of our president, setting a precedent. Both Democrats and Republicans alike gave Bill Clinton a pass and gave all men in America a pass as well. Bill Clinton the president of the United States was guilty of sexual misconduct with a White house Intern, and both Republicans and Democrats allowed Clinton to get away with it. Bill Clinton should have been forced to resign and yet he remained in office. He remained in office and women on Capitol Hill were left vulnerable to future sexual harassment.
Have no fear, for the house has come up with a solution for men behaving like teenage boys who just discovered, "it". Yesterday, the House okay-ed anti-harassment training for all on Capitol Hill. While anti harassment training seems to be a necessity at present, it is at the same time quite pathetic. It's pathetic in that our nation's leaders at the age of forty plus need training on how to keep their pants on, keep their hands to themselves, and how to behave like gentlemen. As a tax paying citizen I personally have difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that my tax dollars will be used to training men on Capitol Hill how to behave like grown men. By the age of 40 if a man doesn't know how to behave like a gentleman then he certainly doesn't belong on Capitol Hill.
For years Americans have questioned the failure of our lawmakers to get things done and now it is apparent why nothing gets done on Capitol Hill . If men elected to Congress and the Senate are running around dropping their trousers and grabbing women in the work place, it's clear these men have their minds elsewhere. As so it would seem, these men elected to office that have sex on the brain 24/7 are far too preoccupied to get anything regarding matters of State accomplished. It is evident that these men in Congress and the Senate do not need training on how to behave like respectable human beings, they instead need some serious sex addiction therapy.
Tax dollars to be used for training our nation's leaders to behave like gentlemen? No! Hard working Americans do not want to pay for such ridiculousness. If our lawmakers don't know how to behave by the age of 40, they deserve to be fired, lose their positions of power, and they deserve to lose their big fat paychecks. Bottom line, Americans do not want lawmakers who are unable to keep their hands to themselves, their little willie in their pants, and their minds off of sex long enough to accomplish important matters on Capitol Hill. Hard working Americans deserve more. They deserve more than what they've gotten, they deserve men, they deserve real men, they deserve respectable men that have their minds on matters of State and not matters below the belt. With that being said, Americans vote NO on their tax dollars being used for training our lawmakers to be gentlemen.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL
Friday, December 1, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Saturday, November 4, 2017
White Genocide !
At present, every 56 hours a White man or woman is killed, up from every 130 hours only a few years ago. They are not always killed humanely. Some are attacked with a machete and mutilated. Some are beaten to a pulp. Some are tortured in ways that would sicken most. The women are sometimes killed in a most horrific way. They are killed by the assailant placing a shot gun up the woman's private parts and then shot. The women are also raped, tortured, and mutilated as well. The children of these men and women are at times killed. Children are sometimes boiled alive, decapitated, and stabbed to death. The evil perpetrators have been known to place babies in microwave ovens. Upon reading the horrific atrocities described, one might think they were reading about the terrorist groups, ISIS or Al-Qaeda with their barbaric ways. One might also think they were reading of such atrocities in the Mid-East. No, it is not the Mid East. It is South Africa, and these are South African Blacks who are committing these hellacious acts. These are South African Blacks who are murdering South African farmers today as we speak. Sadly, much of the world has been kept in the dark about the White genocide taking place today in South Africa.
Why has Mainstream Media ignored the modern day genocide of the White man? Don't White lives matter? Apparently not to those of whom make up mainstream media. I can't help but think of just how the media would behave if Blacks were being killed in South Africa by Whites. Why, it would be a media frenzy. The media would report on how White supremacy was taking place in South Africa. Well, it is the Black supremacists who are guilty in this instance. Just this year alone, 70 White South African farmers have been murdered in 341 attacks on farms. Isn't that newsworthy? Isn't the fact that a South African farmer is 4.5 times more likely to be murdered than an average South African newsworthy? Or, isn't the fact that a South African farmer is 3 times more likely to be murdered than a South African police officer newsworthy? Unfortunately, mainstream media has shown they care not to report on the genocide of Whites in South Africa. In fact, mainstream media has made it clear that they choose not to report on much of anything taking place against Whites in South Africa.
Perhaps the media's refusal to report the genocide of Whites is due in part to the South African government's refusal to admit there's a problem. While mainstream media has reported some on the murder and eviction of Whites in Zimbawee, mainstream has reported even less on the murder and eviction of Whites in South Africa. I suppose mainstream cares not to admit that ever since the Black take over in 1994 by the African Black Congress, the country has been turned into a virtual hell hole. South Africa at present has one of the highest violent crime, murder, rape, and AIDS infection rates in the world. The White South African farmers are the most vulnerable to being murdered, tortured, and raped, however Whites in Johannesburg aren't much safer. Johannesburg has a murder rate of about 500 per month. Women living in South Africa are particularly unsafe. South Africa has been called the rape capital of the world. Statistics show of the reported and admitted rapes that every 23 seconds a woman is raped and every 30 minutes a small child is raped. The Black folk believe raping a virgin will cure them of AIDS and HIV, leaving children even more in danger. All in all, South Africa has been all, but destroyed by Black supremacists, and the media is silent.
The media is silent. I suppose, as it wouldn't be politically correct to say the killing of Whites was racially motivated. It also wouldn't be politically correct to say the country of South Africa was a civilized nation under the rule of White men. It also wouldn't be politically correct to say the country is now an uncivilized barbaric nation run by animals. Perhaps it's time the media started to be politically incorrect and spoke up and actually reported on the genocide of Whites in South Africa. While the South African government chooses to keep the genocide of Whites in South Africa secret, America does not have to keep the genocide of Whites in South Africa a secret. The fact is, the Blacks in South Africa who do not agree with their government's position on staying silent on the murder of Whites want help. They want help as they know their nation is suffering dearly. Their nation is suffering and the rest of world is turning a blind eye. That blind eye must open. It must open to this White genocide, because just as Black lives matter, White lives matter. Not only do White lives matter, it's time to say, "all lives matter".
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
America May Never Be Safe Again...
Remember the morning of September 11th, 2001? I do. That morning is forever emblazoned in my memory. I and millions of Americans watched in horror as our nation was attacked. When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, I and I'm quite sure millions of other onlookers thought something had gone very wrong. We certainly didn't think America had been attacked, but then there was the second tower, and after that, the Pentagon. Three airplane accidents? Was it possible that three planes could be sent so off course or be experiencing technical difficulties? No, it was not possible. It was not possible at all. In fact, the cause of the three planes crashing was the result of what we as Americans thought could never be possible. America had been attacked. America had been attacked on its own soil. Not only that, but America had been attacked with its own airplanes by radical Islamic terrorists. The attack cost over $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage, took 2996 lives, and injured over 6000 others. The attack was the single deadliest incident for fire fighters and police officers in the United States. The attack showed all Americans that America was not invincible. In fact, we were quite vulnerable.
September 11th, 2001 was a wake up call for America. It was a wake up call that America chose not to take. Since September 11th, a steady influx of Muslims has entered the U.S.. In fact, as of 2015 the U.S. was reported as allowing a quarter of a million Muslim immigrants into the U.S. a year, leaving America even more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. We are vulnerable, as Muslims are followers of a religion that does not allow for other religions. If evidence is needed, all one needs to do is open the Quran. Muslims are not allowed to befriend non-Muslims. They are instructed to convert or kill all non-believers. That being said, there really is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim". While on the campaign trail, President Trump would speak of "radical Islamic terrorism", yet radical Muslims and plain everyday Muslims are really one in the same. The difference, I suppose, could be those who kill and those who have not yet killed. Suffice it to say, the religion of Islam is a religion in which the motive is to covert or kill all, until the religion of Islam takes over the world.
Yesterday, eight people were mowed down and killed by a Muslim man from Uzbekistan in New York City driving a rented truck. Sayfullo Saipov, 29 years old, entered the country through the "diversity visa lottery program". The program allows immigrants into the U.S. coming from countries with lower rates of immigration. Why? I must ask, why must we allow people from countries who sponsor terrorism into our country? Furthermore, one would think that whoever was the genius allowing Sayfullo into the U.S. would have thought twice upon hearing a man's name that means "sword of Allah". Apparently not, and Americans can thank our previous administrations for every death that has occurred by a terrorist attack since September 11th, 2001.
While September 11th, 2001 was a day Americans said they'd never forget, many Americans have. We know this to be true in that our leaders in Washington have failed to keep us safe. While one would have hoped that the U.S. would have tightened our immigration laws after September 11th, as so it would seem, our laws have been loosened. Our laws have been loosened and more and more terrorist attacks are taking place, and guess what? Americans are becoming desensitized to it. While we once were shocked and horrified, many Americans are now becoming accustomed to terrorist attacks. Never, ever should we as Americans become okay with terrorism in our country, yet it's happening. It's happening, as those on the left have insisted on lax immigration laws allowing terrorists to come into our country. They have allowed terrorists into our country and they have brought terrorism into our lives.
As a child I heard of random suicide bombers in Israel and in the Mid-East. I thought, how lucky am I to be an American. How lucky am I that I never have to fear an attack at a mall, concert, nightclub, restaurant, sports venue, or church. Yes, as a child I was lucky, however, thanks to the liberals and their desire for open borders and immigration of persons wanting to kill us, I am no longer lucky. No American at present is as lucky as we were as children. Personally, I am angry at the fact that the front line is the moment I step out my front door. I am angry as those who are and have been in office have caused my country to no longer be safe. I'm angry and so should every other American be today. America is no longer the great nation it once was, and it may never be again. It may never be as today the religion of Islam is the fasted growing religion her in the U.S.. It's the fastest growing religion, and it's a religion that does not allow for other religions. We are no longer safe, and I blame every liberal and open minded globalist on the right for our being unsafe. It is they who've invited terrorism into our country. It is they who have the blood of all killed by terrorists on their hands. It is they who've insured that despite the efforts of President Trump, America may never be safe again or great again.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
September 11th, 2001 was a wake up call for America. It was a wake up call that America chose not to take. Since September 11th, a steady influx of Muslims has entered the U.S.. In fact, as of 2015 the U.S. was reported as allowing a quarter of a million Muslim immigrants into the U.S. a year, leaving America even more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. We are vulnerable, as Muslims are followers of a religion that does not allow for other religions. If evidence is needed, all one needs to do is open the Quran. Muslims are not allowed to befriend non-Muslims. They are instructed to convert or kill all non-believers. That being said, there really is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim". While on the campaign trail, President Trump would speak of "radical Islamic terrorism", yet radical Muslims and plain everyday Muslims are really one in the same. The difference, I suppose, could be those who kill and those who have not yet killed. Suffice it to say, the religion of Islam is a religion in which the motive is to covert or kill all, until the religion of Islam takes over the world.
Yesterday, eight people were mowed down and killed by a Muslim man from Uzbekistan in New York City driving a rented truck. Sayfullo Saipov, 29 years old, entered the country through the "diversity visa lottery program". The program allows immigrants into the U.S. coming from countries with lower rates of immigration. Why? I must ask, why must we allow people from countries who sponsor terrorism into our country? Furthermore, one would think that whoever was the genius allowing Sayfullo into the U.S. would have thought twice upon hearing a man's name that means "sword of Allah". Apparently not, and Americans can thank our previous administrations for every death that has occurred by a terrorist attack since September 11th, 2001.
While September 11th, 2001 was a day Americans said they'd never forget, many Americans have. We know this to be true in that our leaders in Washington have failed to keep us safe. While one would have hoped that the U.S. would have tightened our immigration laws after September 11th, as so it would seem, our laws have been loosened. Our laws have been loosened and more and more terrorist attacks are taking place, and guess what? Americans are becoming desensitized to it. While we once were shocked and horrified, many Americans are now becoming accustomed to terrorist attacks. Never, ever should we as Americans become okay with terrorism in our country, yet it's happening. It's happening, as those on the left have insisted on lax immigration laws allowing terrorists to come into our country. They have allowed terrorists into our country and they have brought terrorism into our lives.
As a child I heard of random suicide bombers in Israel and in the Mid-East. I thought, how lucky am I to be an American. How lucky am I that I never have to fear an attack at a mall, concert, nightclub, restaurant, sports venue, or church. Yes, as a child I was lucky, however, thanks to the liberals and their desire for open borders and immigration of persons wanting to kill us, I am no longer lucky. No American at present is as lucky as we were as children. Personally, I am angry at the fact that the front line is the moment I step out my front door. I am angry as those who are and have been in office have caused my country to no longer be safe. I'm angry and so should every other American be today. America is no longer the great nation it once was, and it may never be again. It may never be as today the religion of Islam is the fasted growing religion her in the U.S.. It's the fastest growing religion, and it's a religion that does not allow for other religions. We are no longer safe, and I blame every liberal and open minded globalist on the right for our being unsafe. It is they who've invited terrorism into our country. It is they who have the blood of all killed by terrorists on their hands. It is they who've insured that despite the efforts of President Trump, America may never be safe again or great again.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Things Just Don't Add Up In Vegas...
The suspect is down. No, police have the suspect in custody. No, the suspect committed suicide. There are multiple shooters. No, there was only one shooter. The Las Vegas Attack was an attack by ISIS. The shooter had been radicalized. No, the shooter had no connections to ISIS and was not radicalized. No, authorities got it wrong, the shooter may have indeed been radicalized and had ties to ISIS. The shooter possibly had mental issues. No, the shooter was a normal low key guy who never could have committed such a heinous crime. Nope, the shooter was somewhat disturbed. The shooter may have run into financial difficulties from gambling. No, the shooter was financially comfortable as he was worth millions. The shots came from the 32nd windows, both windows at opposite ends at the same time, wow what long arms this man must have had. Summary of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and FBI investigation ? A fairy tale of a massacre in Las Vegas.
The trouble is the fairy tale of a massacre as written by the FBI and the Las Vegas Police Department appears to be a web of lies and deception. Unfortunately for the FBI and the LVMPD, Americans are not quite as stupid as they had wrongly assumed. Apparently, our government thinks Americans are complete morons, as only complete morons would believe the fairy tale that has been told to the American people regarding the Mandalay Bay Massacre in Las Vegas. The fairy tale has become an utter joke as the FBI and LVMPD have gone back and forth contradicting one another with their statements. Perhaps the contradictions are so obvious, because the authorities conducting the investigation of the deadliest gun attack in U.S. history are lying to Americans. If the authorities aren't lying, they certainly appear to be lying. They appear to be lying as even they themselves seem to not know truth from fiction. That's the trouble with lying. The more one lies, the more one can get caught. The fact is, the truth can't be challenged, because it's the truth, and Americans aren't seeing, nor are they hearing a whole lot of truth from authorities in the investigation of the Mandalay Bay massacre.
It's rather difficult to hide the truth at present.With everyone having the capability to video and live stream tragedies with their cell phones as they happen, the truth is difficult to hide. For example, the mainstream media and authorities would like Americans to believe that the shooter, Stephen Paddock, acted alone and conducted the shooting from the 32nd floor, but that appears to be incorrect. In observance of several videos, shots were fired from about the 10th floor. Authorities would also have the general public believe that Stephen Paddock acted alone. However, when viewing videos, shots appear to be being fired by several guns at the same time. Furthermore, people attending the concert have claimed that there were most definitely multiple shooters. Some concert goers have even said shots were fired from more than one building. If there aren't enough discrepancies with what people video taped, what is being said by authorities continuously contradicts what authorities have said in previous statements. All in all the American people may never know the truth behind the Mandalay Bay massacre.
What is the truth behind the Mandalay Bay massacre? The truth is the American people may never know the truth behind the Mandalay Bay massacre. What we do know is that there are a lot of unanswered questions. Like,why did the brother of the shooter, Stephen Paddock, change his story on his brother? In the first interview his brother seems to be shocked his brother could have committed such an act of violence, but in the next interview the brother appears to not be at all surprised. His brother changes his tune and appears to feel Stephen Paddock could have in fact committed a massacre killing 59 and injuring over 500 others. Another question is why are authorities claiming the shooter committed suicide, after they said a suspect was down? Why are they claiming the shooter on the 32nd floor committed suicide when the face of the dead man appears to not match the face of Paddock? The killer, Paddock, appeared to have a tattoo of the number 13 on his neck and had somewhat of a puffy face. The corpse on the 32nd floor does not have that tattoo. Why was ISIS discounted less than 12 hours after the massacre to only be a possible motive soon after? How, why, where, what? A lot of questions and a lot of vague answers, and Americans should be asking why.
Why? Why, only hours later did Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and others jump on the gun control issue? They couldn't even wait for the deceased to get cold, nor could they wait for the blood on the streets of Las Vegas to dry. They say timing is everything, and the timing of the tweets and Democrats was just plain insensitive, and twisted. If I didn't know better, the Democrats' statements were rehearsed and calculated in order to go after their agenda for gun control. Then again, who was Stephen Paddock? Was he really a millionaire gambler with a penchant for firearms and violence ? Was Stephen Paddock radicalized by the Islamic State? Was Vegas a fast and furious operation gone wrong? Was Paddock an undercover FBI agent? Was Paddock the only shooter? Were there 7 shooters as reported early on? Were there shootings at several other hotels in the area ? Was there a shooter in the crowd of the country music festival concert? Were there shooters on the 29th, 32nd, and 35th floors of the Mandalay Bay? If shots were only fired into the crowd at the concert being held, why were people told to stay in their rooms and kept in underground hallways for several hours until the police could catch as many shooters as possible? Why were there men standing in the crowd as if the chaos and carnage around them didn't exist? What's what? Who's who? What is going on? What is going on is terrorism took place at Mandalay Bay and we may never know who the terrorists are that committed the second deadliest massacre in U.S. history. Was it Antifa? George Soros? ISIS? The Deep State? The Hillary Clinton cartel? The establishment? The Illuminati? Who is really to blame for the Mandalay Bay massacre, and will they strike again? The fact is, we as Americans are being misinformed. We are being misinformed by everyone in mainstream media and in law enforcement. We are being misinformed, and Americans should be concerned as to why. The why may be that there is something so disturbing that if Americans knew the truth they would rise up. Americans attempted to rise up in voting for a non establishment candidate, Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the establishment may be more powerful than our President, and it may be too late for anyone to be successful in making America great again.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
#PrayforLasVegas #MandalyBayMassacre #LasVegasMassacre #MandalayBayCoverUp
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The NFL Can Go To Hell ! Las Vegas Massacre
Approximately 22,000 Jason Aldean concert goers in Las Vegas, Nevada stood for our nation, Sunday, October 1st. They stood with pride. They stood singing, "God Bless America", with glee. As "God Bless America" played on, 22,000 people stood holding their lighted cell phones in unity. They stood as Americans. They stood as patriots.They didn't kneel in protest, they didn't lock arms in defiance. No, they did not. Sunday evening, 22,000 Americans stood together and showed the nation what it is to be a patriot and what it is to have pride in one's country. They showed all watching what patriotism looks like. When speaking of the crowd, John Rich, one of the performers of the group Big and Rich, stated, "That's America standing in that crowd".
America was indeed standing in that crowd. Americans of all ages, races, and religions stood in that crowd. Americans stood together in a venue of patriotism, joy, celebration, and happiness unknowing of the evil lurking from up above. Up above on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, pure evil sat and waited, and executed one of the most heinous crimes in American history. How ironic that just shortly after the crowd of patriots sang our national anthem, multiple shots were fired making 22,000 Americans victims in what only can be described as terrorism on American soil. The shooting lasted all of 10-15 minutes. In those 10-15 minutes over 500 people were injured and another 59 were dead. While no one can possibly know the fear and terror people felt during the attack, one can only imagine that those 10-15 minutes seemed like an eternity, an eternity of a living hell, a living hell here on earth. What should have been a fun, joyous occasion turned into a horrific tragedy no one present will ever forget.
Concert goers describing the massacre in great detail, spoke of people running, but not knowing where to run nor hide. They spoke of bodies falling and not getting up. They spoke of people in wheel chairs being pushed over. They spoke of those having fallen out of their wheel chairs crawling in desperation of safety. They spoke of heroic men standing and running towards the shots instead of running away from the shots. They spoke of others stopping to aid those in need. One man shot in the stomach had friends attempting to help his lifeless body. Lifeless bodies of which there were many. Lifeless bodies lay in pools of blood. Pools of blood of lives taken all too soon. While some passerby's stopped to cover the bodies with their own clothing, others chose to shut the eyes of the dead. Other concert goers choosing not to be heroic fearfully just ran for their lives. They ran only to be trapped by fencing without any exit. Many concert goers desperately jumped the prison like fencing. They ran only to have shots continue and stop some of them as well. They ran until they hoped they'd be safe. They ran until they could run no more. They ran because they wanted to live.
America, the home of the free and the home of the brave, is free no more. Americans are no longer free if they are in fear for their lives every time they step out their front door. Americans are no longer free if they are unable to enjoy the freedom to go where they choose. Movie theaters, sports venues, concerts, festivals, amusement parks and so on. We, as Americans, are no longer free when we are unable to freely and fearlessly enjoy the luxuries we once enjoyed. We, as Americans, are no longer free if when we are standing tall, but forced to kneel for fear of being killed. Sunday and Monday, American football fans viewed several NFL football players kneeling both here and abroad for our national anthem. Sunday evening 22,000 Americans at a concert stood tall for our national anthem. They stood tall and why? They stood tall, because they respected the flag and all for which it stands. It stands for our military that through the test of time has stood to fight for our freedom. It stands for our nation's police officers who keep our cities safe. It stands for our nation that was built on faith, unity, and justice for all. It does not stand for righteous, self entitled over paid athletes with a big fat chip on their shoulders who don't appreciate the freedoms they now enjoy; freedoms they have been able to enjoy thanks to our military and police officers. Freedoms that slowly seem to be slipping away right before our eyes. Perhaps in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre, NFL football players kneeling in the wake of this tragedy, will think twice before kneeling. After all, the freedom the NFL disrespects will soon be lost by them as well if we as a nation do not come together, which is precisely why if players on the field are unable to stand for our National Anthem, the NFL can go to hell!
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
#LasVagasMassacre #MandalayBayMassacre #BoycottTheNFL #LasVegasStandsTall
Thursday, September 28, 2017
NFL Players, "You Should Abide By Your Own Rules"!
Imagine if our soldiers had taken a knee and failed to stand up to defend our country and our freedoms. Luckily, our soldiers did stand up to fight. They stood up, they fought, and that is why today Americans are able to have the life they have today. That life today that includes football. That life today that is now a life of freedom. Unfortunately, this past weekend several football teams showed their lack of gratitude for their freedom by not standing up for the American flag and National Anthem.
Interestingly enough, all players failing to stand up for the National Anthem should be fined and or suspended. All players taking a knee should be fined as players are fined and or suspended for being guilty of several violations. These violations are listed in the Official NFL Game Operational Manual. This manual states that players must stand on the field while the National Anthem is being played. Players must stand at attention during the Anthem. Players must face the flag and refrain from talking during the National Anthem. Players must also hold their helmets in their left hand. Furthermore, players can be fined for dancing in the end zone. Players can even be fined for praying on the field. Ask Tim Tebow, he received that fine. Meanwhile, players across the country that failed to go out on the field for the National Anthem were not fined. Players on the field that kneeled and or didn't face the flag also were not fined. Why? Why was not one NFL player fined and or suspended for failing to respect our nation's flag? Why was not one NFL player fined and or suspended for failing to do what the NFL's own game operational manual demands of its players?
The NFL failed our nation this past weekend. The NFL also failed the American people. The NFL failed to discipline their players this past weekend and they will no doubt suffer the consequences. The consequences being that ticket sales will soon go down and television ratings will drop as well. I can't help, but wonder just how long it will take these self entitled dumb oaf football players to figure out that their taking a knee was a bad idea. It may be too late for these men. It may be too late. It may be too late for these men who have disrespected our flag and it maybe too late for football. Then again, I challenge the NFL that they stand up to the football players and owners that refused to stand for the flag by fining and or suspending each and every one of them. Fine these self entitled dumb dumbs and donate the money to charity. I'm quite sure the victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria could use some help. I'm also quite sure the NFL players could use a little discipline. After all, NFL players really should abide by their own rules, don't you think?
-Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The Rush Limbaugh Show PODCAST - September 26 - 2017 Thank You Rush!
Sean Bianca as a caller at 53:30
She's a blogger with a voice and he's a conservative talk radio show host . He's not just any radio talk show host, he's Rush Limbaugh, better known as just plain "Rush". With a weekly audience of approximately 13.25 million listeners, Rush has proven himself throughout the test of time. Proven himself, has he ever. Rush is currently one of the highest paid people in U.S. media. With his wit, sarcasm, and knowledge, I personally have been a fan since I was in High School, and can recall his show very well. I can recall it, as back then in the old days, circa 1984, Rush's show was televised. Rush on the radio is super, but Rush televised is spectacular. Rush televised was all the more entertaining as Rush's expressions when making talking points and digs at this politician or that one were priceless. I really miss that, but today as a caller, I felt like a teenager as Rush responded to my call with his amusing sarcasm. It was the same sarcasm I heard as a teenage girl and it was the same sarcasm that would be directed at my call. My call regarding NFL football players was heated, and it was blunt. It was also a call that prompted Rush to ask me if I would like an I-phone 8 or 8 plus. I must admit, as I have never won anything substantial, I was rather taken aback, and perhaps my reaction was not one of gratitude. With that being said, I would like to thank Mr. Rush Limbaugh as I am truly thrilled about the I-phone 8 plus! Rush mentioned that I didn't seem excited and I was stunned. Frankly, he was right. However, if Rush had offered me a job on the air, he would have most definitely heard this political blogger, vlogger , and fan get excited. The truth is, at this time of political turmoil and strife, I am thankful, very thankful. I am thankful for men like Rush Limbaugh that give millions of Americans like myself the opportunity to use our voices. Without conservatives like Rush and others in the U.S. media, the voices of Americans would never be heard, and for that we all should be thankful. I know I am.
Thanks Rush !
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL
#RushLimbaughShow #RushLimbaugh #IPhone8Plus #BoycottThe NFL
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
NFL Player Entitlement Mentality
It's September's end, the leaves are turning, the kids are back in school, and football season is upon us. Football season for most American men is a tradition that is just as important if not more important than Christmas. Unfortunately, thanks to the self entitled, stupid professional football players, football season is over for many. It's over thanks to NFL football players and coaches refusing to stand for the National Anthem due to their dislike for the president.While these professional athletes could voice their sentiments concerning the president in a variety of ways, they instead have chosen to disrespect our nation's flag and National Anthem. In disrespecting the flag and our National Anthem, these men are disrespecting the men and women who have fought for the freedoms these self entitled NFL Football players so enjoy.
-Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG 2017
Saturday, September 23, 2017
"The Art Of The Deal"
It was a hot humid day in South Florida and yet thousands of Floridians stood in line for just over four hours in the hot sun for a chance to see one man. That one man was Donald J. Trump. That one man was not just any man. That one man was "the man". And "the man" was for many, America's last hope. "The man" gave not just South Floridians hope for America and a better future, but that one man gave millions of Americans hope for a better future for America. How did that one man do it? He did it as he knew how to appeal to the masses.. He was a showman. He was sharp, he was charismatic, he was funny, and he was, after all, a master manipulator. As many many successful businessmen are master manipulators, this one appeared to be as well. As a helicopter flew over the crowd's heads, the crowd knew greatness had arrived, or so they thought. As I stood and watched in awe, the loudspeaker announced, "allow me to introduce the next President of the United States "! The crowd cheered, clapped, pumped their fists into the air, and shouted with glee. It was a moment. It was a moment in time like I'd never imagined, nor will I ever forget. As tears welled up in my eyes I felt honored to be a part of such an event. It was an event that was unlike any political rally I'd ever attended. There was an excitement in the crowd unlike excitement I'd ever seen at a political rally, but then again it was that man or "the man", and "the man" created an energy that one would think only the second coming of Christ could create. Then again, for many of these people, Donald J. Trump might as well have been Christ.
How did he do it? The answer is simple. Donald J. Trump, now President Trump said everything a good many Americans wanted to hear. Candidate Trump said the words, "America first", "radical Islam", "radical Islamic terrorism", "repeal and replace", "lower taxes", "lock her up", "deport all illegal immigrants", "no more DACA", "build that wall", "drain the swamp", and "make America great again". Yes, candidate Donald J. Trump was calculating, manipulating, smooth, and smart. Candidate Donald J. Trump was good, he was very good. He was everything and more than his supporter's expectations. Candidate Donald J. Trump was the non-politician politician . Candidate Trump was America's savior, or so we thought.
As so it would seem, America has not gotten the complete agenda on which Candidate Trump campaigned. In fact, America hasn't even gotten a good portion of the agenda on which Trump campaigned. At present many Americans are seeing that "candidate Donald Trump" and "President Trump" are two very different people or are they? To be quite honest, I'm not quite sure and I don't quite know what to think. Was America hoodwinked? Has the establishment and the swamp worn President Trump down? Has President Trump been threatened? If one goes by history, President Trump has lied in his lifetime. Be it business dealings, his personal affairs, and financial affairs, the President has not appeared to live the life of a choirboy. I guess I have to admit that if a man can lie to a wife with whom he had three children, why would he not lie to an entire nation?
Ask die hard Trump supporters about the President seemingly not being the same man he was while on the campaign trail, and they will answer, "fake news". Well, that doesn't answer the question. However, President Trump has much of his base trained well. In fact, much of the so called "Trump Train" appears to be brainwashed. 'Fake news" is all that zombified Trump supporters can say when they can't back up their savior in chief, President Trump. Why just recently an actual campaign text was sent to my phone from the campaign asking for $2. donations to build the wall and Trump supporters cried out "fake news". Sadly these people actually believe it. The fact is, President Trump has trained his base to say "fake news" to the point that now when there is "real news"that is unfavorable towards the president, they don't believe it, because he has trained them to cry out, "fake news". The whole "fake news" play is really quite brilliant, I must admit. Unfortunately for President Trump, the words, "fake news", will only work for so long and it appears the President will need to look into his campaigning playbook for another play, because more and more Americans aren't buying the President's tweets and lines.
Angry, disappointed, disillusioned, and disgust... Those are the emotions I personally feel when I look at the president. While I will give credit where it's due, there is much for President Trump to explain, like why is the campaign asking for Trump supporters to donate $2. towards a wall when the President said Mexico would pay for it? Why has President Trump just recently stated that "the wall can wait" when the wall was one of the single most important campaign promises? Why did President Trump certify the Iran deal back in July when "Campaign Trump" said he would tear it up? He said it was "deeply flawed" and the "worst deal ever". Why has the President softened on Muslims coming to the U.S. when "campaign Trump" said he would ban all Muslims until there was a strict enough vetting system? Why has President Trump honored an agreement orchestrated between Australia and Obama accepting over 1000 Syrian refugees from Australia's detention centers? "Candidate Trump" said it was a bad deal while campaigning. Why has President Trump said he has no plans to leave NAFTA when "campaign Trump" said he would leave NAFTA? Why has President Trump had second thoughts on deporting so called "dreamers" in Obama's DACA program when "candidate Trump" said he would deport them all? In fact, "candidate Trump promised the Angel Moms, (mothers of those killed by illegal immigrants) that if elected, he would deport all illegal immigrants. Why has President Trump sent thousands of more Americans into Afghanistan when "campaign Trump" said that we would not be sending more Americans into endless, needless wars? Why has President Trump appointed a cabinet of ex-Goldman Sachs executives when "campaign Trump" said he would not have Wall Street in the White House? Why does President Trump have a cabinet of liberals and globalists, including his daughter, and son-in-law when "candidate Trump" had surrounded himself with nationalists? For that matter, I have to ask if the President who ran on a nationalist agenda is even still a nationalist himself? To be quite honest, at present, I don't quite know what to think of the President. What I do know is President Trump is not "candidate Trump". Then again, was he ever?
It is my hope that President Trump will surprise me and be the man for whom I once had such admiration and respect. It is my hope that President Trump will come through for his supporters and honor all or most of his campaign promises. While it is true that many of the Republicans in Washington have failed the President miserably, the President has in turn failed the people whom supported him both inside and outside the White House. Former Chief Strategist and adviser to the President, Steven Bannon, a true nationalist who was a staunch supporter of the President, is no longer a member of the President's cabinet. Why? Bannon, an integral part of the Trump team, was the MAGA agenda. He was what made the President the President, and yet he was recently fired or he recently resigned. Whichever the case my be, Bannon being out is not a good sign if one is for a nationalist and MAGA agenda. That being said, Bannon is not the only nationalist to have recently left the White House. Former Deputy Assistant to the President, Sebastian Gorka, has also recently resigned or been fired from the White House. Americans should not be surprised as Gorka too is a nationalist and a supporter of the MAGA agenda on which the President campaigned. Both men claim to have resigned, and both men claim that they will be more useful outside the White House. Perhaps the two true nationalists will be more conducive to the President outside the White House in a way they could not within the White House walls. They now both are speaking up when the President veers away from the agenda of making America great again. In doing so, they are keeping the President accountable. Both men have revealed that there are members of the President's staff that are steering the President away from a nationalist and make America great again agenda. With a White House full of globalists, one should not be surprised that the President is getting further away from the agenda that will make America great again.
President Trump had a tough road to the White House. Everyone was up against him, and he was forced to fight at every turn, and the President is still forced to fight. However, the President knew this when he ran for the presidency. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew almost everyone in Washington was against him. For that I can cut some slack. Has the President done some good things? Yes, he has indeed. He has brought jobs back to America, he has appointed a conservative to the Supreme Court, he has cut down illegal immigration, and he has been successful in attacking ISIS. However, many promises are being forgotten or broken. Perhaps the President has tired of the fight against the establishment, but the President needed to be ready for the fight. In regards to the travel ban, it has been said that the initial travel ban was written in haste and the second one wasn't much better. I elected a man whom I thought would surround himself with the best. The travel ban is again being revised and has been a ban full of gaps that has been easily chipped away by the federal courts. Why? I expected more out of those who are employed by the President. In regards to health care, again, this was done in haste and without a plan. While the Republicans failed to come up with a plan Dems would approve of, the President failed to ask the Republicans if they had a plan that they knew would pass. The President also somehow forgot his own health care plan as proposed on the campaign trail. The President can blame Republicans for this one without a doubt, then again was "repeal and replace" a line? Was "lock her up" just a line? Americans have yet to see Hilary Clinton be locked up or be served a subpoena. Was it all a line? Were we all played? Were we all played and are the Democrats and Republicans in this together? As the President seems to be flip flopping on a daily basis, one has to wonder. While many have said that the President needs to reach across the aisle, I have to ask if he ever really was on the right side of the aisle? With Democrats seemingly getting more of their desires met than Republicans, it makes one wonder. Then again, is this all a game? Is Trump the savior being beaten down by the big bad boys in Washington or is he really is working with the big bad boys? I wonder. If one thinks about it, a strategy of a hero like Trump being beaten down could be a good one for keeping the people in line. We, the people, without a savior like the President, would erupt at a possible amnesty agreement, but not if the president makes a deal, a deal that will be advantageous to everyone, but the people who voted for him. That being said, if the President has played us all, it certainly has been the epitome of the "art of the deal".
-Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Forgotten Americans
Why has the U.S. government not loaned a helping hand to those affected by Irma in the U.S. Virgin Islands? While the U.S. Virgin Islands are not attached to the mainland of the United States, the U.S. Virgin Islands are very much so a part of the United States. Perhaps the President could show those in the islands affected by Irma some hope with a visit to the islands ravaged by last week's storm. The people of the U.S. Virgin Islands have a long, tough road ahead of them as they rebuild their homes and communities. The U.S. Virgin Islands will likely take months or possibly even years to rebuild, and these fellow Americans need our help, and they need it now. With that being said, let's forgo that next overpriced lunch or dinner, and give to those in the U.S. Virgin Islands in need, as to let them know that we here in America have not forgotten our fellow Americans.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
The Wrath Of Harvey And Irma Leaves Its Victims Lives Forever Changed...
Imagine leaving your home and wondering if your home would still be intact when you returned. On August 23rd 1992 I walked out my front door, turned around, looked at my home, and asked God to protect me, my parents and our dream home. As it turned out, even God could not protect and save our home. With shutters and protective glass on every window including the front doors, our home could not survive the wrath of Hurricane Andrew. In fact nothing was able to withstand and survive Hurricane Andrew.
Hurricane Andrew was the most destructive hurricane to hit the state of Florida. Andrew was the costliest and strongest hurricane to hit the United States, until it was surpassed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. With sustained winds of 165 mph and tornadoes causing winds over 265 mph, Hurricane Andrew destroyed 63,500 homes and damaged more than 124,000 other homes. Damages from Andrew cost $26.5 billion and left 65 people dead. It is suspected many more people died in the path of the storm, but were illegal, undocumented farm immigrants. The smell of death was in the air for months to come. It was rumored that late at night the bodies of the undocumented deceased farm workers were being burned, and in the darkness of the night and not a light in sight, a large fire could be seen in the distance.We knew the rumors were true. We felt it, we smelled it, we knew. Hurricane Andrew's fury was felt by all in Miami-Dade County.
Two and a half story shutter failed and was completely open. This was taken after the shutter company came to repair all destroyed shutters. |
Those of us who were directly affected by Andrew will be the first to say that nothing can prepare one having one's home destroyed. Upon my return to my home, I observed neighbors walking aimlessly back to their homes in a state of shock. One man sobbing held a painting he'd found among the rubble. As I walked up to my home I was greeted by my car that had been thrown to the end of my driveway. The car was picked up and had a hundreds years old large Ficus tree uprooted and dumped atop of it. I entered my home through the living room windows thats shutters had been blown open, and then what I saw was horrific. My home was destroyed. A two and a half story windows shutter had failed and allowed the storm inside my home. Once the winds entered they had to escape, blowing our roof in places and blowing glass doors and windows apart. Tables, chairs, and other furnishings were tossed around like children's toys, and water was everywhere. Living close to the ocean brought fish, and crabs into our home adding to the already deplorable stench of spoiled food, molding walls, mildew, and rain water. In addition to fish and crabs, a ten foot salt water crocodile had been displaced by the storm and was now residing in our canal in back of our home. Our home although still standing appeared to have been hit by a bomb. Our neighbors homes looked much the same. My next door neighbor literally had a hole 6'x8' in the side of his concrete home from an object having been catapulted through it. The window above the hole was still intact. Suffice it to say, every home in my neighborhood was destroyed and uninhabitable for the next one to three years.
Window on far right was left open without the shutter that was never found. |
Tile went through shutter, and was found embedded in a solid wood bureau. |
The days after the storm brought news media helicopters waking us up as they did fly overs to show America those of us hit by the storm. The media was in awe of the boats thrown around my neighborhood. Neighbors found other neighbors boats in their swimming pools and in the mangroves across the way. As the media found the wrath of Hurricane Andrew intriguing, those of us hit by the storm struggled to save belongings before ceilings collapsed and before clothes, books, and pictures could be over taken by mildew. We tore out smelly carpeting, dumped storm water out of dishes in cabinets, and packed up everything undamaged as to move out of our destroyed home. Our destroyed home took six years to rebuild.
The night of Hurricane Andrew meteorologist, Brian Norcross, told listeners that life would never be the same for those affected by Hurricane Andrew. He said there would be divorces, there would be suicides, and there would be widespread depression. He was correct. What he failed to mention was that there would be financial ruin, strife, and stress. While the agony of losing one's home to a natural disaster is more than one can bare, the fight one has to put up against one's insurance company and greedy contractors can be even worse.
Unfortunately, along with catastrophic disasters come insurance companies that don't want to pay and refuse to pay. Along with non-compliant and ruthless insurance companies are scam artists and greedy contractors. People from near and far prey on desperate people . Some contractors licensed and unlicensed took deposits from several people and skipped town, never to be heard from again. Other contractors spreading themselves too thin took money and were unable to fulfill their obligations in a reasonable time frame. Then there were the contractors that did the work but scraped corners and failed to build as according to new post Andrew building code. Andrew brought out some of the best in people and some of the worst in people.
For those affected by a catastrophic natural disaster, life will never be the same. I've seen grown men cry, and I've seen women stand strong. I've witnessed generosity, I've witnessed greed, and I've witnessed corruption. It's true, life never was the same. For those affected by Harvey, my heart goes out to them. For those that will be affected by Hurricane Irma, my heart goes out to them as well. For mainstream media, catastrophic natural disasters are only of interest for as long as the story is fresh and hot. Once another story becomes hot, mainstream media and the rest of the nation forgets those affected by devastation of yesterday's storm. Unfortunately, for those affected the wrath of yesterday's storm, the anguish lives on. With that being said, be thankful for your roof overhead, and say a prayer for those affected by Harvey and Irma, as well as those soon to be hit with Irma's fury.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL2017
"The Five" has a sensitivity chip missing amidst widespread disaster
*Please note that I am not seated next to a genuine ivory tusk. It is faux ivory as I am an advocate for the saving of elephants as well as all wildlife.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
Monday, August 14, 2017
Save The Elephants!
Please donate if you can!
David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Two Tails Ranch
The Left's Refusal To Learn From The Past
America, the home of the brave and the home of the "free", sadly, is no longer "free". America is no longer "free" when Americans no longer have the freedom to express how they truly feel. Social media outlets such as Face book and Twitter now censor and take down content that they deem unpleasing, while the left wing media prints only what favors and hides the corruption and deception of the left. As our freedom of speech is violated daily on social media, it is violated as well on the ground. Unfortunately, freedom of speech is more often than not lost by those on the right.
When did America become like a third world country with widespread violence, protests, and chaos? When did America become so filled with hate that America could easily be seen as being on the brink of a civil war? America became a hellhole of hate and violence the day Hillary Clinton lost and the Democrats didn't get their way. Yes, the left lost and seven months later the left is continuing their kicking, screaming, crying, and punching, literally. Almost weekly there are protests and rallies taking place across America, and it's America's freedom of speech that allows Americans to take to the streets as to protest or throw a rally. However, as so it would seem, whenever the right takes to the streets, violence occurs, and that violence is not usually instigated by those on the right, but by those on the left. Never at a women's march or a leftist protest are there bus loads of conservatives to be seen spending their time at a rally of protest of the other side. Never are their people from the right found that have been paid to punch, hit, or intimidate those on the left at a leftist march. Yet, time and time again billionaire Globalist George Soros is the majority of the time found to be paying people to attack those on the right at right wing rallies and protests, leaving many on the right with a loss of their freedom of speech.
Two days ago in Charlottesville, 3 people were unnecessarily killed. One woman was mowed down by a car driving through rally goers and two policemen were killed in a police helicopter crash. Why? Why is because the left has a need to erase the past, their past. Across the south are a little over 700 Confederate statues and monuments, statues, and monuments that much of the left wants removed. While Europe values their history be it good or bad, the left here in America has a desire to destroy our history. While the left seems to have a desire to erase history, the right has a desire to preserve and learn from history. Furthermore, one has to ask the question, aren't there better ways to spend tax dollars than on the taking down of Confederate statues and monuments? With our nation's roads, bridges, railroads, and airports in decline, one would think the priority of necessity over a simple want due to dislike would come first. With many of our vets in need, one would think tax dollars could be better spent towards them. With the mentally ill unable to work and take care of themselves and living on the streets, one would think their care would take precedence over the taking down of statues the left sees as racist and or offensive. One would think many issues would take precedence over the taking down of over 700 statues and monuments, but the left feels differently. The left prefers to waste tax dollars taking down Confederate statues that remind them of the hate in their party. The left prefers to waste tax dollars to replace Confederate statues with whatever they feel non offensive than to use tax dollars for good. The left prefers to waste tax dollars erasing a part of American history over leaving history alone as so the future may learn of the hate and bigotry of the past.
Saturday was to be about "Unite the Right's" rally to save the Confederate statue of General Robert E. Lee. It was about Americans wanting to preserve their history, our history. Unite the Right had a permit and the rally was peaceful until it wasn't. Busloads of people from the radical leftist group Antifa and Black Lives Matter arrived in Charlottesville to wreak havoc on the peaceful rally being held. Antifa is the same group that was largely responsible for the violence this past spring in Berkeley. Antifa is nothing, but a bunch of radical left wing thugs who use violence and intimidation to advance their beliefs, while Black Lives Matter is an anti-White hate group. Both groups were mainly responsible for Saturday's violence. It has also been reported that billionaire Globalist George Soros was also behind the violence ensued as well. That being said, yesterday the left stole freedom of speech from the right.
The left seems to routinely take it upon themselves to steal the right's freedom of speech and if it continues, it's the beginning of the end for America as a free nation. While yes, there were racist groups from the right at Saturday's rally, and they are to be condemned, the original attendees and organizers of Saturday's rally had a permit and were peaceful. They were non-violent. The rally for Unite The Right held in Charlottesville never had to turn chaotic and deadly. When Antifa, and Black Lives Matter arrived and attacked those they opposed, the police did nothing. It has been reported the police stood and watched. They stood and watched the violence and allowed the freedom of speech of Americans be taken away. For that, America should weep. America should weep as the left is taking over America if incidents such as Charlottesville continue to take place. America needs to stop the protesting, stop the rallies, stop the hate. America needs to step back and say, "enough". America needs to unite, for if we don't, our nation is sure to fall. With that, I have to say it was the left's piece of history that the left so badly wants to destroy; that piece of history of a time of bigotry from the left. Yesterday added another piece of hate and bigotry to our nation's history. Yesterday was another day of hate and bigotry from the left showing that the left refuses to learn from their failures of the past.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
Sunday, August 13, 2017
The OTHER Five ►San Antonio monument protest
My point was, why are we wasting tax dollars to take down pieces of our history. Tax dollars that could help the less fortunate on the left , tax dollars that could be used for our Vets, the mentally ill, the truly poor in need who can not work, our roads, our schools, our bridges, and so on. It seems like a waste of time and money to take down monuments that remind us of the past. We must never forget the tragedies of the past, for if we do, we will not learn from the past as to not repeat it. For the record, the monument being protested was of Robert E. Lee, a Democrat who was one of the few that opposed slavery, but far be it for the left to point out facts!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
America being taken over by the Swamp!
America is in danger. America is in serious danger. Our President is in danger. Our President is in serious danger. America and President Trump are under attack by the globalists, the socialists, the elitists, and the establishment, and they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal. Their goal is to remove President Trump from office and to destroy everything and anything of which America was made, and they have successfully worked their way right into the White House and the President's administration. In fact, the Deep State is in the President's administration.
As reported by Roger Stone, who has been a confidante to the President, a best selling author, and correspondent for Infowars, National Security adviser, General H. R. McMasters is one of the leakers. In fact, McMasters is not just one of the leakers, he is one of the primary leakers of all of the goings on within the walls of the White House. McMasters, as according to sources of Roger Stone, is an operative for the billionaire, globalist, socialist, George Soros. The Israeli government and Israeli intelligence have intercepted email correspondence between McMasters and George Soros informing Soros of all goings on within the White House and the President's administration. Roger Stone has double checked his information with two separate sources high up in Israeli's intelligence and has no doubt he can confirm this with the Israeli Ambassador to the United States. That being said, if this is true, which by all accounts it appears to be, General McMasters is one of the primary leakers to the press, as George Soros has ties to all of mainstream media.
Being National Security Adviser, General McMaster's ties to George Soros is deeply disturbing. It should not be all that surprising. Apparently, as early as this past May, the President and McMasters were seen clashing. As the pick of McMasters was pleasing to the Washington establishment, it was not a pick pleasing to the President. In essence, the President was said to be experiencing buyers remorse as the two clearly have different visions for the nation. McMasters is everything the President campaigned against, while the President is everything McMasters is not. One vast difference between the two which many feel is unacceptable is McMasters dislike of calling out Islamic terrorists as "radical Islamic terrorists". In fact anyone using that rhetoric under McMasters is likely to be reprimanded or even fired, a sharp difference indeed, between the President and his National Security Adviser. It has been reported that the two have even been seen sparring in front of White House Staff, as McMasters has repeatedly attempted to undermine the president and has failed to allow the President the opportunity to ask questions. McMasters has even gone so far as to lecture the President. Many feel McMasters is attempting to trick the President into steering the nation in a direction that was everything the President campaigned against.
McMasters has to go. He is the swamp, and a question that has to be asked is why did the President invite the swamp into the White House? McMasters removed Chief Strategist, and Nationalist, Steve Bannon from the National Security Council. McMasters also just recently removed several National Security Council staffers hired by former National Security Adviser, Mike Flynn. Those just recently removed from their positions were allies to White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, pro- America first, and loyal to the President. Essentially, staffers having the agenda of making America great again, and staffers not likely leaking info to outsiders have been removed. The question is why? The next question is why is the President allowing this to take place?
The Deep State is in the White House, and the question is who in the White House can be trusted and who can not? Apparently, it's anybody's guess. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear the President's Generals can be trusted. As it is now pretty apparent National Security Adviser is of the Deep State, so too may be General John Kelly, and National Defense Secretary, "Mad DogyMattis. While many thought the appointment of General Kelly as Chief of Staff was a good move, it is now seen as a not so good move. General Kelly may not be a smart move by the President, as Kelly appears to have more power than anyone should have over the President. by all accounts Kelly apparently has isolated the President, and has full control of the President. While someone overseeing and approving the President's tweets was seen as a positive action, Kelly's controlling who and what the president sees is clearly a negative action. It has been reported that the President is not allowed to see anything reported by news sources such as Drudge, Breibart, and Infowars as any info seen by the President might spark what General Kelly sees as an unwanted reaction. What is going on? What is going on is the President is being handled as some sort of bumbling idiot that is being handled by these 3 generals. Three Generals that do not have the best interests of the President at heart. Three Generals that do not have the best interests of the nation at heart.
The President is far from being an idiot and the President is far from being okay with a person on his staff refusing to say "radical Islam". The President is also far from okay with having someone beneath him tell him who he sees, to whom he speaks, what he tweets, what he reads, and what he hears. With that being said, America has to ask, just what is going on? Where is the President for whom we voted? It has been rumored that there is a coup to remove the President from office, and having three Generals on staff may not be a wise choice by the President, but then were these three Generals the President's choice? Did he have a choice? Something's going on and America is at risk. When an anti-establishment President endorses a man like Luther Strange, a RINO who opposes all the President is about, one has to ask, just what is going on? When a President, President Trump keeps a man on staff who tells his staff they may not use the words, "radical Islam", one has to ask, just what is going on? When a President who was strong willed and won an election being whom he wanted to be and not what others wanted him to be is being told what to do and say, one has to ask, just what is going on? What's going on is one of three things and none are what we who voted for this man want to hear. Number one, the swamp has lured the President in and he can't get out. Number two, the President and or his family have been threatened in some way, or number three, we've been hoodwinked and the president is a fraud. I fail to believe President Trump is a fraud. Therefore, it's one of the other two, and that is deeply disturbing. It's deeply disturbing as I hope I'm wrong, but if our President has been compromised in some way, our country and its values have been lost. With God's help, I hope our President can make this once great nation great again.
(c)Sean Bianca GOP GIRL 2017
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