Tuesday, December 20, 2016

America Again Has "Hope" With President Elect Donald Trump!

     "We are feeling what not having hope feels like".-Michelle Obama 

   In a recent interview conducted by Oprah Winfrey, First Lady, Michelle Obama expressed that she thought the the United States was entering a time of hopelessness. Allow me to enlighten the First Lady on hopelessness. Hopelessness is what Americans have been feeling under her husband, President Barrack Obama. Hopelessness is Americans losing their jobs due to large companies leaving the States as to find cheaper labor. Hopelessness is Americans not being able to afford healthcare as their premiums have tripled and quadrupled under the affordable Obama Care. Hopelessness is the middle class being all but a distant memory. Hopelessness is working two, three, or more jobs and still not making ends meet. Hopelessness is when Americans feel they can no longer rely on police officers as America has nearly become a country of lawlessness. Hopelessness is when America's president stands with the very group that calls for the killing of police officers. Hopelessness is having a president that has more sympathy for those who break the law than those who obey the law. Hopelessness is having a president that refuses to stand up to the terrorists as well as a president that refuses to defeat the terrorists. Hopelessness is having a president that apologizes for America and refuses to stand up for America. Hopelessness is having a president that cares more for illegal immigrants and unvetted refugees than for his own people in need. Hopelessness is and has been America under the leadership of President Barrack Obama.

   While Michelle Obama feels America is in a state of hopelessness, I and millions of Americans finally, for the first time in long time again have hope. With the election of President Elect Donald Trump, millions of Americans feel as though a gigantic weight has been lifted from atop of them. For eight years Americans have been in somewhat of a depression under President Obama. President Obama promised "hope and change" for America, and Americans received anything, but hope from Barrack Obama. Unfortunately, Americans did receive "change" from Obama. "Change" that was unwanted. "Change" that was to the detriment of virtually every law abiding, tax paying American.Under Barrack Obama, Americans have been held back and oppressed. Americans have for eight long years been in a state of shock and dismay as they watched the fall of their once great nation. 

   Thanks to America electing President Elect Donald Trump, Americans again have "hope", and will soon have "change". That "change" will be America again being the America our forefathers envisioned. We will again be a "free"America. We will again be an enterprising America. We will again be a prosperous America. We will again be a stronger and a safer America. Thanks to President Elect Donald Trump, we will again be "America", and America will be great again!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 
#MAGA #women4trump #donaldtrump #donaldjtrump

Monday, December 12, 2016

What Next Dems? Aliens?

     Just in, Nancy Pelosi claims aliens were responsible for President Elect Donald Trump's win. Apparently aliens have a vested interest in America's election. Sound ridiculous? Well it ought to, as it's completely false. It's as false as Hillary's campaign blaming James Comey for Hillary's losing the election due to his reopening the email investigation. It's as false as Jill Stein's claiming that numbers for President Elect Donald Trump were incorrect. It's also as false as fake news being the cause for Trump's win as the failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, would like Americans to believe. The fact is aliens did not cause Hillary Clinton to lose, just like the Russians, James Comey, and alleged fake news did not cause Hillary Clinton to lose the election of 2016. The fact is the Democrats lost the  2016 presidential election, and they have no one to blame, but themselves and their chosen flawed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

   Yes, the Democrats lost this election all by themselves and they have no one to blame, but themselves. They chose a candidate who will no doubt go down as the most corrupt presidential candidate in history and they paid the price. They paid the price with losing their bid for the White House. The irony of it all is, had Hillary been a Republican with the same scarred political career, she wouldn't have even been allowed to run. Had a Republican been guilty of using an unsecured server sending and receiving classified material they NEVER would have been allowed to run for the presidency. Had a Republican been guilty of receiving monies for profit from terrorist nations, they NEVER would have been allowed to run for the presidency. Had a Republican's negligence caused four men to die in Benghazi, they NEVER would have been allowed to run for the presidency. Had a Republican not been able to pass a basic FBI background check due to their carelessness they NEVER would have been allowed to run for the presidency. The fact is had ANY Republican been guilty of a fraction of what Hillary Clinton was guilty of, they'd have been likely prosecuted and sitting in prison. Instead, Hillary Clinton got away with murder and she was allowed to run for the presidency. Is there any doubt why the Democrats lost?

   Enough! Never in my lifetime have I witnessed an election where the losing candidate, and it's party were unable to accept the results. Former failed presidential candidate Al Gore was bad enough. America thought they'd never hear the end of Al Gore, and oh how America couldn't wait to see the end of boring Al Gore. Al Gore was much like Senator Ted Cruz, a man gone insane over his having to come to terms with the fact that he would likely never ever be president of the United States. However, the Democrats turned the other cheek, accepted the loss, and let Al Gore go mad. Not this time. This time around, not only is the failed presidential candidate being unaccepting of the loss, but the entire Democratic party, and liberal media is also being unaccepting as well. Lest me not forget the establishment Republicans that seem to also be unaccepting of the 2016 presidential election results. The fact is, is that Democrats, establishment "never Trump" Republicans, mainstream media, and political pundits are still discussing how President Elect Donald Trump should not be president, and it's ludicrous! 

    Frankly, I find it somewhat disconcerting that we have such a bunch of whiny losers running our government. No wonder the country has been going to hell! Get some backbone, people! Grow up and face the music. Donald Trump is our next president. President Elect Donald Trump did not win due to James Comey's re-opening of the email investigation. Hillary committed a crime and while James Comey and our FBI may have not held Hillary accountable, America did. He also did not win due to fake news. The fact is the supposed "fake news" reported more "real news" than mainstream media. Mainstream media was in Hillary's back pocket and they did all they could to hide the truth about Hillary from Americans. While mainstream media may have thought they were real smart in their attempts to fool the people of this great nation, they only fooled themselves. The people didn't  believe the Hillary Clinton fairy tale and they proved that with their votes. President Elect Donald Trump also did not win due to the Russians hacking our election or leaking intel to Wikileaks. All indications seem to point to our own intelligence leaking intel to Wikileaks. It is said they they feared Hillary Clinton would be the demise of our nation as we have known it. Lastly, President Elect Donald Trump did not win the election due to voter fraud. If anything, Trump's numbers will only go higher if recounting were to take place nationwide. Thanks to Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, Trump's number did just that. They went up over 150 votes in Wisconsin. Millions of dollars wasted and Trump still came up the winner, because he is the clear winner. Seriously, did the Democrat really think Hillary could win the election with only all of maybe 200 people showing up at her rallies? President Elect Donald Trump had thousands of people showing up for his rallies. With that being said, it's time for the political pundits who were wrong, the mainstream media who were wrong, Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, the "never Trump" Republicans, (John McCain, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, and Jeb Bush) to accept their president. They must accept President Elect Donald Trump as their president, shut up, shape up, be men or ship out. There's a new president in town. His name is Donald J. Trump and he's going to make America great again. He already is!!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRLBLOG 2016 
#MAGA #presidentelectdonaldtrump #donaldtrump #donaldjtrump


Monday, December 5, 2016

Jill Stein, Give It Up!

  It is said that everyone at some point receives 15 minutes of fame. I believe this past week marked the Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein's 15 minutes of fame. At present, Ms. Stein received quite a bit more than 15 minutes. She instead has received more air time and publicity post election than in her entire political career. Prior Jill Stein's recount request, millions of Americans knew little if anything about Jill Stein. Presently, millions of Americans not only know of the Green Party candidate, they despise her. Most Americans wish the silver haired menopausal mad woman would just go away. Unfortunately, Jill Stein's disappearance seems highly doubtful. Personally, I would think the Green Party candidate would want to fade away into obscurity. Having received a mere 1% of the popular vote in the presidential election, one has to wonder just why one would want to place themselves in the limelight. Not only has Jill Stein catapulted herself into the limelight, but she intends on catapulting herself front and center in front of Trump Tower sometime tomorrow. It is highly doubtful that President Elect Donald Trump will listen as the Green Party candidate rants on fair elections in America.

  In as little as a few days, Jill Stein raised upwards of $6 million in her quest to demand a recount in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. That's more money than the Green Party candidate was able to raise in the entire year prior to her election. In fact, she failed to raise even a million dollars for her failed presidential campaign. Sadly, the money has not surprisingly been all for nothing. Dec. 3 Stein withdrew her request for a recount in Pennsylvania as she was unable to raise the one million dollar bond that was required. Word has it that the Hillary camp has already explored the possibility of the election being incorrect, and their findings were null. As Stein has appeared to run out of donors for her worthless cause, the Clintons no doubt were behind the recount. Sadly, the millions of dollars Stein raised in her quest to change the results of the election was raised in vain. Jill Stein proved herself to be nothing more than another cry baby liberal that didn't get their way. Millions of dollars raised for what? For a post menopausal mad woman that has clearly lost her mind, the failed presidential candidate that hails herself to be the "Green Party" candidate could have done so much with the millions she raised and instead she might as well have just thrown the money down the toilet. Not to mention the millions in tax payer dollars that could have gone for far better purposes than a woman's insane demands. 

   President Elect Donald Trump is, no ifs, ands, buts about it, our next president. Jill Stein and the rest of the whiny American liberals need to grown up and accept the results of this year's presidential election. The Republicans didn't get their way eight years ago, and the Republicans stayed silent. The Republicans four years ago lost an election that was theirs for the taking and they again stayed silent. The Republicans didn't whine, they didn't protest, they didn't loot, and they didn't riot. The Republicans accepted their losses and vowed to win the next presidential election. The Republicans nominated a man whom they felt would make their party proud and that he did. With that being said, Jill Stein best take her sorry defeated self home and accept the results of this years presidential election. America has spoken, America has been heard. America has a new president in President Elect Donald Trump!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#maga #donaldjtrump #presidentelectdonaldtrump #presidentdonaldtrump





Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Loathing The Protestors!

   I despise every protester in America today. I despise them as they have taken away from my being over joyed with glee about my choice for president winning the 2016 election. Not to mention the other 66,221,880 Americans who voted for President Elect Donald J. Trump. How dare the protestors ruin a joyous time for so many! How dare they, when the Democrats have won the last two presidential elections. Were the Republicans angry that they lost? You bet! Did we feel in 2012 that the election was "rigged"? You bet! It was proven after the election that there were numerous "dead people" voting. Did the Republicans protest ? No, the Republicans stayed silent. It was proven after the fact that people had voted several times. Did the Republicans protest? No, they stayed silent! It was proven that the votes from the soldiers overseas were not counted. Did the Republicans protest? No, they stayed silent! It was proven that thousands, if not more, illegal immigrants voted in the election. Did the republicans protest? No, they stayed silent. Looking back, I am now in somewhat of a quandary as to why Mitt Romney did not challenge the election result, but then again it was "gutless Mitt". Nonetheless, regardless of all of the corruption that took place in the 2012 election, the Republicans not once took to the streets and protested, rioted, and looted. Have I made my point?

    What to make of it, I'm not quite sure. Is it that the Democrats are a bunch of selfish, entitled, classless cry babies? Is it that the Democrats are a bunch of free loading, potheads? Is it that George Soros has again paid thugs, homeless, and mentally ill people to protest? Perhaps all of the above. Whatever the case, they are a menace to our society. They are a menace to our society, as they are doing nothing to help a situation that can not be changed. They are destroying businesses, causing traffic, and disruption nationwide. They are doing this, because they didn't get their way. What I find extremely amusing, is the fact that 62% of the protesters arrested failed to even vote! No doubt, those who failed to vote were most probably getting high or sleeping off a coke binge. The reality of it is, I'm quite sure the protesters are not members of the work force, as if they were they would not be protesting. No one with a 9-5 job would want to waste their free time protesting! With that being said, I have zero respect for the protesters! 

    I have to ask, just what in the hell are the liberals protesting? What? That Hillary Clinton received the popular vote and not the electoral college vote? Well, that's debatable. It has just come out that one million illegal immigrants voted in the 2016 election. In that case Hillary Clinton received 61,413,443 votes and not 62,413,443 votes. America also is clueless as to how many votes for Trump were not counted. I know of one person who's vote ended up in a person's handbag and not in the voting machine. Therefore, it's debatable as to what the popular vote actually should have been. It was also reported that several machines were not working for Trump votes. However, the reality of it is, it's all neither here nor there as Donald J. Trump is our 45th president, and all Americans need to shut up and move on!

   No one cared when the Republicans lost and no one cares that the Democrats have now lost. What I resent is that I am unable to keep my Trump/Pence bumper sticker on my car. Why? I am in fear of being either beaten up or having my car vandalized. I resent that I can not wear my Trump hat at work. Why? I might offend some people. I resent that I can not wear my hat everywhere in public. Why? Again I might offend people or have someone take a slug at me. While I am not allowed to have signs in my neighborhood, I do know of someone who did. After the election his sign had "die" written on it. Isn't that a bit harsh and mean spirited?  It sucks. It sucks, that due to the other side being whiny losers that I and others are not free to be happy about Donald J. Trump winning the 2016 election. So I say, congratulations, left, you did it. You have somewhat accomplished raining on the Trump parade. However, the fact of the matter is, President Elect Donald J. Trump won 306 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton lost, having only 232 electoral votes. While we Trumpsters may not be able to publicly show our glee, we need not. After 8 long miserable years, we won. Donald J. Trump is our 45th President, and for that I am forever thankful and joyous, as God answered our prayers.
(c)Sean Bianca 2016 GOPGIRLBLOG

Friday, November 11, 2016

A Message To The Protestors!

     Eight years ago Senator John McCain lost his bid for the presidency against President Barrack Obama. Four years ago Governor Mitt Romney lost his bid for the presidency against President Barrack Obama. Was I disappointed? You bet! Was I angry? Extremely. Was I concerned for the welfare of our nation? Most definitely! Did I fear for the future of my country? Without a doubt! The fact is, I despised our current president. Everything President Obama stood for I detested. The mere sight of our president made my blood boil, and the sound of his voice drove up my blood pressure. Every speech President Obama gave, I felt anxiety. I hated his face, I hated his long pauses in between every sentence. Every action President Obama took was never one with which I agreed. My hatred only intensified each time President Obama failed to say "radical Islam" or jetted off for a play in the city or played golf after an American beheading. I won't lie, I seriously loathed everything and anything about our current president, and yet I not once took to the streets to riot or protest a man that I honestly thought would be the demise of America!

   For four nights Americans dis-satisfied with the election of Donald J. Trump have protested and rioted. Seven cities have experienced riots with people taking to the streets to show their anger at the man whom America chose to be their 45th president. Cars are being set on fire, flags are being shredded, and businesses are being looted and destroyed. Honest hard working Americans that may have even voted for Hillary are having their lively hood sabotaged thanks to selfish, bigoted, entitled Americans. Entitled Americans protesting, because they didn't get their way. Well, as the song goes, "you can't always get what you want". One protester even went so far as to defecate in the street. After doing her business, she picked her business up and smeared it on a Trump sign. Does this women seriously expect anyone to care what she thinks of the current President Elect? If so, she has a peculiar way of doing so. She instead has put herself out on display to show all of America what it is to be a Democrat.

   Millions of Republicans haven't gotten the president they wanted for eight years, yet not once did they take to the streets and protest. They didn't protest and they certainly never threatened President Obama, call for his assassination, nor did they call for a revolution. No, the Republicans instead accepted their loss, and hoped and prayed they could win the next presidential election. We did this, because we're a civilized people. We know right from wrong, and we also know that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Not once did we throw a temper tantrum, not once did we take to the streets. We instead worked hard to elect a nominee whom we hoped would win the next presidential election, and I suggest the Democrats do the same. 

     The fact of the matter is Donald J. Trump is our 45th president. Love him or hate him, he's America's president. He's America's president as we live in a democracy in which the people choose their leaders. On November 8th, the people chose their next president. The people chose a man whom they believe will make America great again. The people chose a man whom they believe will make America safe again. The people chose a man they believe will make America prosperous again. The people chose Donald J. Trump, and there is nothing any protester can do to change that. In observance of the protesters, it would appear life has not been kind. In using President Elect Donald Trump's verbiage, I say, "what have you got to lose?" If I had to guess, nothing. Therefore it is my hope that the protesting will soon come to an end so we may come together as a nation. Come together as a nation in supporting our next president, Donald J. Trump, so he may "make America great again!"
(c)Sean Bianca 2016 GOPGIRLBLOG
#presidentdonaldjtrump #women4trump #donaldtrump

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We Did It America, Donald J. Trump Is Our President!


   We did it, America! Donald J. Trump is the elected 45th president! Donald J. Trump worked extremely hard for the people as he campaigned seven days a week, and morning to morning. He campaigned for the people. He campaigned for us, as he saw a nation fallen far from grace. He campaigned spreading his message. His message of hope. His message of strength. His message of again being "one nation under God". Donald J. Trump spoke to the people. Donald J. Trump listened to the people. Donald J. Trump was our only savior. Donald J. Trump was our only and last hope. 

   At around 2:30 a.m. the race was called for Donald J. Trump as he had received 289 electoral votes. Secretary Clinton receiving 215 electoral votes placed a call, and conceded to President elect Donald J. Trump. As tears of joy ran down my face, I realized America's prayers had been answered. Franklin Graham was quoted as saying, "when God's people pray, mountains can be moved", and he was right. In 2012, 26 million Evangelicals stayed home and failed to vote. This election was quite different, as a record number of evangelicals came out and voted. I suspect their votes went to President elect, Donald J. Trump. 

   We did it America! We used our voices, our votes, and the power of prayer to get Donald J. Trump elected as the 45th president of the United States! We proved the pundits wrong. We proved that good "trumps" evil in electing President elect, Donald J. Trump. The United States had their own "Brexit" with their election of Donald J. Trump. They said "Brexit" would never take place, but it did. Just as "Brexit" took place, the election of Donald J. Trump took place. We proved that "we the people's voice" still matters. "We the people" told Washington, "the people" want their country back. "We the people" voted and received a Republican Senate and Congress, ensuring President elect Donald J. Trump will get the job done. He will begin his work with doing away with virtually each and every executive order issued by President Barrack Obama. I suspect Obama Care will be one of the first. In many of his speeches, he would say, "I will never ever let you down", and I believe it. President elect, Donald J. Trump, I am convinced you will make America great again!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#MAGA #DONALDTRUMP #women4trump

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Cost Of Syrian Refugees To You !


   Approximately $20,000 is the cost of each Syrian refugee that has been allowed into our country. That means a total of almost $240,000,000 of Americans' tax dollars is being spent on Syrian refugees. I suspect the number is much higher as it has been rumored that there are many more Syrian refugees. They just aren't documented. Not to mention that since 2007 the United States has taken in over 100,000 Somali refugees. Why? Why are we doing this? With the United States having a deficit of almost 20 trillion dollars, I ask what are we doing? What are we doing taking in thousands of Syrian and Somalian refugees when we are unable to take care of our own? Not only are we not able to take care of our own people, but we are unable to take care of our own country. Our bridges, dams, and roadways are declining and we are spending money taking in refugees. Why? Our airports are ancient and we are taking in refugees. Why? Our train stations, trains, and our railroads are in decline, and we are taking in refugees. Why? Veterans are dying waiting for much needed health care, and we are taking in refugees. Why? Millions of Americans are out of work and cannot afford health insurance, and we are taking in Syrian refugees. Why? The answer is that we are paying for the mistakes of President Obama and his sidekick Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. Americans are paying for the guilt that both President Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton have felt, due to their failure to stand by their meaningless "red line" in the sand. Obama's do nothing "red line" helped create the Syrian refugee crisis of today.

        Over $240,000,000 is being spent on Syrian refugees by the citizens of the United States. Meanwhile the five wealthiest nations in the Mid East refuse to take in a one Syrian refugee, for fear of ISIS. Wrap your head around that one! Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait will not take in one Syrian refugee and yet we have accepted over 12,000 this year alone. There's something seriously wrong with that. There's also something seriously wrong with the fact that at least 10% of the Syrian refugees will be from ISIS. Essentially we are helping the hand that wants to kill us. We are helping them to a tune of almost $20,000 per refugee. It certainly pays to be a refugee. It pays approximately $19,884. per refugee . That's $19,884. of our tax dollars going towards refugees that frankly, aren't our problem. However the fact is some 12,000 plus plus Syrian refugees are presently our problem.

    Some Americans may balk and think spending almost $20,000 per refugee is preposterous. Well it is. However, $20,000 is what our fearless leader has deemed fair for Syrian refugees. Case in point, thousands of Syrian refugees are living better than millions of Americans. Those Americans of whom are so unfortunate would be better off being a Syrian refugee. Each refugee upon arrival into the U.S. receives cash, welfare, housing, food stamps, medical care, and free clothing and shoes to the tune of $19,884, tax free! Each refugee not only receives aid from our government, but is also sure to soon join the workforce costing Americans jobs. Let it be known that it's great to be a Syrian refugee! All Americans should be so lucky. Unfortunately all Americans are not so lucky. 

    While our tax dollars going towards Syrian refugees is maddening, what's even more so is the fact that some of these people want to kill us. The U.S. government will have Americans believing that they have properly vetted the refugees and America is safe. Well, that just isn't true. The fact is, ISIS members and followers are in with the innocent Syrian refugees. Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump, was widely criticized for commenting that the Syrian refugees were like an handful of skittles. He said that only a few were needed to kill you. Well, he was right. In a group of 198 Syrian refugees that arrived on the Greek Island of Leros, there were four that were killers. Four people may seem like a small number and small concern to some, but those four people killed 130 people. Two percent of the 198 Syrian refugees seems minuscule, but their killing 130 people is far from minuscule. They were killed in what has been deemed as the worst attack on France since WWII. Those four had pledged their allegiance to ISIS. If one uses that same percentage roughly 200 people have been allowed into the United States that want to kill Americans. If four people can kill 130 people, 200 people could be capable of killing thousands!

     Obama and Hillary helped create the Syrian refugee crisis by not standing up for the Syrian people, and now they want Americans to pay. Literally, Americans are being made to pay for the mishaps of our president and Secretary Hillary Clinton. The war in Syria was not and is not, our war. It's high time we elect a president that will take care of Americans and not the citizens of fallen and terrorized nations. Hillary Clinton has proposed a 550% increase on the intake of Syrian refugees, and frankly America just can not afford them. America at present, is spending $200,000,000 on Syrian refugees. That's $200,000,000 American dollars going towards Syrian refugees alone. That is not even counting the Somalians, Mexicans, etc. In total, the State Department is said to have taken in approximately 95,000 refugees and asylees. Using that figure at $20,000. per refugee Americans are spending 1.9 billion dollars on refugees. Hillary Clinton, if elected, wants to increase our Syrian refugee intake to 55,000 per year that she is in office, in addition to the thousands of other refugees that America feels so obliged to take in. With Hillary's propose refugees intake plan America will be spending 2.6 billion dollars on refugees. Translation, hardworking Americans will be forever paying for these refugees. While it is heart wrenching to see men, women, and children endure the hardships of war, these refugees are not part of our war. Syria is not America's war. When Obama could have stood up to President Bashar Al-Assad and helped the Syrian people, he failed to do so.These refugees are Obama's failure to wage war as to ensure the safety of these refugees. Barrack Obama and Hillary failed to help the people of Syria and now they want to place the burden of the Syrian refugee crisis on Americans. No! America just can not afford to be kind due to the guilt of President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton. Essentially, Americans are being enslaved to Syrian refugees that are refugees due to the failings of Obama and Hillary. It must stop. Number one, we can not afford the added liability of the Syrian refugees, and number two, the allowance of un-vetted  Syrians just isn't safe! It's high time America elect a President that puts Americans wallets and their safety first! That president will be Donald J. Trump!
(c)Sean Bianca 2016
#women4trump #donaldtrumpforpresident #MAGA


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Howard Dean accuses Donald Trump of using Cocaine

It's Time To Take Off The White Gloves Or Something's Going On, Mr. Trump!

     "I'm really happy I was able to hold back on the indiscretions in respect to Bill Clinton. Because I have a lot of respect for Chelsea Clinton,"- Donald J. Trump 

      It's time to take the white gloves off Mr. Trump! While being respectful of Hillary's daughter, Chelsea, is admirable, it will not win you this election. Americans don't care about the friendship your daughter has with Chelsea Clinton. Neither should you! I didn't see Hillary being respectful of you, Mr. Trump. Nor was Hillary respectful of your daughter, Ivanka, when she lashed out repeatedly at you! With all her smirking and smugness, she showed no respect at all. I, like many of your supporters, felt disappointed and let down by Monday night's debate. We, as your supporters, wanted more. We wanted you to attack and show no mercy. Hillary Clinton certainly deserves no mercy. Just ask the families of the four men killed in Benghazi. However, Mr. Trump, you are who you are and that's what has gotten you the support of over 14 million voters. Mr. Trump you are a class act. You are the makings of a president. A catty woman does not a president make. You did what you did as to be respectful of Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton, and she chose to not reciprocate your respect. That being said, it's time to take off the white gloves.

    In virtually every poll, Mr. Donald J. Trump won the debate. He was sharp, he was poised, he was professional, he was ethical, he was patriotic, he was presidential. Hillary on the other hand was catty,unprofessional, silly, and anything, but presidential. Not to mention that it appeared she was quite unethical with her possible use of an earpiece , as so she could be fed information. Let me not fail to mention that while Hillary attempted to look patriotic in her Republican red suit, she failed miserably as she did not sport a flag lapel pin like most if not all of those in Washington. All in all, Hillary, appearance wise, looked like a grandmother on Christmas day. However, Hillary was not anything like a sweet grandmother. She was catty, disrespectful, and anything, but nice. It's time to take off those white gloves, Mr. Trump!

    Mr. Trump won the debate hands down on economy, trade, and lowering taxes. However, Hillary won with her catty zingers, and with the help of moderator Lester Holt on her team. Lester Holt interrupted Donald Trump some 20 times! Had Hillary been interrupted 20 times, as well, it could have been an even playing field.It was not an even playing field. It was the Hillary and Lester tag team. Hillary was allowed to say anything and everything her little heart desired. She attacked you for being born into a wealthy family. While you stated that you worked hard to turn your father's fresh start into an empire, you needed to tell Americans how Hillary is now worth over 200-300 million herself! Not only is she herself a multi-millionaire, but you should have asked, how did she and husband Bill go from broke to millionaires? Hillary attacked you for your failure to provide America with your taxes. You, Mr. Trump, stated that if she would provide the lost emails, you would provide your taxes. Nothing more needed to be said regarding your taxes. You dropped the ball. The deleted and lost emails should have been drilled into Americans anytime she mentioned your taxes. She attacked you for Iraq, and why? You were a civilian. Your opinion was of no value at the time of the war. Hers was. All that needed to be said was that you were a civilian without a vote; she however, had a vote. Hillary voted for Iraq. You did not. She attacked you for your temperament, when you, Sir, have made no public display of losing your temper. Hillary, however, has had multiple people comment on her losing her cool and throwing objects at the White House. She attacked you for various remarks you've made on women. I might add, you should have attacked back. You could have mentioned the millions she has taken from nations in the Mid-East that do not allow women to drive a car, show their faces, or go to school. She has taken money from nations that condone the raping of women, the beating of women, the killing of gay men and women, and the torture and beheading of many. Mr. Trump, Hillary was anything, but nice. It's time to take off the white gloves.

     Looking back at the debate, I am in a quandary. Why were you so nice? Too nice. Why would you invite a survivor of Benghazi to the debate, yet fail to mention the fact that Hillary's failure to send more support cost the lives of four men? Why would you let Hillary off so easily on her deleted and lost emails? Why no mention of the scandalous pay for play Clinton Foundation? Why no mention of her taking money from terrorists and terrorist nations? Why little to no mention of her part in the creation of ISIS? Why no mention of the proposed allowance of 550% more Syrian refugees? Refugees that include many that want to kill us. Refugees that our tax dollars will fund. Why no mention of Hillary's calling your supporters "deplorable" and "irredeemable"? Why no mention of her calling your supporters, racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic? Why, Mr. Trump? Perhaps you were being the proper gentleman that you are. Perhaps not. It has been rumored that the Clintons have ways of threatening people and or their families as so they may have their way. I sincerely hope that this was not the case. If so, to quote you, I say "something's going on". If "something" has gone on, and threats were made, our country is completely corrupt and lost. If not, I and millions of Americans ask you to please, in the next debate, not be nice. We beg of you, Mr. Trump, to take off those white gloves, go for the jugular, and attack Secretary Clinton on every single one of her failings and questionable behavior! Politics is a dirty business, and while the friendship of Ivanka and Chelsea is to be respected, may I remind you, Sir, that Hillary showed no respect for that friendship. Politics is a competition and nice doesn't win against evil. With all due respect, America wants you, Mr. Trump, to take off those white gloves if you can, and show Secretary Clinton the lack of respect she showed you. America wants you, Mr. Trump, to defeat Secretary Clinton and be the next president of the United States.
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#donaldtrump2016 #MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident #women4trump

Monday, September 12, 2016



    My name is Sean Bianca and I am one of the millions of "deplorables" that supports the Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald J. Trump. I am also a Republican. I suppose you could say I've been a republican since birth. Coming from a family of conservatives, I followed suit. I also had a strong affinity for elephants and debonair men sporting a suit and tie. When former President Richard Nixon resigned from office, I was devastated. I was about seven years old at the time and I felt inclined to write a letter to the president expressing my condolences. While most seven year olds were playing with dolls, I was talking politics. As a young woman, I got politically active as a volunteer for G.W. Bush and Jeb Bush. Later on, I campaigned for John McCain and Mitt Romney. While campaigning for each candidate, I did what I did for my love of my country. I believed in each and every man I supported. I believed in them and respected them. Today I regret every hour I spent on most of those men. Never have I been so disappointed in men I once respected and looked up to, as I do at present. The men I once had faith in to lead my country, I now find vile, disgusting, and anti-patriotic. 

    With the exception of Senator John McCain as he has vowed to support Donald J. Trump, I despise every establishment Republican male and female not supporting Donald Trump, whom I once supported and whom I once respected. I especially despise former Presidents George W. Bush, and H.W. Bush, former Governor Mitt Romney, and former Governor Jeb Bush. I despise these men as it is clear that these men do not love their country. You can not tell me you love this country and not vote for the man that clearly loves his country and will do his best for his country. Whether the Republicans like it or not, Donald Trump won the nomination fair and square. He had the most votes in the history of the Republican party, 13.4 million to be exact. It is high time each and every Republican in the party step up to the plate and support the Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald J. Trump! 

     It has been said that Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich are colluding against Donald Trump. That's nice. I believe they took an oath that they would support the Republican Presidential Nominee, whomever it happened to be. They took an oath and they lied. Perhaps that is why they would prefer Hillary as the next president, as she lies as well. Not one Republican opposing Donald Trump can tell America that they love this country if they insist on sabotaging Donald Trump. Too, too much is at risk! The loss of our Supreme Court to a liberal majority is at risk with an incoming Democrat as president. The loss of our 2nd amendment rights is at risk, as it is a known fact that Hillary Clinton is against guns. Our safety is at risk, in that Hillary Clinton has vowed to allow 550% more UNVETTED Syrian refugees into our country than Obama. Obama just this year, allowed 10,000, some say it is more. With the allowance of Syrian refugees, it is guaranteed that 9/11 will take place again ten fold. Not only will homegrown terrorism take place more than ever, but our constitution will be threatened as well. With a large Muslim population in America, it is imminent that Sharia Law will replace our constitution. Sharia law already has replaced our constitution in one city in Minnesota. Not only will we be attacked from within, but with a depleted military, we will be vulnerable to outside attacks as well. If our safety isn't a concern, perhaps the thought of too high taxes will worry some. Hillary has vowed to not only raise taxes on the rich, but she will raise taxes on the poor and the middle class as well. Under a Hillary presidency, the middle class will be no more. Essentially, America will be destroyed if Hillary Clinton becomes president. Unfortunately, a group of no good, bitter, worthless Republicans don't seem to care.

     While Donald J. Trump is taking the country by storm, and has come up in the polls, the opposing establishment Republicans remain his Achilles heel. It is my hope that they soon change their minds. Let it be said that if Donald Trump loses this election due to the sabotage of the opposing Republicans, the results of a Hillary presidency will be on their hands. If another 9/11, or worse occurs, it will be on their hands. If American non-Muslim women are raped by Muslim men, it will be on their hands. If Americans lose their first and second amendment rights, it will be on their hands. If the Republicans lose the Supreme Court, it will be on their hands. If we lose our country, it will be on their hands. Mr. Romney, is that what you want? Governor Kasich, are you ready to own it when another 8 year old girl is raped by 3 Muslim boys in Ohio, as it did in Idaho this past summer? Jeb, are you ready to take responsibility for the loss of our second amendment rights? Senator Cruz, are you prepared to own your actions if America is attacked and we are unable to defend ourselves due to a depleted military? And for both Bushs, how will you feel if your grandchildren and great grandchildren are subjected to Sharia Law due to the allowance of hundreds of thousands of Muslims on our land? While this may all seem rather extreme, it's not at all, as these are the issues that are at stake. 

    The Establishment Republicans not supporting Donald Trump, in my opinion, are nothing, but a bunch of do nothing politicians that are behaving like poor losers. While I have made many calls, they may have been in vain. Let me be clear on my thoughts on a hand full of those not supporting Donald Trump. Again, the rumor is Governor John Kasich and Senator Ted Cruz are vowing to form a coalition to defeat Donald Trump and  I ask why? Simple, they both lost, and their egos are bruised. Well, Governor Kasich, let me shed light on your candidacy. You came in fourth place only due to Senator Marco Rubio dropping out of the presidential race. Senator Rubio had 165 electoral votes. You had 161 and again that's due to Rubio dropping out. Bottom line, you lost. While you may have been a successful Governor, your candidacy for president was lame at best. Senator Cruz, you had a whopping 559 electoral votes. You too lost, and you lost "big league", as Trump would say. Mr Donald Trump had in total 1543 electoral votes. Mr. Romney, you are a pathetic little man. You lost an election that was yours for the taking. Had you fought against Obama half as hard as you have fought against Trump, you'd likely be running for re-election. Mr. Romney, you didn't fight, you wilted, and lost, and now you, like your father want to spoil it for someone else. Get over it! Jeb, what can I say? You truly are a disappointment. While you were a great Governor, I feel you were out of politics for far too long, you lost your passion for politics, and it showed. Jeb, Trump toppled you and you behaved embarrassingly weak for a presidential hopeful. You too need to put on your big boy pants and face the fact that you will never be president. While I could go on with the long list of vile Republicans that oppose Donald Trump, I'll spare us all. Suffice it to say, these men and women can not say they love their country and not support their party's nominee. Likewise, Americans who oppose Donald Trump can not say they love their country and not vote or vote for Hillary Clinton. Those who love their country will I believe do the right thing and vote for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the candidate of the people who will make America great and safe again!  
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRLBLOG 2016
#MAGA #donaldtrumpforpresident #women4trump #donaldtrump2016 #johnkasich #tedcruz #gop #establishmentrepublicans #rhino              
 Example Script for calls to those in opposition of Donald Trump:
   Caller: Hello, I am calling to ask that                 change his or her no vote, or vote against Donald Trump to a vote for Donald Trump. Too much is at risk if Hillary Clinton becomes president. Our nation's security  due to an open border policy, sanctuary cities, and the allowance of  550% more unvetted Syrian refugees into our country is unacceptable. Our ability to defend ourselves due to a depleted military is at risk. We need a president that will rebuild our military, not tear it down. Our 1st and 2nd amendment rights are at risk. Our Constitution is at risk. Our country's middle class is at risk. Hillary has vowed to raise taxes on everyone, not just the rich. Our country and all it's stood for is at risk. Our Supreme Court is at risk. Please ask               , is he or she ready to own it if Donald Trump loses? Are they ready to take the blame for increased home grown terrorism and mass raping by Muslims as is taking place in Europe? A failing economy? A possible attack? Americans losing their freedom of speech and their right to bear arms? Let it be said that every Republican supporting Donald Trump, will blame each and every one of you in opposition to Trump, if he loses this election and we lose our country. You will also lose your party as well, as I and millions of Americans will disavow the GOP!  Have a lovely day! 
For a full list of Republicans NOT supporting Donald Trump click here:


  Call List; Partial List Of Names And Numbers Of Those Not Supporting Donald Trump:

Senator Lisa Murkowski AK (202)224-6665

Senator Jeff Flake AZ  (202)-224-4521

Congressman Christopher Shays CT. (203)579-5870

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen FL. (202)225-3931

Congressman Mike Coffman CO.(202)225-7882

Congressman Bob Dold IL (202)225-4835

Congressman Adam Kinzinger IL (202)225-3635

Senator Mark Kirk IL (847)498-0300

Governor Charlie Baker MA (202)624-7713

Governor Larry Hogan MD (877)634-6361

Senator Susan Collins ME (202)224-2523

Governor Rick Snyder MI (202)624-5840

Senator Ben Sasse NE    (202)-224-4224

Governor Susana Martinez (505)476-2200

Senator Dean Heller NV (202)224-6244  

Governor Brian Sandoval NV (775)684-5670

Congressman Fred Upton MI (202)225-3761                               

Congressman Richard Hanna NY (202)225-3665

Governor John Kasich OH (614)466-3555

Congressman Charlie Dent PA (202)225-6411

Senator Pat Toomey PA (202)224-4254

Senator Lindsey Graham SC (202) 224-5972

Senator Ted Cruz TX (202)224-5922

Congressman Scott Rigell VA (202)225-4215

Congressman David Reichert WA (202)225-7761

Congressman Reid Ribble WI (202)225-5665

Speaker Paul Ryan WI ( was against Trump then was for now appears to be against, another words he's a man that either doesn't know what he wants or won't speak up no pun intended for what he wants) (202)225-3031


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Commander-in-Chief Forum- Trump WIns!

    "I've been preparing for this for a long time. And you know, my theme is make America great again. We're going to make America great again. But, Matt, we've also got to make America strong again. And right now, we are not strong. Believe me. We have a depleted military. We have the greatest people in the world in our military, but it is very sadly depleted."-Donald J. Trump

     One woman, one man, one common goal. That goal is to be the next president of the United States of America and our Commander In Chief. Who does America want to be the next Commander In Chief? A man with a clean slate and a plan to rebuild a depleted military, as to keep America safe again, or a woman with 30 years of experience in failing America's military and making poor decisions? After watching each candidate for approximately 30 minutes, the choice should be clear. That choice should be Donald J. Trump.

    As Donald J. Trump won the coin toss, Hillary Clinton was made to be the first to be questioned by the moderator NBC's Matt Lauer. In watching Ms. Clinton I couldn't help but wonder just why any sane person would even begin to think she would be a smart choice as Commander In Chief.  As Ms. Clinton waddled out on stage looking somewhat like Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum, I couldn't help but laugh. The woman could not look any less presidential, but then, she appeared abrasive and abrupt. I thought her to be the perfect epitome of a "battle ax", no doubt.  "I'm asking to be judged on the totality of my record," said the former Secretary of State. Well the totality of Clinton's record is one I personally would not want to flaunt. Clinton's record in foreign affairs is failed at best. Hillary in all her glory voted for the war in Iraq. She was involved in the too soon removal of troops from Iraq. She and Obama both backed down from their "red line in the sand" against Asaad, failed to aid rebels in Syria, thus causing the Syrian refugee crisis at present. Hillary was involved in the take down of Muammar Gaddafi,and in Libya resulting in an even more unstable Libya. She was directly responsible for the deaths of four men in Benghazi, due to her negligence, and was successful in aiding  in the creation of ISIS due to a lack of leadership in the Mid East. While Ms. Clinton may think her record is one of which to boast, I and many, many others would beg to differ.

    As Matt Lauer questioned Hillary with somewhat surprisingly difficult questions, Lauer failed to be successful in his moderating abilities. Several times Hillary interrupted, and cut off Matt Lauer. While Lauer attempted to stop Clinton at times from being long winded, Clinton ignored Lauer's requests. While Clinton may well have undermined Matt Lauer, she did not undermine those questioning the former Secretary from the audience. "As a naval flight officer, I held top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who were and are entrusted with America's most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security? Slam dunk! Hillary had no real rebuttal with this one, and how could she? She claimed the material was not marked "classified" while it has been reported the emails clearly included the letter "C" at the header. I've said it once, I'll say it again, "stupidity" is no excuse for breaking laws. Furthermore, "stupidity" is not what America wants as their "Commander In Chief". 

      Hillary Clinton is not a "Commander In Chief", and her record shows that she does  not have the makings of a strong and successful, "Commander In Chief". I'd sooner call her a "liar in chief", but never a "Commander In Chief"! Clinton at one point during the forum claimed that America had to defeat ISIS. Rather amusing, considering that Clinton intends on allowing 550% more unvetted Syrian refugees into the U.S. How may I ask do we defeat ISIS, when she intends on letting them in on our shores? ISIS has admitted to be disguising themselves as Syrian immigrants, and still Obama and Hillary both insist on rolling out the red carpet for people that want to kill us.  Furthermore, America will never defeat ISIS without troops on the ground. Hillary said she would never put boots on the ground again. Perhaps someone should brief Ms. Clinton and tell her, that we already have troops on the ground. Some 4400 ground troops to be exact. While sparse and unable to do much, due to Obama's rules of engagement, the Secretary and presidential candidate should most certainly KNOW that America does in fact have boots on the ground. Hillary as "Commander In Chief"? No thank you! Clinton's "Commander In Chief Forum" performance was mediocre at best, even with the aid of an ear piece and person feeding her the answers! Matt Lauer even appeared to be at times, giving her answers. All in all, I found the former Secretary of State to be abrasive, and defensive. Hillary most definitely showed her weakness to be an effective Commander In Chief, at a time when America needs a most effective Commander In Chief.

    As Donald J. Trump took to the stage, the mood was quite different. Trump was friendly, confident, loose, and seemed quite comfortable in the arena. Most in Trump's position would not have been so comfortable as Matt Lauer was anything, but inviting and cordial. As Matt Lauer questioned the formidable businessman, he was hostile, interrupting, and argumentative. Not only did I find Matt Lauer to be downright rude and biased, I felt him to be sneaky as well.  As Matt Lauer questioned Trump on his recent intelligence briefings, I couldn't help but think he was hoping Trump would reveal all too much.  Soon after the forum was held, mainstream media did in fact criticize Trump for being too open on his briefings. However, Trump did not reveal any pertinent information not already known. "What I did learn is that our leadership Barrack Obama, did not follow what our experts and our truly-when they call it intelligence, it's there for a reason-what our experts said to do. And I was very, very surprised. In almost every instance. And I could tell you. I have pretty good with the body language. I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending." -Donald Trump  Not one word that Trump said has not been said by many in the military that have been of counsel to President Obama. In fact, it has been said that Obama has been told false information by some in the military as so the president would do the opposite of what was truly recommended. That being said, Matt Lauer may have thought he tripped up Donald Trump, but he did not. Nothing was revealed that had not already been stated publicly.
      Donald J. Trump has the makings of not only a "Commander In Chief", but a great one at that. Moderator Matt Lauer pressed Trump on his plan to defeat ISIS. Trump declined to tell just what his plan would be. Makes perfect sense to me as it would seem any smart "Commander In Chief"  would keep his military plans confidential. While Obama may choose to warn our enemies of our plans and our comings, Trump does not. How can one defeat an enemy if they divulge their plans to defeat them? They simply can not, which is precisely why Obama and Hillary have not been effective in defeating ISIS. Hillary Clinton will never defeat ISIS. Donald J. Trump has a plan, a secret plan. Donald J, Trump has a plan that I believe will defeat ISIS and that is one of the many reasons that I support Donald J. Trump. Hillary Clinton does not have an iota of a chance at being a successful Commander In Chief. Donald J. Trump on the other hand is no doubt a man that will be a great and successful "Commander In Chief"!
 (c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#MAGA #donaldtrump2016 #donaldtrumpforpresident



Friday, September 2, 2016

America Has A Real Leader In Donald Trump !

      "Since 2013 alone, the Obama administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into United States communities. These are individuals encountered or identified by ICE, but who were not detained or processed for deportation because it wouldn’t have been politically correct."- Donald Trump

    After almost 8 years the Republicans have nominated a candidate that may quite possibly be the next Ronald Reagan. With Donald J. Trump as the presidential nominee, America has for the first time in a long time a leader. Donald  Trump is the leader America so desperately needs. With Donald Trump as president, Americans can not lose. For too long America has had a president that has apologized and bowed down to other countries. America has also had a president that has had more compassion for illegal immigrants than for America's own citizens. Americans have been placed last. Americans have tired of being placed last. Americans have also tired of being forgotten, their voices never heard. This precedent is about to change. It's about to change, because Americans will not elect another president who cares more about the welfare of others than the welfare of its own citizens. Donald Trump will not place Americans last. Donald Trump will not forget Americans, nor will he ignore their voices. If elected, Donald Trump will place Americans and America FIRST!

    August 31, 2016 is a date America will never forget. It is the day millions saw a future leader and president in the making. Say what they may, but yesterday was the day all the pundits and critics could say little in criticism. It is the day those who did criticize, were grasping at straws as there simply was no material to criticize. While I myself have seen a great leader in Donald Trump, others have not. Yesterday solidified what I and almost 14 million Americans have already known. August 31, 2016 America saw what I believe is the next president of the United States. 

     August 31, 2016, was Donald Trump's debut as an American president. Donald Trump showed Americans that he will not be just any American president. After much controversy over Trump's remarks regarding Mexican illegal immigrants, Trump surprised many when he accepted an invitation issued by Mexican President, Enrique Pena Nieto. The two are said to have had a productive meeting, although the cost of Trump's proposed wall was not discussed. While Mexican President says he will not pay for the wall, Trump has his own rather ingenious ideas. Donald Trump has revealed that he will use the  seized resources of the Mexican drug cartels to pay for the wall along the American Mexican border. At present the border between the U.S. and Mexico is 1954 miles long, with 1254 miles bordering the State of Texas. Presently Texas has only 100 miles of wall. Not surprisingly, according to the Pew Research Center there were 11.3 unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. Clearly today the number is substantially higher. In accordance with a 2015 report basis on Census Bureau Data a whopping 87% of illegal immigrant households with children were living on welfare. Translation, Americans are paying for illegal immigrants and their children. Instead of monies being allocated to our own poor and our own Veterans, money is going toward illegal aliens and their children. Also of note, last year it was discovered that there were 820,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions. The number is guesstimated to be higher as thousands of others are guilty of crimes. They just haven't been caught and convicted. Suffice it to say, a wall is not a want, it is a necessity to the welfare of our own people. The acceptance of illegal immigration will cease to exist under a Trump administration.  

     Immediately following Trump's successful visit with the Mexican President, Trump traveled to Phoenix, Arizona where he delivered his Immigration speech. Trump's speech on immigration reform was a speech millions of Americans have longed to hear. Donald Trump proved with his speech and in his delivery that he will make a great president. He was eloquent, he was empathetic, he was poised, he was prophetic, he was strong, he was firm, he was compassionate. Donald Trump even gave all a hint of his sense of humor as well. "Maybe they'll be able to deport her", when referencing Hillary Clinton. All in all, Donald Trump was simply spectacular. Why was he spectacular? He was spectacular, because he spoke on immigration with a plan; a plan that has been so badly needed, a plan that will protect Americans,a plan that will make America safe again. 

    Until Trump's immigration speech, a good portion of Americans were oblivious to the statistics of the crime as caused by illegal immigrants as well as the cost. Donald Trump stated that in a 2011 report there were 25,000 homicide arrests to the names of illegal immigrants. Trump also pointed out that illegal immigration costs Americans more than $113 billion. Furthermore, Trump pointed out that illegal immigrants cost Americans jobs as well. While the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton like to use the rhetoric that Americans don't want the jobs that illegal immigrants take, such is not the case. Who are they to say Americans would rather not work than take a lower skilled job? A job is a job! I'm quite sure a homeless man or woman would prefer being a house keeper or lawn maintenance person to being homeless! Under a Donald Trump administration Americans will be given the opportunity to work and take jobs that the Obama administration stated were for illegal immigrants. 

    While I and millions of Americans were ecstatic in hearing Donald Trump speak in favor of protecting Americans, we were also saddened at the same time. We were saddened as Trump gave several men and women a chance to speak of their family members brutally killed by illegal immigrants. Many of these people killed were killed by illegal immigrants carrying criminal records. Many had also been previously deported, but were part of Obama's catch and release failed agenda. No one with a clear conscience could possible vote for Hillary Clinton after hearing the surviving family members speak. A Hillary Clinton presidency will be more of the same. More catch and release, a continuance of amnesty, and a continuance of murder and crimes against hard working Americans. 

     America has for the first time in a long time, a real leader in Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the president and the leader America needs at this time. As the world is perhaps at its most dangerous time in history, America needs a leader with strength, real strength. America also needs a leader who will stand up to the leaders of other nations and not back down. For far too long America has been taken advantage of and has lost the respect of other nations. With Donald Trump as president, America will again be respected and feared. As Donald Trump delivered his speech on immigration, Americans felt a new sense of security, a sense of security not felt in years. With Barrack Obama, Americans have felt vulnerable and unsafe. Hillary Clinton will be more of the same and worse. America has what I believe to be the greatest leader our country has not seen since former President Ronald Reagan. That man is Donald Trump. Donald Trump will guide us, will protect us, and will make America great and safe again!
(c)Sean Bianca GOPGIRL 2016
#donaldtrump2016 #donaldtrumpforpresident #women4trump #MAGA 

                DONALD TRUMP'S IMMIGRATION REFORM PLAN (from speech)

                    Number one, are you ready? Are you ready?
                    We will build a great wall along the southern border.
 And Mexico will pay for the wall.
One hundred percent. They don’t know it yet, but they’re going to pay for it. And they’re great people and great leaders but they’re going to pay for the wall.
On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, power, beautiful southern border wall.
We will use the best technology, including above and below ground sensors that’s the tunnels. Remember that, above and below.
Above and below ground sensors. Towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels and Mexico you know that, will work with us. I really believe it. Mexico will work with us. I absolutely believe it. And especially after meeting with their wonderful, wonderful president today. I really believe they want to solve this problem along with us, and I’m sure they will.
Number two, we are going to end catch and release. We catch them, oh go ahead. We catch them, go ahead.
Under my administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country and back to the country from which they came.
And they’ll be brought great distances. We’re not dropping them right across. They learned that. President Eisenhower. They’d drop them across, right across, and they’d come back. And across.
Then when they flew them to a long distance, all of a sudden that was the end. We will take them great distances. But we will take them to the country where they came from, O.K.?
Number three. Number three, this is the one, I think it’s so great. It’s hard to believe, people don’t even talk about it. Zero tolerance for criminal aliens. Zero. Zero.
Zero. They don’t come in here. They don’t come in here.
According to federal data, there are at least two million, two million, think of it, criminal aliens now inside of our country, two million people criminal aliens. We will begin moving them out day one. As soon as I take office. Day one. In joint operation with local, state, and federal law enforcement.
Now, just so you understand, the police, who we all respect — say hello to the police. Boy, they don’t get the credit they deserve. I can tell you. They’re great people. But the police and law enforcement, they know who these people are.
They live with these people. They get mocked by these people. They can’t do anything about these people, and they want to. They know who these people are. Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone.
And you can call it deported if you want. The press doesn’t like that term. You can call it whatever the hell you want. They’re gone.
Beyond the two million, and there are vast numbers of additional criminal illegal immigrants who have fled, but their days have run out in this country. The crime will stop. They’re going to be gone. It will be over.
They’re going out. They’re going out fast.
Moving forward. We will issue detainers for illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings if we even have to do that.
We will terminate the Obama administration’s deadly, and it is deadly, non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets, walk around, do whatever they want to do, crime all over the place.
That’s over. That’s over, folks. That’s over.
Since 2013 alone, the Obama administration has allowed 300,000 criminal aliens to return back into United States communities. These are individuals encountered or identified by ICE, but who were not detained or processed for deportation because it wouldn’t have been politically correct.
My plan also includes cooperating closely with local jurisdictions to remove criminal aliens immediately. We will restore the highly successful Secure Communities Program. Good program. We will expand and revitalize the popular 287(g) partnerships, which will help to identify hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens in local jails that we don’t even know about.
Both of these programs have been recklessly gutted by this administration. And those were programs that worked.
This is yet one more area where we are headed in a totally opposite direction. There’s no common sense, there’s no brain power in our administration by our leader, or our leaders. None, none, none.
On my first day in office I am also going to ask Congress to pass Kate’s Law, named for Kate Steinle...
... to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry receive strong mandatory minimum sentences. Strong.
And then we get them out.
Another reform I’m proposing is the passage of legislation named for Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver, two law enforcement officers recently killed by a previously deported illegal immigrant.
The Davis-Oliver bill will enhance cooperation with state and local authorities to ensure that criminal immigrants and terrorists are swiftly, really swiftly, identified and removed. And they will go face, believe me. They’re going to go.
We’re going to triple the number of ICE deportation officers.
Within ICE I am going to create a new special deportation task force focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in America who have evaded justice just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice, O.K.?
Maybe they’ll be able to deport her.
The local police who know every one of these criminals, and they know each and every one by name, by crime, where they live, they will work so fast. And our local police will be so happy that they don’t have to be abused by these thugs anymore.
There’s no great mystery to it, they’ve put up with it for years, and now finally we will turn the tables and law enforcement and our police will be allowed to clear up this dangerous and threatening mess.
We’re also going to hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents.
Who gave me their endorsement, 16,500 gave me their endorsement.
And put more of them on the border instead of behind desks which is good. We will expand the number of border patrol stations significantly.
I’ve had a chance to spend time with these incredible law enforcement officers, and I want to take a moment to thank them. What they do is incredible.
And getting their endorsement means so much to me. More to me really than I can say. Means so much. First time they’ve ever endorsed a presidential candidate.
Number four, block funding for sanctuary cities. We block the funding. No more funds.
We will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. Cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities will not receive taxpayer dollars, and we will work with Congress to pass legislation to protect those jurisdictions that do assist federal authorities. Number five, cancel unconstitutional executive orders and enforce all immigration laws.
We will immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties in which he defied federal law and the Constitution to give amnesty to approximately five million illegal immigrants, five million.
And how about all the millions that are waiting on line, going through the process legally? So unfair.
Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs, including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the United States Supreme Court. Great.
Clinton has also pledged to add a third executive amnesty. And by the way, folks, she will be a disaster for our country, a disaster in so many other ways.
And don’t forget the Supreme Court of the United States. Don’t forget that when you go to vote on November 8. And don’t forget your Second Amendment. And don’t forget the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
And don’t forget building up our depleted military. And don’t forget taking care of our vets. Don’t forget our vets. They have been forgotten.
Clinton’s plan would trigger a constitutional crisis unlike almost anything we have ever seen before. In effect, she would be abolishing the lawmaking powers of Congress in order to write her own laws from the Oval Office. And you see what bad judgment she has. She has seriously bad judgment.
Can you imagine? In a Trump administration all immigration laws will be enforced, will be enforced. As with any law enforcement activity, we will set priorities. But unlike this administration, no one will be immune or exempt from enforcement. And ICE and Border Patrol officers will be allowed to do their jobs the way their jobs are supposed to be done.
Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we don’t have a country.
Our enforcement priorities will include removing criminals, gang members, security threats, visa overstays, public charges. That is those relying on public welfare or straining the safety net along with millions of recent illegal arrivals and overstays who’ve come here under this current corrupt administration.
Number six, we are going to suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur.
According to data provided by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, and the national interest between 9/11 and the end of 2014, at least 380 foreign born individuals were convicted in terror cases inside the United States. And even right now the largest number of people are under investigation for exactly this that we’ve ever had in the history of our country.
Our country is a mess. We don’t even know what to look for anymore, folks. Our country has to straighten out. And we have to straighten out fast.
The number is likely higher. But the administration refuses to provide this information, even to Congress. As soon as I enter office I am going to ask the Department of State, which has been brutalized by Hillary Clinton, brutalized.
Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to begin a comprehensive review of these cases in order to develop a list of regions and countries from which immigration must be suspended until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put in place.
I call it extreme vetting right? Extreme vetting. I want extreme. It’s going to be so tough, and if somebody comes in that’s fine but they’re going to be good. It’s extreme.
And if people don’t like it, we’ve got have a country folks. Got to have a country. Countries in which immigration will be suspended would include places like Syria and Libya. And we are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria. We have no idea who they are, where they come from. There’s no documentation. There’s no paperwork. It’s going to end badly folks. It’s going to end very, very badly.
For the price of resettling one refugee in the United States, 12 could be resettled in a safe zone in their home region. Which I agree with 100 percent. We have to build safe zones and we’ll get the money from Gulf states. We don’t want to put up the money. We owe almost $20 trillion. Doubled since Obama took office, our national debt.
But we will get the money from Gulf states and others. We’ll supervise it. We’ll build safe zones which is something that I think all of us want to see.
Another reform involves new screening tests for all applicants that include, and this is so important, especially if you get the right people. And we will get the right people. An ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people.
Thank you. We’re very proud of our country. Aren’t we? Really? With all it’s going through, we’re very proud of our country. For instance, in the last five years, we’ve admitted nearly 100,000 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan. And these two countries according to Pew Research, a majority of residents say that the barbaric practice of honor killings against women are often or sometimes justified. That’s what they say.
That’s what they say. They’re justified. Right? And we’re admitting them to our country. Applicants will be asked their views about honor killings, about respect for women and gays and minorities. Attitudes on radical Islam, which our president refuses to say and many other topics as part of this vetting procedure. And if we have the right people doing it, believe me, very, very few will slip through the cracks. Hopefully, none.
Number seven, we will insure that other countries take their people back when they order them deported.
There are at least 23 countries that refuse to take their people back after they’ve been ordered to leave the United States. Including large numbers of violent criminals, they won’t take them back. So we say, O.K., we’ll keep them. Not going to happen with me, not going to happen with me.
Due to a Supreme Court decision, if these violent offenders cannot be sent home, our law enforcement officers have to release them into your communities.
And by the way, the results are horrific, horrific. There are often terrible consequences, such as Casey Chadwick’s tragic death in Connecticut just last year. Yet despite the existence of a law that commands the secretary of state to stop issuing visas to these countries.
Secretary Hillary Clinton ignored this law and refused to use this powerful tool to bring nations into compliance. And, they would comply if we would act properly.
In other words, if we had leaders that knew what they were doing, which we don’t.
The result of her misconduct was the release of thousands and thousands of dangerous criminal aliens who should have been sent home to their countries. Instead we have them all over the place. Probably a couple in this room as a matter of fact, but I hope not.
According to a report for the Boston Globe from the year 2008 to 2014 nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released back into U.S. communities because their home countries would not, under any circumstances, take them back. Hard to believe with the power we have. Hard to believe.
We’re like the big bully that keeps getting beat up. You ever see that? The big bully that keeps getting beat up.
These 13,000 releases occurred on Hillary Clinton’s watch. She had the power and the duty to stop it cold, and she decided she would not do it.
And Arizona knows better than most exactly what I’m talking about.
Those released include individuals convicted of killings, sexual assaults, and some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.
The Boston Globe writes that a Globe review of 323 criminals released in New England from 2008 to 2012 found that as many as 30 percent committed new offenses, including rape, attempted murder, and child molestation. We take them, we take them.
Number eight, we will finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system which we need desperately.
For years Congress has required biometric entry-exit visa tracking systems, but it has never been completed. The politicians are all talk, no action, never happens. Never happens.
Hillary Clinton, all talk. Unfortunately when there is action it’s always the wrong decision. You ever notice?
In my administration we will ensure that this system is in place. And, I will tell you, it will be on land, it will be on sea, it will be in air. We will have a proper tracking system.
Approximately half of new illegal immigrants came on temporary visas and then never, ever left. Why should they? Nobody’s telling them to leave. Stay as long as you want, we’ll take care of you.
Beyond violating our laws, visa overstays pose — and they really are a big problem — pose a substantial threat to national security. The 9/11 Commission said that this tracking system should be a high priority and would have assisted law enforcement and intelligence officials in August and September 2001 in conducting a search for two of the 9/11 hijackers that were in the United States on expired visas.
And you know what that would have meant, what that could have meant. Wouldn’t that have been wonderful, right? What that could have meant.
Last year alone nearly half a million individuals overstayed their temporary visas. Removing these overstays will be a top priority of my administration.
If people around the world believe they can just come on a temporary visa and never, ever leave, the Obama-Clinton policy, that’s what it is, then we have a completely open border, and we no longer have a country.
We must send a message that visa expiration dates will be strongly enforced.
Number nine, we will turn off the jobs and benefits magnet.
We will ensure that E-Verify is used to the fullest extent possible under existing law, and we will work with Congress to strengthen and expand its use across the country.
Immigration law doesn’t exist for the purpose of keeping criminals out. It exists to protect all aspects of American life. The work site, the welfare office, the education system, and everything else.
That is why immigration limits are established in the first place. If we only enforced the laws against crime, then we have an open border to the entire world. We will enforce all of our immigration laws.
And the same goes for government benefits. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 62 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use some form of cash or non-cash welfare programs like food stamps or housing assistance.
Tremendous costs, by the way, to our country. Tremendous costs. This directly violates the federal public charge law designed to protect the United States Treasury. Those who abuse our welfare system will be priorities for immediate removal.
Number 10, we will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We’re going to take care of our workers.
And by the way, and by the way, we’re going to make great trade deals. We’re going to renegotiate trade deals. We’re going to bring our jobs back home. We’re going to bring our jobs back home.
We have the most incompetently worked trade deals ever negotiated probably in the history of the world, and that starts with Nafta. And now they want to go TPP, one of the great disasters.
We’re going to bring our jobs back home. And if companies want to leave Arizona and if they want to leave other states, there’s going to be a lot of trouble for them. It’s not going to be so easy. There will be consequence. Remember that. There will be consequence. They’re not going to be leaving, go to another country, make the product, sell it into the United States, and all we end up with is no taxes and total unemployment. It’s not going to happen. There will be consequences.