Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Government Controlled Vasectomies And Castration

  Ladies beware, Presidential candidate, Donald Trump is pushing for a national database verifying the date women arrive in a physician's office and are told they are pregnant . This will make it difficult for women to travel to another state if they wish to have an abortion. 

      Government controlled vasectomies and castration? Yes that is a law that should be proposed immediately. After all, if the government is going to stick their noses up women's private parts, I think it's only fair that the government should also stick their noses up men's private parts. Don't you agree? I propose vasectomies for all deadbeat Dads. That's right. If the government is going to force women to have babies they don't want, babies out of rape or incest, and babies who are dying and or dead inside of the woman's womb, then the government should also control men's bodies as well. Why should the government only be involved with controlling women's bodies? I think it's only fair that the government also control men's bodies. After all, this country's justice system has failed women repeatedly when it comes to fathers paying for child support. It's criminal and yet our justice system does little to nothing to help women go after men who fail to pay to raise the children they fathered. Republicans want women to have children, yet they do very little to help women go after deadbeat dads and they do little to nothing to provide assistance to those mothers in need of financial help. Republicans consistently fail to support tax dollars funding childcare programs and they have yet to support any legislation forcing men to pay child support for mothers . There's zero consequences for men who fail to pay for the children they fathered. That said, men failing to pay child support owed should be immediately found guilty and sent for a vasectomy as so he is unable to father any other children. Why should men be allowed to continue fathering children they don't want? Why these men should be thrilled with a government funded vasectomy, it's free , they don't have to pay, and deadbeat dads love not having to pay!

   I also propose men found guilty of rape should be castrated. If the government is going to force young girls and women into giving birth to babies born out of rape or incest then castrate those who are guilty of rape and incest. I have a hunch most men would shy away from raping women and young girls if they knew castration were the punishment. Again, if the government is going to control women's private parts then the government should also control the private parts of men as well. 

    Republicans during Covid exclaimed, "my body my choice" when it came to vaccines. States, countries, and establishments  requiring proof of being "Covid vaccinated" when entering were ridiculed for their dictating who could and could not enter .That said, Republicans can't use the "my body my choice" argument for a vaccine, and not allow the same argument  for a women's right to choose. States having an abortion ban have caused women to die due to not being allowed to have dead fetuses removed from their body, have caused women to be infertile due to being forced to carry a dead fetus full term, and have forced girls as young as the age of 12 to give birth to a child out of rape. What Republicans have done and are doing in these states is maddening in the year 2024. Women are literally losing the very rights they fought so hard for back in the 1960s. In 1973 women won the right of choice when Roe v. Wade determined that it was the choice of the woman not the government to continue or end their pregnancy, and now 51 years later women have lost and are at risk of losing the right to choose. That said, men should also lose the right to choose. Women must not allow the government to take away their right to choose . For if women lose the right to choose, what's next? Will women lose the right to vote? Will women lose the right to drive? Will women lose the right to work? No, women will not lose these rights. We will not lose these rights because women are strong and women will fight the fight. We've come too far to give in to the government controlling our bodies because if they do, we will fight for government castration and vasectomies , and that is a fight men won't want to fight .

(C)Sean Bianca Lee #roevwade #abortionban #Joebiden 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Trumpers Take Your Flags And Shove It!

     Donald Trump and his supporters can take their American flags and shove them where the sun doesn't shine, because they sure as hell aren't true patriots. A true patriot doesn't attempt to overthrow our democracy. A true patriot doesn't flippantly handle highly sensitive classified documents affecting the security of every American and all its allies. A true patriot doesn't vow to do away with the constitution, A true patriot doesn't take part in election fraud. A true patriot doesn't call for the execution of one of the country's most highly decorated generals. A true patriot doesn't applaud those who inflict violence on lawmakers in Congress. Lastly, a true patriot doesn't call for the shutdown of the government or take part in failing to prevent the shutdown of the government. 

     Donald Trump and his supporters are pathetic. They are pathetic and they are anti-American. One can't say they love this country and are for America when a shutdown will lead to over 3 million federal employees including military members not getting paid. If the government shuts down approximately 1.3 million active duty troops will not get paid, but our beloved members of congress will continue to get paid. That said, Kevin McCarthy, Majorie Taylor Green,  Matt Gates, and those Republicans failing to prevent a shutdown can take their American flags and hypocrisy and shove it. You can't say you love this country and fail to ensure that our troops and their families are taken care of monetarily. These are the men and women who put their lives on the line for this country and Kevin McCarthy and his fellow constituents are failing those men and women in the military not to mention the American people.

       In just over one day it is more than likely that the government will shutdown, and if it does that's on Republicans and Republicans alone. Republicans have chosen to continue to follow a wannabe Dictator In Donald Trump and that will no doubt be their demise. Republicans have lost their way and have lost the support of myself and millions more. Republicans have lost their way due to their failure to hold Donald Trump accountable and due to their failure to stand up to the former president with 91 charges against him plus being convicted of sexual assault. Republicans supporting Trump and Republicans supporting a government shutdown are not true American patriots and they are not in support of doing what's best for this country. They are anti-American. They are anti democracy. MAGA Republicans are not true patriots , they are Trumpers and they have no right to drive around with the American flag, nor do they have a right to fly the American flag. And, Donald Trump AKA "Mr. Bone Spurs", most certainly has no right to fly his massive American flag at his Mar-a-lago club in Florida or at any of his golf clubs because a true patriot does not call for an insurrection nor does he call for shutting down the government, Donald Trump in my opinion is NOT an American. 


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

If Government Is Now Controlling Women's Bodies, Why Not Men's Bodies As Well?

      Mr. Governor DeSantis, let's say hypothetically, your daughter is raped, and seven weeks later she finds out she is pregnant, will you force her to have the baby? Mr. Governor Abbott of Texas, hypothetically, your daughter is 8 months pregnant and has just been given the news that her baby is dying inside of her, she has been told that she should end the pregnancy as to stop the suffering of the child and as to prevent her from getting deathly ill herself. She has also been told that if the baby is not removed as soon as possible she may die or do such damage to her reproductive organs that she may never be able to get pregnant again. Mr. Governor Abbott do you force her to carry the baby to full term? Most Americans know the answer  to both of these questions. Of course Governor DeSantis would not force his daughter to give birth to a child out of rape, and of course Governor Abbott would not force his daughter to carry a dying fetus to full term. Both of these men I am quite certain would move heaven and earth to get their daughters abortions and so too would every other Republican in this country. I am quite confident that the majority of pro life Republicans both in the media and in Washington would secretly aid their wives, mothers or daughters in obtaining abortions if they were raped or were in grave danger due to an unhealthy pregnancy. 

    Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned last June, 14 states have either banned all abortions or abortions after six weeks. Many of the states banning abortion have no exceptions . It is ludicrous, and it's total hypocrisy, because every Republican that has supported banning abortion would rather die than have their daughters forced to give birth to a child out of rape. Banning abortion is total hypocrisy, complete ignorance and utter lunacy. It's ignorance in that this country has moronic governors, senators, and congressmen and women making decisions on a woman's health and bodies. Excuse me, but what in hell does Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham know about a woman's reproductive organs? Nothing! I also have to ask just what right does anyone in government have to determine if a woman has a child when the woman has been told the father will not pay for the child he fathered? Government has no right to make decisions on women's bodies , no right at all!. If it does then perhaps the politicians would like to also introduce a law that all men fathering children they fail to support be forced to get vasectomies. Let's also have a law that all men guilty of rape be castrated as well . Why leave the power of the government over just women's bodies? If the government has the power to rule what a woman can and cannot do with her body then the government should also have the power over men's bodies as well. 

    I was once a pro lifer. However, I was always one that felt there were always exceptions. Exceptions, such as rape, incest or an unhealthy fetus. I still today do not agree with using abortion as birth control, however at the end of the day who am I to judge ? Who is anyone to judge? I seriously doubt when any woman gets an abortion that it's a celebratory day. The truth of the matter is any woman who gets an abortion is going to have to live with it for the rest of her life, and that is a punishment that is far worse than legal implications from the government. 

    I a Republican have come to realize that the Republican Party has become a party that no longer thinks things through when they take certain actions. Republicans celebrated when Roe Vs. Wade was overturned, not thinking of the repercussions . Reprecussions such as what affect forcing women to have babies who can not afford them will have on our taxpayers. It is the taxpayers who will be footing the bill to pay for children who were not wanted by millions of women. It is also the taxpayer who will pay for the healthcare of babies born to drug and or alcohol addicted mothers . Abortion is never pretty, but in cases of women who are unable to care for their children, or in cases where children are born to drug addicts, abortion may well be the best decision, but Republicans didn't think of that. Republicans didn't think of the cost unwanted children would have on our taxpayers. Republicans didn't think of the unwanted children who will end up in foster care due to mothers who are unable to care for them. Republicans have shown they don't care if women are forced to have a child out of rape. Republicans have shown they don't care if a woman becomes sterile or dies due to being forced to carry a dying fetus full term. Republicans have shown they don't care if women die due to attempting to give themselves an abortion as they did so many years ago. Republicans have shown they don't care about women period. 

    (c)   GOP GIRL -Sean Bianca #GovernorDeSantis #Abortionrights #Abortion #RoevWade


Sunday, May 14, 2023

Flipping Thoughts And Prayers

     “Those are people that don’t believe in an almighty God who is absolutely in control of our lives,”

“Today we should be focused on the families. Prayers are important,” 

     “Prayer is powerful in the lives of those people who are devastated right now.”- Rep. Keith Self , Tx.

       Prayer is powerful. I agree. However, the prayers from Republican lawmakers are not genuine. "Thoughts and prayers" are mere words and nothing more coming from the mouths of lawmakers who have the power to attempt to stop mass shootings and yet they simply do nothing.  With over 200 mass shootings to date, there have been more mass shootings in 2023 than days . Over 200 mass shootings is unacceptable! Almost 15,000 people dying due to mass shootings is unacceptable! Do you know what's even more unacceptable? Our lawmakers doing nothing to stop mass shootings is not only unacceptable, but it is unforgivable!

       It is unforgivable that Republicans in office continue to spew their flipping "thoughts and prayers' rhetoric when they continue to do nothing. Republicans will continue to do nothing as long as the NRA and gun manufacturers continue to shell out money in support of Republican do nothing politicians. Since the Sandy Hook mass shooting in 2012 that killed 26 people, 20 of who were children the NRA  has shelled out over 100 million dollars to aid Republicans . The NRA backs those who will continue to support their agenda of placing guns in the hands of every sane and insane American. That said, Republicans on the receiving end of big handouts from the NRA can say the prayers are powerful but those prayers are worth nothing to all those who have lost their lives and all those who have lost loved ones in a mass shooting or gun violence. 

   I as an American am disgusted with Republican lawmakers who dare say that people need to pray and believe in God. I do believe in God and prayer. Millions of Americans also believe in God and prayer, but at the end of the day, the fault of these mass shootings falls on those in Washington who do NOTHING to attempt to stop mass shootings. I and millions of Americans are praying. Oh believe you me we are praying. We are praying that those politicians who can write a bill banning assault weapons will write the much needed bill. We are praying that our politicians will have compassion for those who have had to bury or cremate a loved one who was lost in a mass shooting. Those are the prayers Americans are now saying, because prayers can not help those who have already lost their lives or loved ones in a mass shooting. 

   Sadly, all the thoughts and prayers can not bring back those who have lost their lives. Prayers can not help if we do not help ourselves. We the people are the only ones who can do something, but we the people are simply not enough. We the people are not enough as long as Americans continue electing men and women who care more about their wallets and their being elected than saving lives. With the majority of Americans supporting a bill banning assault weapons that were made to kill as many people as possible in as short a tine as possible, it is incomprehensible that politicians would not take action and write the much needed bill along with more extensive background checks. Unfortunately, as so it would seem Republicans simply do not care about saving lives and they will continue to prove that they do not care about saving lives as long as they do nothing. Most employees who do nothing lose their jobs, and it's time these publicly elected officials lose their jobs! Thoughts and prayers are needed indeed, and if those thoughts and prayers are not effective in our politicians banning assault weapons, then I pray Americans will stand up and vote politicians doing nothing to save lives out of office once and for all ! Are thoughts and prayers, needed?  Yes, they are needed indeed. 




Sunday, November 20, 2022


         Donald Trump is the bad gift that won't go away. This past week Americans got to witness the has been politician and former president make an utter fool of himself as he announced he would be running for president in 2024. Members of Mar-a-lago revealed that the Donald intended to announce his candidacy on election night. He did not as there were not enough people attending his club election night to make him appear popular as he's anything but popular at present at his own club. When the Donald realized his declining popularity, he apparently imported "Bikers for Trump" and MAGA brainwashed supporters to come to his club to observe his pathetic bid for 2024. If it wasn't bad enough that members of Mar-a-lago were held captive at his club by secret service men preventing anyone from leaving the club, members were also forced to listen to the Donald deliver his seemingly never ending speech while being surrounded by non members AKA "commoners". If the Donald was difficult for those present to watch it was equally as difficult for every news network as every network including Fox News panned away from the Donald's speech. While the Donald appeared to have already been dumped by the Fox News, he seemed to still have a fan in Sean Hannity, or not? Even Sean Hannity went away from the Donald's desperate plea for support as the Republican presidential; candidate for 2024. 

       When will the GOP dump Trump? The Donald once called Jeb Bush, "low energy", well someone needs to give the Donald a good jolt of something, because everyone watching the Donald nearly fell asleep as they listened to the Donald go on ,and on ,and on , and on, spewing lie ,upon lie , upon lie, upon lie. I think even Donald himself nearly fell asleep . I truly believe he bored himself to death.  To be blunt, the speech was painful to watch, and painful to have to listen to as it was unmoving , invigorating, and uninteresting leading anyone not brainwashed by the orange conman to ask ,when is the GOP going to dump Trump?

    What will it take for Republicans to stop bowing down to the Donald? For that matter ,what will it take for the Donald to be sent to prison,?   Anyone else would be in prison for having done what the Donald has done. Donald Trump was behind the January 6th insurrection , which will go down as the most embarrassing day in our nation's history. It was the day the world watched our nation look like a third world country as Trump supporters stormed our nations capital. The January 6th insurrection took place, because a deranged 70 plus year old man failed to accept he lost the 2020 election. That alone as according to the 14th amendment, should prevent him from ever again holding public office. 

     Dump Trump! If inciting an insurrection isn't enough to land the pathetic former president in prison, taking classified documents and leaking classified intel to other nations certainly should land the Donald in prison. Anyone else would already be in prison having taken classified information, and certainly classified intel leading to an emergency extraction of an asset inside the Kremlin, but not the Donald. Why? Could it be that the Donald has been known to be tied to the mob? The Donald certainly just recently threatened all who failed to support him in his bid for the White House. Even the Donald's daughter in-law is sounding like a mobster's wife . In a recent interview Lara Trump gave a warning to fellow Republican Ron DeSantis as she said that DeSantis knew how "ugly" these races could get and he would be best to wait till 2028 to run for president. 

   Republicans need to dump Trump. Republicans just barely won the House and lost the Senate in the mid terms which was a huge victory for President Joe Biden and the Democrats. Americans have spoken. Americans used their voices with their votes as to say enough is enough with the lunacy. Americans want politicians in the middle that will work for them. Americans want politicians that care about  America more than their own political ambitions. They want politicians who care about our democracy , our constitution, and our freedom. Americans have spoken and the majority of Americans have already dumped Donald Trump. Americans elected President Joe Biden ,  as they are sick and tired of "Tired Trump", and it is time for the GOP to also be tired of "Tired Trump" and DUMP TRUMP!

  (c)   Sean Bianca 2022 GOPGIRL #DUMPTRUMP

Monday, September 5, 2022


     The Espionage Act of 1917 was  was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of United States enemies during wartime It made it a crime:

  • To convey information with the intent to interfere with the operation or success of the armed forces of the United States or to promote its enemies' success. This was punishable by death or imprisonment for not more than 30 years or both.
  • To convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies when the United States is at war, to cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, refusal of duty, in the military or naval forces of the United States, or to willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States. This was punishable by a maximum fine of $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 20 years or both.

The Act also gave the Postmaster General authority to impound or refuse to mail publications the postmaster determined to violate its prohibitions.[13]

The Act also forbids the transfer of any naval vessel equipped for combat to any nation engaged in a conflict in which the United States is neutral. Seemingly uncontroversial when the Act was passed, this later became a legal stumbling block for the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he sought to provide military aid to Great Britain before the United States entered World War II.[14]


    Oh how things have changed. In 2016, I, a staunch Republican, and Trump supporter chanted, "lock her up"at the former president's rallies. At present, I yell, "lock him up" at my television screen. As a Trump supporter, I only watched the ever so extremely biased Fox News network. Therefore, I wasn't informed on the facts. The fact was when it came to Hillary's emails, there was no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt as to prosecute Hillary Clinton. There was no evidence of a crime. There is no comparison between Hillary Clinton's emails and Donald Trump's taking, mishandling, and refusing to handover classified, and special compartmentalized documents period. Hillary Clinton willfully handed over some 30 devices to the justice department, while Donald Trump can say he cooperated with the justice Department all he wants, but he did not. Hence, the search warrant on the former president's club, Mar-a-lago. 

   Donald Trump did not cooperate with the justice department. If the former president had cooperated, there would have been no need for the search warrant. The search warrant conducted on August 8th, enabled the FBI to retrieve more than 100 documents marked, "classified". Some of these documents were found in Trump's desk. This, after the Justice Department had knowledge of the former president having over 184 unique documents which they retrieved earlier this year, and let us not forget, another 38 documents in June. All that aside, why did the former president have over 322 individual classified, and top secret SCI documents in his possession? Trump, Fox News, and all those who support him keep saying that a search warrant on a former president is "unprecedented". Well, a former president taking documents, let alone classified, and top secret special compartmentalized documents, is "unprecedented"! Lock Trump up!

    Millions of Americans are scratching their heads asking why has the former president not been indicted, or locked up for having government classified documents that don't belong to him in his possession? If anyone else had the same documents in their possession, they would have been indicted, convicted ,and imprisoned by now. In fact, others that have not had the number of classified documents nor as sensitive documents in their possession as Trump, had have done and are doing time in prison. These people were not given an opportunity to take months to hand over such documents, nor were they afforded the time to hand over documents in their possession that they had not handed over when initially asked. These people did not have the luxury of their attorney being present during a search warrant if one was needed, as it is deemed highly unusual and not the norm for an attorney to be present during their client's property being searched. Furthermore, these people did not have a judge whom they had hand picked to rule that there would be a special master to go through the evidence obtained by the Justice Department. These people were given zero special treatment, while the former president is given every opportunity to escape being indicted, and I want to know, why?

   Why has Donald Trump not been indicted? Why has Trump not been locked up? Why was Trump not indicted and imprisoned back in 2017, when a Russian asset had to be extracted from the Kremlin after then President Trump had stupidly, or purposely leaked highly classified intelligence with the Russian Foreign Minister? I'm aware a president can't be prosecuted, but where do we draw the line? Our CIA puts years of work into soliciting assets in foreign countries. Once assets are compromised it's done. It's not an "oops, I'm so sorry, and I can fix this". You can't just fix leaking classified intel with a band aid. No, it takes years of hard work on the part of our secret intelligence. Donald Trump should have been locked up then, and again, I have to ask why?

     Why? Why, is we have a big, fat, spoiled brat of a bully in former president, Donald Trump. He's a bully that uses mobster tactics as to get his way, and it has to stop. If our Justice Department allows Donald Trump to get away with having classified documents in his possession that may have compromised agents, and or assets, or worse gotten them killed, then we are a nation of lawlessness. The Justice Department must stand up to Donald Trump, regardless of his threats to those who oppose him, and his threats of his supporters rioting in the streets. Let them riot, and let them suffer the consequences. If it means America will be at the point of a civil war, so be it.

  Millions of Americans watched their televisions in horror on January 6th. Billions of people from other nations also watched their televisions in horror. January 6th was the biggest embarrassment to our nation. At first glance ,one would have thought they were watching a third world country or a country run by a Dictator that was under a coup attempt, but they were not. They were watching the United States of America be anything, but united as Trump's supporters stormed the capitol. They stormed the capitol due to Trump inciting a coup attempt, after he had admitted to friends that he knew he had lost the election. Donald Trump should have been imprisoned on that very day, but he was not. Anyone else inciting a coup on our government would have been arrested and imprisoned, but not Donald Trump. 

   Lock him up! Indict him, and lock him up now! If not, then I suppose we are a nation of complete lawlessness. I guess everyone can get on social media and threaten whom ever they don't like as to not be held accountable for their wrong doings and or crimes. Because, you can't not indict, and convict the former president, for a crime, and convict others for the same crime, because they failed to threaten the authorities. If we do, then we have allowed Donald Trump the power of a Dictator, and the power to do as he pleases. Be it tamper with our elections, threaten those who oppose him, stage a coup, commit treason, cavort with our enemies, and so on. Where does it end? I hope it ends with Donald Trump in prison. Isn't it funny how I once chanted, "lock her up" and I now chant, "lock Trump up"?




        Article on those sentenced for violation of the Espionage Act:



Article on differences between Hillary Clinton's emails and Donald Trump's classified info:


Tuesday, August 16, 2022


    "Don't worry Sean, the president, (Donald Trump) knows he lost the election", my client said. "The president and Melania are just figuring it all out." Only days after the election, a client of mine assured me that the former president knew he had lost the 2020 presidential election and that he and the First Lady, Melania were just figuring things out. I was told the day after the election that the former president and First Lady entertained a couple from Palm Beach who also were a couple of the former president's biggest donors. The couple had from what I was told, donated handsomely, and had come to see the new gazebo in the Rose Garden. As I had expressed my concern that I was quite fearful that Donald Trump would refuse to leave the White House if he lost the presidency, my client wanted to assure me that the president would indeed leave the White House. My client assured me that the former president knew he had lost. He had accepted his loss, and he and the First Lady were just trying to decide where to go and what to do after they left Pennsylvania Avenue. They discussed their future over beverages in the Rose Garden as gleeful Biden/Harris supporters could be heard cheering in the streets. They were just figuring things out, such as where son Baron would attend school, and where they would live. Quite understandably, the then president's mood was quite somber. So too, was the First Lady's mood. From what I was told First Lady, Melania was quite casual and not her usual made up fashionable self. It was a couple thats days were numbered in the White House and from what I was told they knew it. I was told, I had nothing to worry about, and that then President Donald Trump, would do the "right thing" and would leave the White House without a fight. 

      Unfortunately for America, the former president did not do the right thing. No, unfortunately for America, the former president chose to lie to his supporters. He peddled his big lie that the election was stolen, and the result was the insurrection on January 6th. January 6th, will forever go down as one of America's darkest days. It is a day that will forever be a blemish on our nation's history. It is a day that America was at its lowest, and a day that should never ever be repeated. January 6th, was a day that could have been the end of our democracy thanks to a man who lied and encouraged his supporters to rise up and fight for him. Donald Trump lied. Donald Trump knew he lost the election. "Don't worry Sean", she said. "The president knows he lost the election."

     - Sean Bianca GOP GIRL BLOG

